

洪泛城区中的一块“绿色海绵”:群力雨洪公园/Turenscape A Green Sponge for&nbs

“Refreshing. It functions in a way that isn’tnecessarily part of our vocabulary. There are different moments inthe design.”—Professional Awards Jury
自2006年起,中国北方城市哈尔滨便对其东部占地2 733公顷(约6753英亩)的群力新城展开一系列的规划建设活动。在未来的13至15年内,该新城将划出总计达3 200万平方米(约344 445133平方英尺)的地块作为居住建筑用地,预计将会有约达30万人搬迁至此。而在这些可开发用地中却仅有约16.4%被规划为永久性绿化空间,原先的大部分平地资源则将被混凝土覆盖而成为建筑用地。当地的年降水量为567毫米(约22英寸),且大多雨量集中于六、七、八三个月间。据相关历史资料表明,这一地块属于洪涝频发区,而同时,地下水的水位又在不断下降。
The design concept and site plan
Image by: Kongjian Yu
Bird’s eye view of the storm water park (looking east,summer)
Image by: Kongjian Yu
Bird’s eye view of the storm water park (looking west,winter)
Image by: Kongjian Yu
Cut-and-fill to create an outer ring of mounds and ponds acting asa stormwater filtrating and cleansing buffer zone for the corewetland, and a transition between nature and city. View toward thesouth west. 
Image by: Kongjian Yu
Skywalk above the stormwater filtrating and cleansing ponds on thesouth eastern edge of the park created byexcavations. 
Image by: Kongjian Yu
The periphery of the park acts a border between city and nature.View toward the north east.
Image by: Kongjian Yu
The mounds with the dirt from the excavations on the park’ssouthern periphery create a valley experience and remind people ofthe regional natural landscape of rolling hills.
Image by: Kongjian Yu
A network of walkways is built into the ponds system allowingvisitors to observe the wetland. Platforms and viewing towers lendpanoramic views of the surroundings.
Image by: Kongjian Yu
In the east, the skywalk cuts through the silver birch forest onthe mounds.
Image by: Kongjian Yu
The skywalk above the western filtrating ponds leading to a viewingtower
Image by: Kongjian Yu
One of the five evenly distributed pavilions along the perimeter(Bamboo, Wood, Brick, Stone, and Metal), the Bamboo Pavilion,sitting on the mound and above the wetland.
Image by: Kongjian Yu
The skywalk and the Bamboo Pavilion offer places to linger andenjoy views over the wetland.
Image by: Kongjian Yu
The Stone Pavilion, using local stone to create a cool and uniqueresting and viewing place.
Image by: Kongjian Yu
Contemporary cities are not resilient when faced with inundationsof surface water. Landscape architecture can play a key role inaddressing this problem. This project demonstrates a Stormwaterpark that acts as a green sponge, cleansing and storing urbanstormwater and can be integrated with other ecosystem servicesincluding the protection of native habitats, aquifer recharge,recreational use, and aesthetic experience, in all these waysfostering urban development.
Challenges andObjectives
Beginning in 2006, a 2,733 hectare (6,753 acres) new urbandistrict, Qunli New Town, was planned for the eastern outskirts ofHaerbin in northern China. Thirty-two million square meters(344,445,133 sq. ft.) of building floor area will be constructed inthe next 13 to 15 years. More than one third of a million peopleare expected to live there. While about 16 percent of thedevelopable land was zoned as permeable green space, the majorityof the former flat plain will be covered with impermeable concrete.The annual rainfall there is 567 millimeters (22 inches), with themonths of June, July, and August accounting for 60 to 70 percent ofannual precipitation. Floods and waterlogging have occurredfrequently in the past, while at the same time the ground watertable continues to drop due to its overuse.
In mid-2009, the landscape architect was commissioned to design apark of 34 hectares (84 acres) right in the middle of this newtown, which is listed as a protected regional wetland. The site issurrounded on four sides by roads and dense development. Thiswetland had thereby been severed from its water sources and wasunder threat. The original task given by the client was to preservethis wetland. Going beyond the original task of preserving thewetland, the landscape architect proposed to transform the areainto an urban stormwater park that will provide multiple ecosystemsservices, and will collect, cleanse, and store stormwater andinfiltrate it into the aquifer, protect and recover the nativehabitats, proved a public space for recreational use and aestheticsexperience, as well as foster urban development.
The challenges are obvious: How can a disappearing wetland bepreserved in the middle of the city when its ecological andbiological processes have been cut off by the urban context? Howsuch an urban wetland ecosystem can be designed to provide multipleecosystems for the city? And what is the economic way to deal withsuch a big landscape?
Several design strategies and elements were employed:
1. The central part of the existing wetland is left along to allowthe natural habitats to continue to evolve.
2. Cut-and-fill strategy to create an outer ring of mounds andponds. The cut-and-fill around the perimeter is a minimum earthworkstrategy to transform the site. Earth is excavated and used tobuild up a necklace of ponds and mounds around the perimeter of thepark. This ring acts as a stormwater filtrating and cleansingbuffer zone for the core wetland, and a transition between natureand city. Stormwater from the newly built urban area is collectedaround the perimeter of the wetland and then released evenly intothe wetland after having being filtered through the ponds. Nativewetland grasses and meadows are grown on ponds of various depths,and natural processes are initiated. Groves of native silver Birchtrees (Betula pendula) grow on mounds of various heights and createa dense woodland. A network of paths links the ring of ponds andmounds, allowing visitors to have a walking-through-forestexperience. Platforms and seats are put near the ponds to enablepeople to have close contact with nature.
3. The network of paths and platforms: A network of paths links thering of ponds and mounds, allowing visitors to have awalking-through-forest experience. Platforms and seats are put nearthe ponds to enable people to have close contact with nature.
4. A skywalk links the scattered mounds allowing residents to havean above-the-wetland and in-the-canopy experience. Platforms, fivepavilions (Bamboo, Wood, Brick, Stone, and Metal), and two viewingtowers (one made of steel and located at the east corner, the otherone made of wood and looking like a tree at the north-west corner)are set on the mounds and connected by the skywalk, allowingvisitors to have views into the distance and observation of naturein the center of the park.
The completely transformed site performs many functions, includingcollecting, cleansing, and storing stormwater, and rechargingunderground aquifers. The pre-existing wetland habitat has beenrestored and native biodiversity preserved. Potentially floodingstormwater now contributes to an environmental amenity in the city.The storm water park has not only become a popular urban amenitybut has also been upgraded to a National Urban Wetland Park becauseof its improvement to ecological and biological conditions.
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