

Skjervsfossen瀑布游览系统,挪威 / Østengen & Bergo Landscape Architects

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Skjervsfossen is situated close to Voss by the former highway connecting east and west of Norway. For decades, the beauty of Skjervsfossen was vanished due to heavy commercial traffic on the highway. It was a roadside waterfall passers noticed as the car was sprinkled. In 2011 a tunnel was built for the main traffic on the highway, and new possibilities for Skjervsfossen as a tourist destination arose.

▼ 瀑布与周围景观,Skjervsfossen and the Landscape

Image credits: Østengen&Bergo


The landscape surrounding the waterfall is a narrow valley formed like a deep bowl. The waterfall drop 135 meters over two sections divided by a terrace and a road bridge. The terrain is steep and was almost impossible to walk in, and a trail made of natural stone became a central nerve of the project. Instead of leading the public to one point, to view the waterfall from a certain distance and angle, the project invites visitors to teem into and enjoy the landscape. The viewpoints offer different experiences of the waterfall; either it is by looking at wild river flow just before it drops, feeling the dizziness standing on the edge of the fall or listening to the rumbling of the cascade in the lush forest. At the bottom of the valley, a universally designed pathway leads into the foot of the fall. Here visitors will experience the extreme power of the water, and be completely showered in periods with high water level in the river.

▼ 冬季的瀑布,Skjervsfossen in Winter

Image credits: Østengen&Bergo

▼ 小路,The Trail

Image credits: Paal Hoff

Image credits: Paal Hoff

▼ 瀑布顶端眺望台,Skjervsfossen Edge Viewpoint and the View

Image credits: Steen & Lund

Image credits: Østengen&Bergo

▼ 眺望台,Viewpoint

Image credits: Paal Hoff

▼ 瀑底小路,The Universally Designed Path

Image credits: Paal Hoff

Image credits: Østengen&Bergo

Image credits: Østengen&Bergo


Local natural stone is the main material in the project, used in the restroom building, service area and nature trails. The color scheme is carefully adapted to the environment, with robust designed fences in rebar and benches in concrete. The abrupt rising figure of the restroom building creates a landmark seen from the road, but it does not interfere with the landscape and waterfall view once at the parking area.

▼ 小路细部,Path Detail

Image credits: Steen & Lund

Image credits: Steen & Lund

▼ 洗手间,The Restroom

Image credits: Østengen&Bergo

Image credits: Østengen&Bergo


We believe that plan and sections may explore the spatial character of our work, but the experiential qualities consist in the materials themselves, how they are crafted and adapted to the landscape. By this, it was crucial to have the right craftsmen in Skjervsfossen. Norwegian landscape contractors made the straight lines and precise walls of natural stone. Nepalese Sherpas shaped the natural stairs of stone in terrain. Our intention was to create gentle interventions that look like they have always been there – despite their modern form. We hope that the combination of contemporary form, ancient craft and local material, create a timeless dimension to the project.

▼ 墙体细部,The Wall

Image credits: Paal Hoff

▼ 登山道施工,Construction of the Trail

Image credits: Østengen&Bergo

▼ 平面图,Plan

Image credits: Østengen&Bergo

Landscape architect: Østengen & Bergo Landscape Architects
Location: Granvin, Norway
Client: Statens Vegvesen, Norwegian Public Roads Administration/National Tourist Routes
Contractor: Aarkerholt, Steen & Lund AS
Architect (restroom building): Fortunen Architects
Type of project: Viewpoints, trails, pathways and service area by a waterfall
Area: 4 hectares
Cost: Approx. 159 000 euro
Realization: 2015
Image credits: Photograph Paal Hoff, Contractor Aakerholt Steen & Lund, where not specified credit Østengen&Bergo.

Drawings: Østengen & Bergo Landscape Architects
English Text: Østengen & Bergo Landscape Architects
Chinese Text: gooood

MORE: Østengen & Bergo Landscape Architects,更多请至:Østengen & Bergo Landscape Architects on gooood 

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