



10 Industrial Design Trends You Can't Ignore

Design For A Cause



Companies including Herman Miller and American Apparel are promoting their ideals through design. Yves Béhar's leaf lamp for Herman Miller (shown) uses a biomorphic grid of LEDs, which consume 40% percent less energy than fluorescent lights and last for 100,000 hours. And Nike plans to make its entire footwear line out of sustainable materials by 2010.


Herman Miller American Apparel这样的公司在内的设计团体都通过设计来激发他们的灵感。Yves BéharHerman Miller公司设计的叶片形灯具(如图所示),通过应用生物形态类的格栅状液晶显示器,相比较普通的白炽灯来说,不仅降低40%的能耗,而且可以连续发光100,000小时。就连同耐克公司都计划到2010年实现他们生产的鞋类产品的材料能够全部耐度十足而不起皱。




Steve McCallion, executive creative director of Portland, Ore.-based industrial design firm Ziba Design, says there's a trend toward "simplexity," products that have many functions but are approachable, ergonomically correct and easy to use--like Apple's iPhone. The baby boomers have also propelled simplexity; as the generation ages, the need for easy-to-use, at-home medical equipment becomes greater. Ami Verhalen, director of industrial design at Madison, Wis.-based Design Concepts, says that in-home health care will be a huge driver for product innovation in the upcoming decade.


据波特兰一家叫做Ziba设计公司的执行总裁Steve McCallion的说法,设计有一种趋向简洁化的势头,这些产品不仅拥有很多的功能,而且非常的人性化,人们很容易接受,使用起来也很方便,像Apple's iPhone. 居家带孩子的人们也很推崇简洁化,缘于在孩子刚生下来需要照顾的这段时间,所用的东西、家庭医疗设备符合简便易用的需求越来越多。麦迪逊一家专门从事概念设计的工业设计公司的老板Ami Verhalen说,居家健康护理的需求将成为未来十年产品创新的有力推动器。




From Nike ID shoes to Build-a-Bear teddies, retailers are adding a "build your own" element to brands. Do it yourself--or DIY--serves as an important element of this trend. Publications like Ready Made magazine and books like designer Wendy Mullin's Sew U encourage consumers to put their own spin on things.


不论从耐克的鞋子设计,还是到Build-a-Bear的连衫衬裤设计,零售商们无一不在各种品牌中加入“塑造你自己”这个理念。亲手来打造你自己---或者DIY---为我们诠释了这样一个非常重要的趋势。大众出版物像《Ready Made杂志,还有像设计师Wendy Mullin在他的Sew U》一书中,都在鼓励消费者在他们自己的所用之物中加入自己的想法。




Like other industries, outsourcing has affected international design. Today a designer in Delhi might be working with a manufacturer in Columbus. Steve McCallion says that the globalization of product design has created Internet communities that enable more people to participate in the design process. Companies like Kid Robot can employ toy designers from Tokyo to Tucson with greater ease than ever.


像其他行业一样,产品外包也正在影响着全球的设计。在当今,一位在印度德里的设计师也许要和远在美国哥伦布的制造商一起工作。Steve McCallion 说,产品设计的全球化创造了国际间的交流,使得更多的人参与进了设计的过程。像类似 Kid Robot的一些公司就能从东京比以往更容易雇佣玩具设计师到美国图森




In fashion design, we're seeing a return to minimalism, but in home decor, ornate details are in fashion. For the first time in decades, wallpaper is in fashion, and the details are rich--brocades, velvets and jewel-tone colors. Long-forgotten textile designers like Florence Broadhurst and Vera Neumann are receiving attention from a new generation of design-savvy consumers.


在时尚设计领域,我们正在看到人们向保守主义回归,但是在家居装潢风格来说,却是细节装饰味十足的潮流大行其道。在头几十年的起步阶段,墙纸比较流行,细节设计也多是繁饰锦簇,鹅绒质感,类宝石颜色。离开人们视线很久的纺织品设计师们像Florence BroadhurstVera Neumann就慢慢将注意力集中在对设计考究的消费者身上。

Polarization Of Design



Big-box or luxury retailer? Many experts say that design has been polarized, with innovative products available at both the very high end (Neiman Marcus, Moss) and the very low end (Target, Ikea). Meanwhile, midrange retailers like Macy's suffer from lack of fresh, on-trend ideas. That isolates the huge chunk of the population that can afford something higher-end than the $200 Malm bed at Ikea but scoff at the price of a $16,000 Hastens mattress.


这是个大盒子还是件奢侈品?许多专家指出,此种设计体现的既是高品位(Neiman Marcus, Moss)又是平民化(Target, Ikea)的定位,使得这样的极具创意的产品走向两种极端。与此同时,处于中间定位的设计者,像Macy一类的人饱受缺少创意和不能迎合时尚之苦。这样的结果就是直接导致大量的消费者更多的原意接受像在Ikea $200 Malm床垫也不愿问及价格不菲的高达$16,000的一件Hastens床垫。

Pink Design



Gadgets are a guy's game, right? Not if you consider the latest products with feminine mystique. Motorola released a lipstick pink Razr cellphone, and more recently, LG released a Prada phone. More and more manufacturers are creating sleeker, feminized versions of their clunky, chunky products, and both men and women are biting. Want proof of the feminization of product design? Just check out Geeksugar.com, which rates several items a day as "Geek chic" or "Just Plain Geeky."


小玩意儿是一款个人游戏,是吗?如果你仅仅把最近的产品看成是带有女性神秘感的产品,那么就大错特错了。 Motorola 已经推出过一款唇膏型粉色Razr 微型电话 ,目前更有甚者,LG也推出了一款 Prada 电话.越来越多的生产商推出磨光器,发出重金属音质的女性化的版型,敦实型的,男女都可以适合用的产品。想要看到女性化的产品设计吗?只需登陆Geeksugar.com, 上面每天都有很多评论,像“不过如此的款式”或者“很普通的家伙”等等。

Mass Imperfection



Some designers are creating intentionally flawed pieces, like designer Jason Miller's duct tape chair or Bodum's Pavina glassware collection, which uses mouth-blown double-walled glass, giving each piece a slight variation in height, thickness and weight. Whiskered and weathered textiles--on denim as well as furniture and tapestries--are more recognizable examples of intentional imperfection in production.


一些设计师在设计着这样一些作品,它们是经过有意的制作成缺憾美的这样一些产品,像设计师Jason Miller设计的管状椅,抑或Bodum's Pavina设计的精品玻璃器皿,这些产品是用嘴吹出来的双层玻璃薄璧,使得每层玻璃在高度、厚度、重量各个层面都有细微的变化。用须扫过的或者风化过的粗斜纹纺织物以及家具和挂毯都越来越被认作是专门做成缺憾美的产品。




As mass retailers like Target become more design-focused, there's a countertrend of independent manufacturers and designers creating one-off, heirloom pieces. Where to find these limited-edition treasures? Artisan e-commerce sites like Etsy.com, classical craft companies like Heath Ceramics and modernist design houses such as Design Within Reach.


正当大量类似Target的生产商专注于设计带动销售的同时,也有一群反其道而行之的制造商和设计人员独于家传老作坊中寻找灵感。在哪里可以找见这些限量版的好东西呢?像电子商务网址Etsy.com中的匠人,还有叫Heath Ceramics的传统手工艺公司,以及像Design Within Reach这类现代主义设计工作组。

Focus On The Other 90%



Anthony Pannozzo, vice president of design strategy at Waltham, Mass.-based firm Herbst LaZar Bell, says that well-designed products are available to only 10% of the world's population. However, more and more designers are starting to cater to consumers in Africa, Asia and Latin America.


专门从事设计战略的Herbst LaZar 公司副总裁Bell Anthony Pannozzo说,经过良好设计的产品只服务于世界上10%的人群。然而,却有越来越多的设计师正在投身于非洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲的市场。

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