

【带状公园-直&曲】2017ASLA 美国达拉斯城市公园 / OJB

“它完全重新激活了城市的核心区。 人们踊跃来到这里; 它的建成对商业发展也很有帮助; 而且它全天24小时对外开放。”

“It has totally reenergized the downtown core. People are moving in; it’s great for business; it’s open 24 hours a day.”
——2017 Awards Jury


Klyde Warre公园如今已经是Dallas的城市中心公园,架设在八车道的Woodall Rodgers高速公路之上,这条公路一度是市区与郊区之间的一道屏障。公园的建立重新连接了城市中心文化区和北部社区,并通过体现现代感的设计推动了社区文化的发展。该园区不仅受到了社区居民的好评,还带动了当地经济发展。院内平日免费活动众多,包括表演,讲座和健身课程。公园由非盈利组织管理和维护,由公共团体和个人资助。公园内设有通顺的步道系统,儿童游乐园,大草坪,餐厅,表演场地,喷泉广场,运动场,狗狗公园和植物温室展厅。公园的建立对该社区的环境有显著的改善作用,包括利用植被净化空气,通过树木的绿荫降温,以及通过蓄水系统收集,储存雨水。

Klyde Warren Park is Dallas’s central urban park that has bridged the eight-lane Woodall Rodgers Freeway, which had been a barrier between Downtown and Uptown. The park reconnects the city’s downtown cultural district with the neighborhoods to the north. The park is designed to reflect the district through its modern design. The park has been warmly embraced by the community and has been a catalyst for economic development. Daily free activities include performances, lectures and fitness classes. A non-profit foundation manages operations and maintenance of the park. Built with public and private funds, the park features a flexible, pedestrian-oriented design, children’s park, great lawn, restaurant, performance pavilion, fountain plaza, games area, dog park and botanical garden. Dramatic environmental improvements include the sequestration of CO2 through native planted trees, temperature reductions from shade producing trees and canopies and water conservation through the subgrade reservoir’s collection of stormwater.

▲Klyde Warren 公园设在Woodall Rodfers高速公路之上,面积5.2英亩。该公园的建立加强了市区、艺术区和临近的居住区间的联系,重塑了Dallas的中心区域。
Klyde Warren Park bridges over the sunken Woodall Rodgers Freeway and serves as Dallas’ central 5.2-acre urban park. The park restored the connection between Downtown/Arts District and uptown and became the heart of downtown Dallas. Photo credit:Liane Rochelle Photography


Klyde Warren公园建在德州最繁忙的Woodall Rodgers高速路之上。这条高速路一直以来是Dallas市中心,艺术区和人口稠密的北部居民区之间的屏障。这个公园不仅重新整合了城市面貌,还为该市塑造了一个其内布置有序,生机盎然,为周边的博物馆和商业区提供了户外游乐、休闲的场地。自公园对外开放以来,每年接待游客达一百万之多,成为了Dallas地区最受欢迎的公共开放空间。

该公园的落成得益于来自联邦,州,市和个人的资助。园区内设有利于行人通行的交通系统,13个带有充足遮阳避雨设施的活动空间,并且座椅以及其它设施齐全。另外还配备了儿童游乐园,外阅读室和运动场,可以同时容纳5000人的大草坪,6000平方英尺(约560平方米)的餐厅,互动式喷泉广场,狗狗公园, 0.5英里长(约800m)的景观步道以及演出场馆,这些设施均全年开放。该公园的运营,维护和规划均由非营利性个人团体和Dallas社区负责人负责。


作为市区其它户外场地的竞争者,Klyde Warren公园为户外音乐会和其它活动提供了宽阔的场地。其中的“食物卡车”,是一种在餐厅建设过程中临时使用的食品贩卖方式,由于深受好评而成为一个永久性设施,为此其周边的铺装还做了轻微调整以适应蜂拥而至的人群。另外,就目前的情况来看,由于狗狗公园和儿童公园成功地吸引了各种各样的狗狗以及它们的主人前来使用,公园负责人正在研究对其进行扩张。从Klyde Warren公园深受Dallas居民青睐的程度来看,它无疑已经成为了世界级城市公园和Dallas市的“门面”。


另外,公园也是促使周边房屋租金上涨的主要因素。 艺术区Trammell Crow中心房屋的三净租赁费率(三净租赁费是指租客除支付租金,还通包支付产业税、产业保险及责任险、保养费及其他维修费)已经上涨了32%。在公园北侧,2000 McKinney地区的租金上涨了56%,而在2100 McKinney地区的租金惊人地上涨了64%。据估计,截止到2018年,这些由公园带动的发展将使附近两个人口普查区的人口增加约8.8%,并有利于使这个都市中心区发展得更有吸引力,更宜居。

园区除了影响房产价值之外,还带来了其它几项经济效益,包括通过合理的园区运营和维护节省下来的费用。 通过使用高效LED照明系统和太阳能电池板装置,与传统照明相比,该园区每年可节省约94,000千瓦的电力。

Klyde Warren公园在设计中使用了很多环保方法,旨在改善该地区的环境并增加其可持续性。在高速公路上建公园有许多环境效益,例如,通过新种植的树木每年隔离二氧化碳约18,500磅,可储存64,000 加仑的雨水径流,环境温度明显降低(阴影区域20-45度),空气和噪音污染明显减弱。园区内的植物设计以适宜当地生长的乔木,灌木及观赏植物为主,超过50%是当地的或适应北德克萨斯州地区的植物。为Klyde Warren公园营造出了一种独特的地域特色。园区的种植设计与环境的生态功能紧密结合,不仅促进了动植物栖息地的形成,还弥补了高速公路造成的区域分化。

种植床采用路基滴灌系统进行灌溉,以减少地表径流和雨水对地面的荷载。 Klyde Warren公园内的草坪、植被和砾石表面 – 与100%不透水的高速公路相比,增加了50%以上的渗透率。在用水方面,园区内制定了将淡水作为可持续资源的战略,并对公众开展了相应的活动。其中,路基蓄水系统可以从公园的水景中收集和储存高达12,000加仑的生活用水,可用于灌溉。此外,土壤和铺装设施之间的排水垫还能够储存多余的水分,有助于保持土壤湿润。



The linear form of the 5.2-acre park is 220’ x 1200’ and has one bisecting street. The park was planned to offer a variety of program areas that provide interest for all ages. Photo credit:Liane Rochelle Photography 

▲环境可持续性设计被纳入设计之中,并通过相应的措施减少了空气和噪音污染. 这些举措营造了以园区为核心的绿色新区. 
Environmental sustainability factored into the design with measures taken to decrease air and noise pollution.These initiatives have created a new green district with park at its core. Photo credit:Liane Rochelle Photography 

▲上图反映了在设计Klyde Warren公园过程中的工程和设计策略。各图层元素保证了结构的稳定性,同时减轻其负荷。
The illustration above shows the engineering and design strategy for designing Klyde Warren Park. A sandwich of layered elements ensured stability while minimizing weight. Photo credit:Liane Rochelle Photography 

The park provides various flexible outdoor rooms that support diverse programmed activities, encouraging year-round use. The park connects Downtown / Arts District with Uptown in a thoughtful way and the urban fabric continues through the park. Photo credit:Liane Rochelle Photography 

▲该园大大促进了相邻文化区的参观频率,包括:Dallas 艺术博物馆, Perot自然科学博物馆和Nasher雕塑中心。而且自建园起,周边房地产业发生了迅猛发展。
The park has dramatically increased attendance to the adjacent cultural institutions, including: The Dallas Museum of Art, Perot Museum of Nature and Science and Nasher Sculpture Center. Numerous surrounding properties have been developed since the creation of the park. Photo credit:Liane Rochelle Photography 

The oak grove and chandeliers establish a strong architectural rhythm and buffer the interior of the park from the adjacent streets. The shady grove offers flexibility, allowing people to promenade throughout the park, socialize, people watch, or have a snack. Photo credit:Liane Rochelle Photography 

▲小树林是个灵动的地方,里面的活动随着日夜交替发生变化。 这张照片展示了公园里众多节日中的一个,沿街都设有帐篷区和食物餐车。
The groves are flexible areas that can change with the day and night. This image illustrates one of the many festivals in the park with tented areas on the lawn and food trucks along the street. Photo credit:Liane Rochelle Photography 

▲蝴蝶喷泉设在儿童公园内,其喷气式装置模拟了一个摆动的毛毛虫。 蝴蝶的“转型”以一阵水雾为标志。
Located in the children's park is the butterfly fountain, whose programmed jets emulate a wiggling caterpillar. The butterfly ” transformation” is marked by a burst of water and mist. Photo credit:Liane Rochelle Photography 

▲圆滑的矮坡为儿童创造一个有趣和安全的游戏环境。儿童公园挤满了各个年龄段的孩子。 其中的设施被设计成适合他们的尺寸,并创造出一个探索与游乐的环境。
Rolling berms create a fun and safe environment for children to play. The Children’s Park has areas for all age children. The structures were designed to be appropriately scaled and create an environment for discovery and play. Photo credit:Liane Rochelle

▲公园的室外阅读空间和健身空间设有各种设施(包括可供公众使用的棋盘游戏和报纸),统一由管理员管理。 阅读空间的布置可用于当地作者的非正式的演讲和阅读。草坪可从黎明到黄昏满足多种连续活动使用。
The park’s reading and games room is monitored by docents who manage a host of amenities including board games and newspapers that are available for public use. The room is setup for informal speaking engagements and readings by local authors. The lawn is host to multiple programmed events that run from dawn until dusk. Photo credit:Liane Rochelle Photography 

The Great Lawn is the largest open space in the park, offering a place to stretch out and relax while taking in the beautiful views of the Dallas skyline or watching a performance on the stage. Photo credit:Liane Rochelle Photography 

▲树丛围绕的草坪,形成了城市街道到公园的缓冲带。 无论是对爱狗人士,园艺爱好者还是喜欢散步的人,Klyde Warren公园都为每个人提供理想的设施和器材。
Groves of trees enclose the lawn and help buffer the park from the city streets. Whether it’s a dog lover, a gardener, or someone looking to go for a stroll, Klyde Warren Park offers something for everyone. Photo credit:Liane Rochelle Photography 

The park features a palette of predominantly native and adaptive trees, shrubs and ornamental plantings. The planting connects with the ecological needs of the environment, stimulating species habitation and bridging a divide caused by a highway corridor. Photo credit:Liane Rochelle Photography 

▲表演馆定期开展来自众多艺术家的演出,包括当地音乐家的音乐会,学生团体的演出,交响乐团的演奏以及魔术等等。 当演出馆未被使用时,它将成为人们观赏的大平台。
The performance pavilion regularly features shows from a plethora of entertainers, including: concerts from local musicians, student groups, the symphony, magicians and many others. When the performance pavilion is not in use, it becomes a supersize platform for people watching. Photo credit:Liane Rochelle Photography 


Klyde Warren Park was constructed over one of the busiest freeways in Texas. For many years, the eight-lane Woodall Rodgers Freeway had severed downtown Dallas’s Central Business and Arts Districts and the densely populated Uptown Neighborhood to the north. Restoring the connection has transformed the city by bridging the gap and creating a new heart of downtown. Klyde Warren Park is a vibrant, well-programmed 5.2-acre urban park that acts as a common ground for the surrounding museums and businesses. Since its opening, the park has welcomed more than a million visitors annually and has become central Dallas’ most popular public open space.

Built with a combination of federal, state, city and private funds, the park features a flexible, pedestrian-oriented design that arranges 13 programmed spaces designed with ample shade, seating and other amenities, including a carefully planned children’s park, a reading room and games area, a great lawn for 5,000 people, a 6,000-square-foot restaurant, an interactive fountain plaza, a dog park, a half-mile of walkable streetscape and a performance pavilion to encourage year-round use. The park operations, maintenance, and programming, are solely the responsibility of the private non-profit Foundation, made up of Dallas community leaders.

The park has had a major impact on the community, featuring a rich calendar of daily free programming including family activities, fitness classes, educational programs, and musical performances. The park also provides a host of amenities that can be used whenever the park is open, such as board games, and newspapers. These activities connect Dallasites together and result in many social benefits for park users including increased physical activity and reduced stress. The park has also dramatically increased attendance to the adjacent cultural institutions in the Arts District and has boosted ridership on the trolley line adjacent to the park.

A competitor with other outdoor Dallas venues in the downtown area, the park’s performance pavilion has become THE destination for outdoor concerts and events. Food trucks – which were planned as temporary food options while the restaurant was under construction – are so popular that they are now a permanent feature, resulting in a slight redesign of the perimeter paving to accommodate their crowds. Dogs of all sizes abound in the dog park and the success of the children’s park, which is regularly at capacity, is now being studied for expansion. Klyde Warren Park has truly been embraced by the citizens of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, securing its place as a world-class urban park and the “front lawn” for downtown Dallas.

The park has contributed significantly to the economic development of the surrounding urban core, increasing activity for neighboring businesses and cultural institutions. Recent studies show an economic impact of $1.3 billion along with substantial new tax revenue. Real estate and property values surrounding the park have seen a steady increase since its opening. Property values of an undeveloped three-acre parcel development site adjacent to the park increased from an estimated $32.3 million market value in 2008 to $91.1 million following the completion of the park.

The park has also been a major driver for rental rate increases. Triple-net lease rates at Trammell Crow Center in the Arts District have had a 32 percent jump. On the north side of the park, lease rates at 2000 McKinney have climbed 56 percent, and rents at 2100 McKinney have appreciated an incredible 64 percent. All of this development spurred by the park will contribute to a projected 8.8% population increase in the two Census Block Groups surrounding the park by 2018, supporting the regional goal of making metropolitan centers attractive and viable places to live.

In addition to impacting real estate and property values, the park has provided several other economic benefits, including park operations and maintenance savings. By using a high-efficiency LED lighting system and fixtures with solar panels, the park saves approximately 94,000 kilowatts of electricity each year as compared to traditional lighting.

Klyde Warren Park incorporates numerous features intended to improve the environment of the area and increase sustainable practices. Construction of the park over an existing freeway has numerous environmental benefits, including the sequestration of an estimated 18,500 pounds of CO2 annually through newly planted trees, interception of 64,000 gallons of stormwater runoff and a marked reduction in temperature (20-45 degrees in shaded areas), air pollution and noise. The park features a palette of regionally-appropriate trees, shrubs, and ornamental plantings – of which over 50% are native or adaptive to the North Texas area. This gives Klyde Warren Park a distinct sense of place in Dallas. The planting connects with the ecological needs of the environment, stimulating species habitation and bridging a divide caused by a highway corridor.

The planting beds are irrigated with a subgrade dripline system that reduces surface runoff and the live load of the water on the deck. Altogether, Klyde Warren Park – including its lawns, plantings and gravel surfaces – is more than 50% permeable, compared to the 100% impermeable freeway it covers. As for water conservation, strategies and activities were put in place that manage fresh water as a sustainable resource. A subgrade reservoir can collect and store up to 12,000 gallons of greywater from the park’s water features for treatment and reuse in irrigation. A drainage mat between the soil and deck infrastructure also stores excess water, helping to maintain soil moisture.

Engineering and designing an on-structure deck park that could bear the load of a 5.2-acre park and would impose limitations on soil depth and planting abilities was a significant challenge. This very unique site challenged the design team towards further innovation. The park creates a bridge over the 1,200 linear feet of recessed freeway consisting of concrete, pre-stressed box beams set on columns constructed outside the former walls of the freeway and supported by a new center wall. The concrete beams are arranged in groups with spacing in between, where concrete slabs span the spaces connecting to the bottoms of the beams, forming trenches. The trenches act like planter boxes, allowing the trees to grow to the desired size. A combination of geofoam and lightweight earth fill the trenches and cover the beams to provide the planting material, dramatically reducing the weight of the deck. The depth and width required for a healthy tree root-ball had to be considered early in the design process and resulted in a trough system built into the support truss system which allowed for sub-grade utilities, water feature systems, planting soil and other appurtenances. By dictating the spaces of trees, the grid became the guiding organizational force and determined the layout of the park. Another significant benefit of using the trenches was being able to design entrance points into the park at grade, meaning pedestrians could simply enter the park directly from the adjacent sidewalks without having to climb stairs which greatly enhanced accessibility.

The landscape architect was the lead designer for the project and set the tone for all site design decisions in collaboration with the architect, lighting designer, fountain designer and other specialty consultants.


Landscape: OJB Landscape Architecture
Client: The Woodall Rodgers Park Foundation

More: OJB Landscape Architecture

  克拉德沃伦公园是一个高度规划的5.2英亩的城市公园,建在达拉斯主动的八通道Woodall Rogers高速公路上,这个公园催生了前所未有的经济发展,成为达拉斯最受欢迎的公共开放空间。一群随后将成为Woodall Rogers Park基金会(WRPF)的公民领袖认识到通过将达拉斯的上城区,市中心和艺术区与一个独特的绿色空间相连,改变高速公路的身体和心理障碍的重要机会。在征求公众对园区项目的意见后,詹姆斯·伯内办公室开发了一个简单,优雅的计划,足够灵活,适应各种社区,艺术和文化活动。

从清晨到深夜,孩子们的花园,狗公园,阅览室和游戏露台吸引了来自达拉斯 - 沃思堡大都市区的一个充满活力,多样化的人群。 WRPF的活动编程人员保持公园的日历充满了提供,包括达拉斯歌剧同步播放,免费音乐会,定期健身课程和城市最受欢迎的食品车的旋转菜单。自2012年开放以来,该公园每年迎来超过一百万游客,并获得无数奖项,包括城市土地学会的2014年城市开放空间奖

          Constructed over the active, eight-lane Woodall Rogers Freeway in Dallas, Klyde Warren Park is a highly programmed, 5.2 acre urban park that has catalyzed unprecedented economic development and become central Dallas’ most popular public open space. A group of civic leaders who would later become the Woodall Rogers Park Foundation (WRPF) recognized an important opportunity to transform the physical and psychological barrier of the freeway by linking Dallas’ Uptown, Downtown and Arts Districts with a signature green space. After soliciting public input on the park’s program, the Office of James Burnett developed a simple, elegant plan flexible enough to accommodate a wide variety of community, arts and cultural events.

A linear grove of red oak trees in gravel insulates the center of the park from the busy frontage road while a tree-lined promenade sweeps through the site, connecting the park’s many garden rooms. At the heart of the park lies a 6000 SF restaurant with a 500 SF café kiosk and public restrooms adjacent. An iconic band shell overlooks the 30,000 SF event lawn to the west and Moody Plaza’s interactive water feature to the east.

From early morning to late evening, the children’s garden, dog park, reading room and game terraces attract a vibrant, diverse crowd from across the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area. The WRPF’s event programming staff keeps the park’s calendar full of offerings including Dallas Opera simulcasts, free concerts, regular fitness classes and a rotating menu of the city’s most popular food trucks. Since its opening in 2012, the park has welcomed more than a million visitors annually and received numerous awards, including the Urban Land Institute’s 2014 Urban Open Space Award.

【工程概况】:达拉斯城市公园坐落在美国的达拉斯,由The Office of James Burnett设计。公园的占地面积并不大,仅横跨了两个城市街区。城市公园的尺寸并不是唯一决定影响力的因素,5英亩的大小足够形成视觉冲击力,并能倡导城市从车行文化过渡到步行文化。建筑师JamesBurnett的景观设计令人印象深刻,其设计充分利用了有限的空间,并将多种娱乐休闲设施容纳在这个活力动感的公园中。设计师格外注重达拉斯城市公园的实用性。一条不太繁忙的道路将公园一分为二,其中较大的一块包含一个舞台。

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