

Egypt: Spring can come again 埃及总统大选,春天再次...
[2012.05.19] Egypt: Spring can come again 埃及总统大选,春天再次... 

0Egypt’s presidential election

Spring can come again

Though no candidate inspires much joy, a fair election will be a great step forward
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May 19th 2012 | from the print edition

NEARLY a year-and-a-half after the revolution that shook the Arab world, Egypt is poised to take another stride on the bumpy road to democracy. The recent spectacle of an Islamist candidate and his more secular-minded rival arguing it out for several hours on television before an audience of millions was historic (see article). On May 23rd, 52m voters in the most populous Arab country, 82m-strong, will be entitled to vote for their president. If no candidate among the 13 runners wins more than 50%, a run-off between the top pair will take place a month later. By the beginning of July, Egypt should have its first democratically elected head of state. If the vote passes off peacefully and cleanly, it will deserve a huge hurrah.


It has not been easy. The process has been bungled by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, or SCAF, a cabal of senior soldiers. At times the SCAF has seemed reluctant to cede power. It has played tricks on the democrats and looked the other way or connived at human-rights abuses. It has made a hash of constitutional amendments. Indeed, the reforms are being carried out back-to-front, as the new president’s powers will not be defined until after the election, once a committee chosen by parliament has agreed to a new constitution.


Hence the president’s first task is to cajole the new parliament into writing a constitution double-quick. Given that parliament is dominated by Islamists, this may be hard for a secular-minded president. Arguments over the role of Islam in the constitution are already steamy. The president should seek to bridge the gap between secularists and Islamists.


The new duo of parliament and president also faces the delicate job of managing the army. The SCAF is likely to demand that the generals retain their vast economic privileges and perhaps even immunity from prosecution for past sins. They will expect the post of defence minister for one of their own. A new president may have to compromise, but he must ensure the soldiers start trudging back to their barracks for good.


And Egypt’s new leader must start urgently to restore its shattered economy. Foreign-currency reserves have been shrinking; inflation is running at 12%, tourism has slumped by a third; strikes, crime and uncertainty reduced foreign investment last year to less than a twentieth of what it was in 2007. A new president must endorse a new budget and sign off on an IMF loan (foolishly turned down under populist pressure last year by the SCAF) that should prompt others to chip in too.


Back to your barracks

Though opinion polls have been notoriously unreliable, four men are thought to have a chance. Some say the front-runner is Amr Moussa, now 75, who served as Mr Mubarak’s foreign minister for a decade and then led the toothless Arab League with scant success. He is the choice of liberals, secularists and Egypt’s large Christian minority. By far the biggest group in parliament, the Freedom and Justice Party, a front for the Muslim Brothers, with 46% of the seats, has put forward the dour Muhammad Morsi. A third candidate, Abdel Moneim Abolfotoh, a 60-year-old former Brother, is the most engaging. He jousted with Mr Moussa in the television debate and he is backed by some secular leftists as well as by the main party of Salafists, who won more than 20% of the seats in parliament. The fourth is a former air-force general, Ahmed Shafiq, who was briefly prime minister as Mr Mubarak fell. He is the old order’s man and is making a late surge.

据民调结果显示,四位候选人有机会问鼎总统宝座,虽然众所周知民调结果一向不准确。现年75岁的穆萨(Amr Moussa)是第一热门人选,他在穆巴拉克时代担任外交部长职务长达十年之久,后领导阿拉伯联盟,但因实力不济未能取得丝毫卓越成就。自由主义者、世俗主义者以及埃及最大的少数族群基督教徒都支持他。第二位热门人选是得到埃及自由与正义党支持莫西(Muhammad Morsi),莫西为人不苟言笑。埃及自由与正义党(Freedom and Justice party) 是穆兄会成员,作为埃及议会最大党团,拥有议会46%的席位。第三位热门候选人福图赫(Abdel-Moneim Abolfotoh),现年60岁,这位前穆兄会领袖与穆萨在电视辩论里唇枪舌战,是最具魅力的一位候选人。世俗主义左派和萨拉菲派中的大党是他的支持者。萨拉菲派拥有议会20%的席位。此外,前空军元帅沙菲克(Ahmed Shafiq)是第四位大选热门,颇具后来者居上之势。穆巴拉克当政之时沙菲克曾担任埃及总理职务,穆倒台后他也匆匆下台,是旧体制的代表人物。

No one is expected to win the first round outright. Given tha t a good 70% of the vote for parliament went to Islamists only a few months ago, the run-off could be between two them. If Mr Moussa gets through, he will surely face an uphill battle. That should give pause for thought. Even if the Islamists do not so far look disastrous ones, the prospect of an Islamist president alongside an Islamist-dominated parliament where Salafists are starting to agitate for regressive social laws is worrying. Mr Moussa is part of the old system; but at least he is experienced and knows the arts of diplomacy and compromise. Both the Islamists and generals would grudgingly accept him. As a transitional figure, he deserves a tepid endorsement.

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