

【大区-直线-现代】尘林间 – 新加坡式的住宅景观,重庆 / JTL Studio

来自 JTL Studio 对gooood的分享。
Appreciation towards JTL Studio for providing the following description:

当下住宅景观快速发展过程中,重心转移到了样式、风格、情趣,所有这些东西都很难去怀疑和改变。但“人与自己”、“人与自然”的关系这种本质的问题反而被忽视。景观回归真实,正是JTL studio努力尝试的方向。 “尘林间”是我们对住宅景观的一次全新尝试,像是伟大戏剧中的“停顿”,提醒着你可以慢下来。


As residential landscape develops rapidly, designers have paid special attention to patterns, styles and fun which are not easy to change. Instead, some basic principles such as the relationships between “man and himself”, “man and nature” are ignored. Integrating landscape into nature is what JTL Studio tries to do. “Longfor Forest” is our new attempt, which is just like an interval in a great drama to remind you to slow down.

▼池塘鸟瞰,aerial view of the pond


▼池中落座区,seating area in the pond

▼下沉座椅,sunken seating area


Our design started with the functions of the site, which is the basic design procedure for most projects. But we tend to believe that it is the modest and unique style that highlights the value of a project. Therefore, we spent more time thinking about shaping the style of the space: it must meet the functional requirements and make the project special and unique at the same time.

▼凉亭区鸟瞰,pavilion aerial view


▼凉亭与水景结合,pavilion and the waterscape

▼从凉亭看向小瀑布,view from pavilion to the waterfall feature

▼小瀑布细部,the waterfall feature details


“Forest Residence” is not a gimmick for promotion but a space to provide a living experience that reflects the harmony between natural environment and human beings. It allows people to further understand the meaning of “living”. We believe that nobody will refuse to live in a sound environment, while the problem is that the environment we are living in is far from natural. That’s why we created “Forest Residence”, a place to well interpret “what is a natural environment like?”

▼瀑布水景,water feature


▼林中漫步,walking in the forest


Upon entering the Longfor Forest, we will find simple and elegant spaces without excessive decorations. Just like what we were thinking about at the beginning, we realized the balance between the style and the functions. The sunshine, trees, flowers, grass and running waters keep in harmony with the hotel-style residences, allowing residents to get close to nature even in the busy city.

▼阳光、树木、花草、流水跟环境的默契,the sunshine, trees, flowers, grass and running waters keep in harmony with the hotel-style residences

▼户外吧台,outdoor bar

▼吧台细部,outdoor bar details



As a Singaporean landscape design studio, we really hope to integrate our living experience in Singapore and our understanding of design into Longfor Forest. We’ve tried to form the dialogue between landscape and architecture, which is kindly accepted by the developer and the residents. The holiday atmosphere will allow residents to relax themselves and lead a quality life. For us, it is a successful attempt to integrate Singaporean lifestyle into domestic residential landscape.

▼躺椅区,lounge chair

▼回归生活本质,get close to nature even in the busy city

▼地灯细部,lamp details

▼总平面图,site plan

景观设计:JTL Studio
重庆设计团队:刘展、Pax Ju、韩军、楚岭伟、李祥、段云、文国府、蔡蕊迪、张月、吴丹、周阳、石亚斌,李应鹏
景观面积:30000 ㎡

Project name: Forest
Location: Zhaomu mountain, chongqing
Landscape Design: JTL Studio
Chongqing Design Team: Liu Zhan, Pax Ju, Han Jun, Chu Lingwei, Li Xiang, Duan Yun, Wen Guo Fu, Cai Ruidi, Zhang Yue, Wu Dan, Zhou Yang, Shi Yabin, Li Yingpeng
Outdoor soft decoration: box design
Architectural design: Challenge Design
Landscape construction unit: Chongqing Jisheng Garden Landscape Co. Ltd.
Completion time: 2019.06
Landscape area: 30000 ㎡
Photography: Holi Landscape Photography

More:JTL Studio

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