

【滨海公园】亨利广场,阿德莱德 / T.C.L & Troppo Architects

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At the beach, Australian ’ s laconic, relaxed and playful characters are certainly amplified . Here with the sting of the sun and the moods of the ocean, inhibitions, clothes and worries are shed and new relationships formed. ‘Down at the beach’ everyone connects to the liminal and elemental force of sky, sea and land. It is a joyful experience, where people revel in the beauty of the landscape and the sea.

▼亨利广场入口,entrance square


Henley Beach , a seaside village of Adelaide, located on the St Vincent Gulf in South Australia has always been a popular seaside destination for the City of Adelaide, as a place for sailing regattas, sports carnivals , swimming in the sea and promenading on the jetty and walkways . Over the years , various formulaic interventions and the removal of some its more enticing elements , had resulted in a setting that was clumsy, worn out and in need of rejuvenation. TCL with Troppo Architects have reconnected Adelaide to the joys of Henley Beach. The design recognises its ‘good bones’ , edits out the superfluous and provides layers of communities are now brought together in playful spaces that celebrate this historic setting with its sublime outlook to the sea. This is not a setting for serious highbrow gestures, quite the opposite, this is a site for some serious beach fun, and comprises three public experiences.



广场 The Square 


Henley Square forms the threshold between Main Street and the beach. A delicate scrim of water and a flotsam of sculpted objects, are used to unite the setting and invite playful interaction. This plaza, once a site of transition, is now a major community destination , a true meeting place where locals and visitors meet , dine and are entertained. Reminiscent of grand follies from the past, new canopy structures frame the square and provide crucial shade to outdoor seating and dining areas, and allow uninterrupted views to the historic buildings flanking the space. 

▼随性、率直的澳洲人尽情在此享受着海滨美景,laconic, relaxed Aussie enjoy the sunshine and seascape in the square


散步圈 The Promenade Loop 


A new beach park offers big views to sky and ocean and a setting for informal recreation, chance encounters and organised events. The park is framed by a continuous promenade loop connecting a sequence of destinations and providing a revitalised people watching passeggiata, furnished with whimsical showers for after swim rinses and waterplay, shade shelters, new edges, walls, seats and terraces. Access to the Beach is enhanced via new ramps, and terraces, providing opportunities for those seeking seating, sunbathing, or traversing. 

▼步道平台上设有草坪区,硬质铺装区,以及处供休息的座椅,满足人们的多类型活动,the terraces with lawn, paving and seating for multiple activities

▼设有遮阴廊架的景观平台, the terrace with shade

▼兼具功能和景观装饰效果的怪诞淋浴装置, whimsical showers for after swim rinses and waterplay


延伸的码头The extended Jetty

作为连接街道和海滩的新枢纽,亨利海滩码头将远处的海景拉到了场地内。这个简单的延伸设施使码头成为了当地重要的游览目的地。通向观景台的步道不仅连接了入口广场和“波浪躺椅”, 同时为这个深受喜爱的码头和海洋建立了新的联系。该项目重新激活了这里的滨海生活,并成功地突出了澳大利亚的海滨文化。

The famous Henley Beach jetty is drawn further into the site, as a new armature connecting Main Street to the Beach. This simple telescopic gesture, heralds the Jetty as a major destination and desire line. It’s expression transforms along its length from activated plaza, to playful “ripple lounge” seating spaces, to belvedere, providing new connections to the well-loved jetty and the gulf beyond. The outcome is a revitalization of seaside village life, where success is measured in how it has contributed to the celebration of the quintessential Australian beach culture . 

▼延伸到海洋深处的码头, the extended Jetty

▼亨利广场是全天侯的集会场所,Henley square serves for locals and visitors all day

▼亨利广场夜景,night view of Henley beach

▼景观区位分析,location analysis

Client: City of Charles Sturt
Location: Henley Beach, South Australia
Collaboration: Troppo Architects, Bluebottle, Wallbridge and Gilbert
Completion Date: December 2015
Budget: $8m
Awards: 2016 AILA SA Parks and Open Space Award of Excellence 2016 AIA SA Architecture Award Commended for Urban Design 2013 Winning entry Henley Square competition, City of Charles Sturt

More: T.C.L , T.C.L on gooood

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