

Silicon sally 数字化冲击
[Free exchange] [2012.06.02] Silicon sally 数字化冲击


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Silicon sally

Growth through digitisation requires more than faster broadband connections
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Jun 2nd 2012 | from the print edition 

DO DIGITAL economies grow faster than analogue ones? Rich-country leaders seem to think so. G7 and European Union governments are committed to a variety of digital stimulus packages; Australia, the biggest spender, has promised broadband investment of $33.4 billion (or 3% of GDP) to connect 90% of homes at ultra-fast speeds. “Digitisation” involves adopting technologies like wireless phones and internet access to generate, process and share information. It seems to make sense that replacing slow technologies with faster ones might speed up sluggish economies. But does the case for investment stack up?


Economic theory supports digitisation. There is a deeply held belief among economists that better technology and cleverer ideas provide the best explanation of why economies grow. Ideas and information are all-important in growth theory, as is the distribution of cutting-edge knowledge among workers. Investments in computers, broadband and the like—things that help spread ideas quickly and cheaply—should generate growth.


Digitisation and growth are also highly correlated. The 15-year period between 1995 and 2010 was one of strong economic growth and of a global boom in digitisation. A new index* built by Raul Katz of Columbia Business School and Pantelis Koutroumpis of Imperial College London tracks the effects of this boom across countries. The index adds a wider mix of digitisation metrics than previous rankings, using 21 measures including broadband speed, coverage and reliability, and the cost and use of mobile telephones. It also adds to existing indices by measuring the many ways digital networks can be used, from the availability of online shopping to the provision of e-government services like road taxes for cars. Finally, it measures the ability of workers to use new digital technologies.

数字化和增长也是高度关联的。在1995年到2010年的15年间有过一次经济的强劲增长和数字化的全球热潮。哥伦比亚商学院的Raul Katz和伦敦帝国学院的Pantelis Koutroumpis建立了一个新指数来跟踪比较不同国家间数字化热潮所带来的影响。与之前的排名方式相比,此新指数加入了更多样化的方式来衡量数字化成果,共采用了21种方法,包括宽带接入速度、覆盖范围和稳定性,以及移动电话的投入成本和使用情况。它还衡量了数字网络被应用的诸多方式,包括网上购物的可用性以及电子政府服务的提供比如道路税的在线缴纳。最后,它还衡量了劳动者使用新数字技术的能力。

Digitisation varies hugely by country and region (see chart). Norway leads the pack, closely followed by other advanced economies. Emerging-market digitisation has started to catch up, though in some countries like India and Indonesia the pace of progress is decidedly dial-up. The data also show that there is much further to go on the road to full digitisation. Globally there are fewer than ten fixed broadband connections per 100 people; the range runs from close to 40 per 100 people in Hong Kong to below one in Kenya. In some countries, a huge gap exists between availability and usage. Senegal, for example, has mobile-broadband coverage for 30% of the population, but only 1% use it.


Establishing a link between digitisation and growth is one thing; proving which way causality runs quite another. Growth could be making consumers richer, so that they buy and use more digital technology. Or it could be that richer governments are able to invest more. In these cases growth is causing digitisation, not the other way round. A 2011 paper by Nina Czernich, Oliver Falck, Tobias Kretschmer and Ludger W?ssmann of the University of Munich gets round this problem. The paper looks at broadband adoption for a group of 25 OECD countries for the years 1996-2007. The researchers first collect data on the telephone and cable networks on which broadband depends. Because these networks predate broadband, any relationship between them and broadband uptake is independent of current growth and investment. This allows the authors to create a stripped-down measure of broadband penetration, which can then be tested to see how it affects economic expansion. The findings are striking: a ten-percentage-point increase in broadband penetration results in an increase in annual per-head growth of 0.9-1.5 percentage points. At an aggregate level, digitisation boosts growth rates.

数字化和增长有所关联是一码事;证明两者如何相互影响又是另一码事。经济增长可以提升消费者的收入,所以他们会购入和使用更多的电子技术产品。又或是更发达的国家能投资更多。在这些情况下,是经济增长带动了数字化的发展,而不是反过来。慕尼黑大学的Nina Czernich, Oliver Falck、 Tobias Kretschmer 和 Ludger W?ssmann在2011年所撰写的一篇论文对此作出了论证。该论文探究了25个经合组织在1996-2007年间的宽带使用情况。研究者们先是收集了宽带是依赖电话网络还是有线电视网络的数据。因为这些网络的应用早于宽带,它们和宽带发展之间的任何关联是与现在的增长和投资无关的。由此作者们可得以创造出一个衡量宽带渗透率的分解方法,通过此方法可以看出宽带渗透率如何影响经济增长。研究结果是惊人的:宽带渗透率每提高10%,会导致年度人均经济增长提高0.9-1.5%。总的来说,数字化确是提高了经济增长率。

That suggests the greatest gains from going digital will come in emerging economies, given their lowly starting-points. Many are acting accordingly. Brazil has cut taxes, both for firms making digital technology and for shoppers buying tablet computers. South Korea has invested hugely in broadband, jumping from 11th to 2nd in the digitisation rankings. For the growth-hungry policymaker, however, digital stimulus is not the end of the story.


Analysis that looks more deeply at individual industries finds that digitisation on its own is not enough. Faster information boosts output only when matched with more astute ways of interpreting and acting on new data. American policing is one example: in the late 1980s less than 20% of police forces used computers, but by the early 2000s over 90% did. Recent analysis by Luis Garicano and Paul Heaton of the London School of Economics shows that digitisation alone did not improve policing outcomes. But some forces matched the new computers and data with better ways of working: more accurate mapping of crime, daily adjustment of officer deployment to crime hotspots and regular evaluation of results. Productivity was boosted.

更关注个体行业的分析家们发现,单靠数字化不会有大作为。要更快速地传播信息,还要更精通于理解和应用新信息,两者结合才能促进产量。美国警察系统就是个例子:在1980年代末只有少于20%的警察机关使用电脑,但到了2000年初已有90%的使用率。伦敦经济学院的Luis Garicano和Paul Heaton的最新分析表明,单靠数字化并无法改善警察机关工作成效。但某些机关利用新电脑和信息优化了工作方式:更精准定位罪犯,日常调整犯案热点的警力部署,以及对破犯案结果的定期评估。工作成效由此大大提升。

Digitally enhanced


Similarly, some firms are better than others at marrying new digital technology to fresh ways of operating. A new study by Nicholas Bloom of Stanford University, Raffaella Sadun of Harvard Business School and John Van Reenen of the London School of Economics supports the idea that digitisation alone is not enough to drive growth. Their data show that American firms tend to have more information technology than comparable European ones, and are better at squeezing productivity out of it.

同样地,一些公司在结合新电子技术来创新经营操作方式上要比其他公司做得更好。由斯坦福大学的Nicholas Bloom、哈佛商学院的Raffaella Sadun以及伦敦经济学院的John Van Reenen共同所做的一项新研究证明,单靠数字化是无法推动增长的。数据表明,美国公司往往要比与其相近的欧洲公司掌握更多的信息技术,且更懂得如何从中获取生产成效。

This finding is explained largely by management practices. American firms are more aggressive in promoting and rewarding high-performing staff, for instance; they are also quicker to remove underperformers. Since the ability to monitor and measure performance is improved by having better technologies, digitisation seems to complement the American way of managing. This may be one reason why American productivity growth—concentrated in sectors that use information technology intensively—has outstripped that in the EU over the past 15 years. The machines matter, in other words, but so do the men.

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