




The Organization of living systems


John Minger:《Selfproducing systems-- Implications and Applications of Autopoiesis》一书第二章)

注:近年来,Autopoiesis在西方有关复杂系统、人工生命等领域的文献中频繁出现。该理论虽然不算新,但是对生命的认识可谓独到。它把生命看作一个自我创生的系统,即自己生产自己的一个自指系统,思想简洁而深刻。John Minger的Self-producingsystems一书虽然不是Autopoiesis理论的开山之作,但是叙述清晰、逻辑性很强,因此本人把该书的第二章描述Autopoiesis理论这部分摘出来反映,希望能够引起更多学者的注意。



  1. Maturana 和Varela稍微不同于现代流行的趋势:把眼光集中到物种或者基因上,他们更加关注单一的生命个体(例如,一个像阿米巴变形虫那样的单独细胞)作为中心 实例。这类生命实体的一个基本特征是个体的主动性。虽然它们可能是有机生命、种群或者物种的一部分,并且常常被环境影响,然而个体是一种受限制的、自我定 义的实体。
  2. 生命系统使用一种机械的方法来操作、行动。它们包含了拥有各种属性和相互作用的独特部件。而系统整体的行为完全是由这些部件和它们的属性通过与相邻元素的相互作用而生成的。因此,任何对于生命系统的解释必须纯粹的依赖于机械的方法。
  3. 所有的解释或者描述都来源于系统之外的观察者(即人)。人们必须弄清楚什么是属于观察者的而什么是属于被观察对象的。观察者可以感觉到实体和实体的环境,以及两者是如何相关的。然而,实体中的部件却并不能区分开来,它们只是纯粹的对其他部件进行反应。
  4. 上 述的最后两点导致了这样一个思想:任何对生命系统的解释都应该是非目的论的,即该解释不能向功能和目的的思想求援。生命系统的任何可观察现象都应该来源于 纯粹的相邻内部组件之间的相互作用。而对于那些能够表现出某种与整体相关功能的观察仅能够被外界观察者,也就是能够描述部件、整体以及二者之间关系的人做 出。    






a) 通过相互作用迭代的再生产产生它们自己的网络
b) 用一个空间上的实体来实现这个网络。该实体要能产生出与它所在的相互作用的背景分离的边界。

i) 通过相互作用决定实体是否具有一个可区分的边界。如果可以区分出边界,则继续第2个步骤。如果没有,那么实体就是不可描述的,因此我们也没有什么可说的。
ii) 如果实体有组成的元素,也就是实体的部件,这些部件是可以描述的,那么就进入第3步,否则实体是一个不可分析的整体因此也不是一个自创生的系统。
iii) 判断实体是否为一个机械的系统,也就是系统的属性要能满足一定的关系,该关系决定了在实体中部件的交互和转换。如果这种情况满足,则跳到第4步,否则该实体不是一个自创生的系统。
iv)判断实体边界的组成元素和它们之间的关系是通过“近邻偏好相互作用”以及该实体所在的空间的属性来决定的。(译者注:这里的所谓近邻偏好相互作用preferential neighborhoodinteraction是指部件仅仅与它附近的局部元素发生相互作用而不是某种整体宏观的相互作用,就好比所有的人工生命模型一样,每个生命仅仅考虑它的局部环境而不失全局),如果不是这样,那么你没有得到一个自创生的实体,因为系统的边界不是由它自身决定的,而是由外界得到的。如果实体满足条件4,那么就跳到条件5
v) 判断实体的边界是否由实体内的相互作用产生的,或者通过产生的部件转换构成了边界,或者是那些进入组织边界的元素通过耦合转化构成的。如果这些情况都不是,那么这就不是一个自创生实体。如果满足跳到下一步



  1. 细胞拥有可以确认的由离子形成的细胞膜边界,因此细胞是明确的实体。
  2. 细胞拥有明确的部件,例如线粒体、细胞核以及由众所周知的内置网形成的细胞膜网络。所以,细胞是可以被分析的。
  3. 所有的部件都拥有电化学属性,通用的物理规律决定了细胞内部部件之间的传输和相互作用。因此,细胞是一个机械的系统。
  4. 细 胞的边界是由磷脂分子和特定的蛋白质合成的细胞膜构成。脂肪分子排列形成了双层结构,这种结构就可以形成选择性的渗透障碍,蛋白质在这种双层结构中也呈现 膜状,调节形成了很多细胞膜的功能。一个脂肪分子有两个部分,一个具有极性的头是亲水的,和一个碳氢化合物的尾巴是厌水的。尾巴和头连接在一起形成了双层 结构。完整的蛋白质也有吸水和厌水的区域,因此边界部分就通过近邻偏好关系而形成了自我修复的机制。
  5. 边界的脂肪和蛋白质部件是由细胞自己产生的。例如,大多数用于形成新的细胞膜的脂肪分子是由内置网形成的,而内置网是细胞的一个复杂的、膜状的部件。因此,边界部件是由系统自我产生的。
  6. 细胞中的所有其他部件(包括线粒体、细胞核、核糖酶素、内置网)都是被细胞以及在细胞内部产生的。一些化学成分(例如金属离子)不是被细胞产生的,而是通过细胞膜从外界输入进来的,但成为了细胞的操作部分,所以细胞的部件是自我生产的。




    读者一定认为正如自创生理论所声名的,它应该在生物学领域起到关键作用。而事实上,生物学界接受这个观点却用了很多年的时间。在1979年的时候,我曾经给英国的著名生物学家StevenRose教授写信寻问自创生理论的情况。他回信说虽然Maturana是一个值得尊敬的生物学家,但是他不想对这个理论作出评价。生物学界有一个例外是Lynn Margulis,她提出了原核生命是由很多更简单的生命共生而形成的,这个理论本身也是备受争议的。





1. 首先,渗透边界形成了渗透性生长是一个可区分的实体;
2. 其次,它可以被分解为更小的部件例如磷化钙边界以及氯化钙;
3. 整个过程服从物理规则;
4. 由于近邻偏好的关系,部件磷化钙聚集形成了边界;
5. 边界是由内部和外部部件在膜的边界处相互作用而形成的;
6. 组件(氯化钙)虽然不是被细胞产生但是其他部件(沉淀物)生产的永久组成物。

   对于第四条,由沉淀形成的边界并不像细胞膜。它是一个静态的被动的边界,更像是石头墙而不是细胞膜。它并没有形成“近邻偏好的相互作用”;事实上,这种边界一旦形成,它就根本没有相互作用了。第五条:边界组件是由内部生产过程持续不断地生成这点也不满足,而是由边界的破裂以及破裂处的进一步沉淀形成的。最后,氯化物也不是系统自己生成的而是一开始就存在的一个单一部件。 自复制胶化物



2.1 The essential idea of Autopoiesis

Thefundamental question Maturana and Varela set out to answer is: whatdistinguishes entities or systems that we would call living from othersystems, apparently equally complex, which we would not? How, forexample, should a Martian distinguish between a horse and a car? Thisis an example that Monod (1974, p. 19) uses in addressing the similarbut not identical question of distinguishing between natural andartificial systems.

This has always beena problem for biologists, who have developed a variety of answers.First came vitalism (Bergson, 1911; Driesch, 1908), which held thatthere is some substance or force or principle, as yet unobserved, whichmust account for the peculiar characteristics of life. Then systemtheory, with the development of concepts such as feedback, homeostasis,and open systems, paved the way for explanations of the complex,goal-seeking behavior of organisms in purely mechanistic term ( forexample, Cannon, 1939; Priban, 1968). While this was a significantadvance, such mechanisms could equally well be built into simplemachines that would never qualify as living organisms.

Athird approach, the most common recently, is to specify a list ofnecessary characteristics that any living organism must have – such asreproductive ability, information-processing capabilities, carbon-basedchemistry, and nucleic acids (see, for example, Miller, 1978; Bunge,1979). The first difficulty with this approach is that it is entirelydescriptive and not in any real sense explanatory. It works byobserving systems that are accepted as living and noting some of theircommon characteristics. However, this tactic assumes precisely thatwhich is in need of explanation – the distinction between the livingand the nonliving. The approach fails to define the characteristicsparticular to living systems alone or to give any explanation as to howsuch characteristics might generate the observed phenomena. Second,there is, inevitably, always a lack of agreement about the contents ofsuch lists. Any two lists will contain different characteristics, andit is difficult to prove that every feature in a list is reallynecessary or that the list is actually complete.

Maturana’sand Varela’s work is based on a number of fundamental observationsabout the nature of living systems. They will be introduced brieflyhere but discussed in more detail in later chapters.

1.Somewhat in opposition to current trends that focus on the species orthe genes (Dawkins,1978), Maturana and Varela pick out the single,biological individual (for instance, a single celled creature such asan amoeba) as the central example of a living system. One essentialfeature of such living entities is their individual autonomy. Althoughthey are part of organisms, populations, and species and are affectedby their environment, individuals are bounded, self-defined entities.

2.Living systems operate in an essentially mechanistic way. They consistof particular components that have various properties and interactions.The overall behavior of the whole is generated purely by thesecomponents and their properties through the interactions of neighboringelements. Thus any explanation of living systems must be a purelymechanistic one.

3. All explanations ordescriptions are made by observers (i.e., people) who are external tothe system. One must not confuse that which pertains to the observerwith that which pertains to the observed. Observers can perceive bothan entity and its environment and see how the two relate to each other.Components within an entity, however, cannot do this, but act purely inresponse to other components.

4. The lasttwo lead to the idea that any explanation of living systems should benonteleological, i.e., it should not have recourse to ideas of functionand purpose. The observable phenomena of living systems result purelyfrom the interactions of neighboring internal components. Theobservation that certain parts appear to have a function with regard tothe whole can be made only by an observer who can interact with boththe component and with the whole and describe the relation of the two.


Toexplain the nature of living systems, Maturana and Varela focus on asingle basic example – the individual, living cell. Briefly, a cellconsists of cell membrane or boundary enclosing various structures suchas nucleus, mitochondria, and lysosomes as well as many (and oftencomplex) molecules produced from within. These structures are inconstant chemical interplay both with each other and, in the case ofthe membrane, with their external medium. It is a dynamic, integratedchemical network of incredible sophistication (see for example Albertset al.,1989; Raven and Johnson,1991).

Whatis it that characterizes this as an autonomous, dynamic, living whole?What distinguishes it from machine such as a chemical factory whichalso consists of complex components and interacting processes ofproduction forming an organized whole? It can not be to do with anyfunctions or purposes that any single cell might fulfill in a largermulti-cellular organism since there are single-cellular organisms thatsurvive by themselves. Nor can it explained in a reductionist waythrough particular structures or components of the cell such as thenucleus or DNA/RNA. The difference must stem from the way of the partsare organized as a whole. To understand Maturana and Varela’s answer,we need to look at two related questions – what is it that the celldoes, that is what is it the cell produces? And what is it thatproduces the cell? By this I mean the cell itself rather than theresults of their reproduction.

What doesa cell do? This will be looked at in detail in Section 2.3 but, inessence, it produces many complex and simple substances which remain inthe cell (become of the cell membrane) and participate in those verysame production processes. Some molecules are excreted from the cell,through the membrane, as waste. What is it that produces the componentsof the cell? With the help of some basic chemicals imported from itsmedium, the cell produces its own constituents. So a cell produces itsown components, which are therefore what produces it in a circular,ongoing process (Fig. 2.1)

It produces,and is produced by, nothing other than itself. This simple idea is allthat is meant by autopoiesis. The word means “self-producing” and thatis what the cell does: it continually produces itself. Living systemsare autopoietic – they are organized in such a way that their processesproduce the very components necessary for the continuance of theseprocesses. Systems which do not produce themselves are calledallopoietic, meaning “other-producing” – for example, a river or acrystal. Maturana and Varela also refer to human-created systems asheteropoietic. An exemple is a chemical factory. Superficially, this issimilar to cell, but it produces chemicals that are used elsewhere, andis itself produced or maintained by other systems. It is notself-producing.

At first sight this may seem an almost trivial idea, yet further contemplation reviews how significance it is. For example:
1. Imagine try to build autopoietic machine. Save for energy and somebasic chemicals, everything within it would itself have to be producedby the machine itself. So, there would have to be machines to producethe various components. Of course, these machines themselves would haveto be produced, maintained, and repaired by yet more machines, and soon, all within the same single entity. The machine would soon encompassthe whole economy.
2. Suppose that you succeed. Then surely what you have created would beautonomous and independent. It would have the ability to construct andreconstruct itself, and would, in a very real sense, be no longercontrolled by us, its creators. Would it not seem appropriate to callit living?
3. As life on earth originated from a sea of chemicals, a cell in whicha set of chemicals interacted such that the cell created and re-createdits own constituents would generate a stable, self-defined entity witha vastly enhanced chance of future development. This indeed is thebasis for current research, to be described in section 2.4.1
4. What of death? If, for some reason, either internal or external, anypart of the self-production process breaks down, then there is nothingelse to produce the necessary components and the whole process fallsapart. Autopoiesis is all or nothing – all the processes must beworking, or the systems disintegrates.

This,then, is the central idea of autopoiesis: a living system is oneorganized in such a way that all its components and processes jointlyproduce those self-producing entity. This concept has nearly beengrasped by other biologists, as the quotation from Rose at the start ofthis chapter shows. But Maturana and Varela were the first to coin aword for this life-generating mechanism, to set out criteria for it(Varela et al., 1974), and to explore its consequences in a rigorousway.

Considering the derivation of theword itself, Maturana explains that he had the main idea of a circular,self-referring organization without the term autopoiesis. In fact,biology of cognition, the first major exposition of the idea, does notuse it. Maturana coined the term in relation to the distinction betweenpraxis (the path of arms, or action) and poiesis (the path of letters,or creation). However, it is interesting to see how closely Maturana’susage of auto- and allopoiesis is actually foreshadowed by the Germanphenomenological philosopher Martin Heidegger. In the quotation at thestart of Chapter 1, Heidegger uses the term poiesis as a bringing-forthand draws the contrast between the self-production (heautoi) of natureand the other-production (alloi) that humans do. Heidegger’s relevanceto Maturana’s work will be considered further in Section 7.5.2

2.2 Formal Specification of Autopoiesis
Now that I have sketched the idea in general terms, this section willdescribe in more detail Maturana’s and Varela’s specification andvocabulary.
We begin from the observation that all descriptions and explanationsare made by observers who distinguish an entity or phenomenon from thegeneral background. Such descriptions always depend in part on thechoices and processes of the observer and may or may not correspond tothe actual domain of the observed entity. That which is distinguishedby an observer, Maturana calls a unity, that is, a whole distinguishedfrom a background. In making the distinction, the properties whichspecify the unity as a whole are established by the observer. Forexample, in calling something “a car,” certain basic attributes ordefining features (it is mobile, carries people, is steerable) arespecified. An observer may go further and analyze a unity intocomponents and their relations. There are different, equally valid,ways in which this can be done. The result will be a description of acomposite unity of components and the organization which combines itscomponents together into a whole.

Maturana and Varela draw an important distinction between the organization of a unity and its structure:
[Organization]refers to the relations between components that defineand specify a system as a composite unity of a particular class, anddetermine its properties as such a unity … by specifying a domain inwhich it can interact as an unanalyzable whole endowed withconstitutive properties.
[Structure] refers to the actual components and the actual relationsthat these must satisfy in their participation in the constitution of agiven composite unity [and] determines the space in which it exists asa composite unity that can be perturbed through the interactions of itscomponents, but the structure does not determine its properties as aunity.
Maturana (1978, p. 32)

Theorganization consists of the relations among components and thenecessary properties of the components that characterize or define theunity in general as belonging to a particular type or class. Thisdetermines its properties as a whole. At its most simple, we canillustrate this distinction with the concept of a square. A square isdefined in terms of the (spatial) relations between components – afigure with four equal sides, connected together at right angles. Thisis its organization. Any particular physically existing square is aparticular structure that embodies these relations. Another example isa an airplane, which may be defined by describing necessary componentssuch as wings, engines, controls, brakes, seating, and the relationsbetween them allowing it to fly. If a unity has such an organization,then it may be identified as a plane since this particular organizatiowould produce the properties we expect in a plane as a whole.Structure, on the other hand, describes the actual components andactual relations of a particular real example of any such entity, suchas the Boeing 757 I board at the airport.

Thisis a rather unusual use of the term structure (Andrew, 1979).Generally, in the description of a system, structure is contrasted withprocess to refer to those parts of the system which change only slowly;structure and organization would be almost interchangeable. Here,however, structure refers to both the static and dynamic elements. Thedistinction between structure and organization is between the realityof an actual example and the abstract generality lying behind all suchexamples. This is strongly reminiscent of the philosophy of classicstructuralism in which an empirical surface “structure” of events isrelated to an unobservable deep structure (“organization”) of basicrelationships which generate the surface.

Anexisting, composite unity, therefore, has both a structure and anorganization. There are many different structures that can realize thesame organization, and the structure will have many properties andrelations not specified by the organization and essentially irrelevantto it – for example, the shape, color, size, and material of aparticular airplane. Moreover, the structure can change or be changedwithout necessarily altering the organization. For example, as theplane ages, has new parts installed, and gets repainted it stillmaintains its identity as a plane because its underlying organizationhas not changed. Some changes, however, will not be compatible with themaintenance of the organization – for example, a crash which convertsthe plane into a wreck.

The essentialdistinction between organization and structure is between a whole andits parts. Only the plane as a whole can fly – this is its constitutiveproperty as a unity, its organization. Its parts, however, can interactin their own domains depending on all their properties, but they do soonly as individual components. Sucking in a bird can stop an engine; ashort circuit can damage the controls. These are perturbations of thestructure, which may affect the whole and lead to a loss oforganization or which may be compensable, in which can the plane isstill able to fly.

With this background,we can consider Maturana’s and Varela’s definition of autopoiesis. Aunity is characterized by describing the organization that defines theunity as a member of a particular class that is, which can be seen togenerate the observed behavior of unities of that type. Maturana andVarela see living systems as being essentially characterized as dynamicand autonomous and hold that it is their self-production which leads tothese qualities. Thus the organization of living systems is one ofself-production – autopoiesis. Such an organization can, of course, berealized in infinitely many structures.

A more explicit definition of an autopoietic system is
A dynamic system that is defined as a composite unity as a network of productions of components that,
a) through their interactions recursively regenerate the network of productions that produced them, and
b) realize this network as a unity in the space in which they exist byconstituting and specifying its boundaries as surfaces of cleavage fromthe background through their preferential interactions within thenetwork, is an autopoietic system. Maturana (1980b, p. 29)

Thefirst part of this quotation details the general idea of a system ofself-production, while the second specifies that the system must beactually realized in an entity that produces its own boundaries. Thislatter point, about producing boundaries, is particularly importantwhen one attempts to apply autopoiesis to other domains, such as thesocial world, and is a recurring point of debate. Notice also that thedefinition does not specify that the realization must be a physicalone, although in the case of a cell it clearly is. This leaves open theidea of some abstract autopoietic systems such as a set of concepts, acellular automaton, or a process of communication. What might theboundaries of such a system be? And would we really want to call such asystem “living”? Again, this is the subject of much debate – Seesection 3.3.2

This somewhat bare conceptis further developed by considering the nature of such an organization.In particular, as an organization it will involve particular relationsamong components. These relations, in the case of a physical system,must be of three types according to Maturana and Varela (1973):constitution, specification, and order. Relations of constitutionconcern the physical topology of the system (say, a cell) – itsthree-dimensional geometry. For example, that it has a cell membrane,that components are particular distances from each other, that they arethe required sizes and shapes. Relations of specification determinethat the components produced by the various production processes are infact the specific ones necessary for the continuation of autopoiesis.Finally, relations of order concern the dynamics of the processes – forexample, that the appropriate amounts of various molecules are producedat the correct rate and at the correct time. Specific examples of theserelations will be given later, but it can be seen that these correspondroughly to specifying the “where”,”what”, and “when” of the complexproduction processes occurring in the cell.

Itmight appear that this description of relations “necessary” forautopoiesis has a functionalist, teleological tone. This is not reallythe case, as Maturana and Varela strongly object to such explanations.It is simply that, if such components and relationships do occur, theygive rise to electrochemical processes that themselves produce furthercomponents and processes of the right types and at the right rates togenerate an autopoietic system. But there is no necessity to this; itis simply a combination that does, or does not, occur, just as a plantmay, or may not, grow depending on the combination of water, light, andnutrients.

In an early attempt to makethis abstract characterization more operational, a computer model of anautopoietic cellular automaton was developed together with a six-pointkey for identifying an autopoitic system (Varela et al., 1974). The keyis specified as follows:

i) Determine,through interactions, if the unity has identifiable boundaries. If theboundaries can be determined, proceed to 2. If not, the entity isindescribable and we can say nothing.
ii) Determine if ther areconstitutive elements of the unity, that is, components of the unity.If these components can be described, proceed to 3. If not, the unityis an unanalyzable whole and therefore not an autopoietic system.
iii) Determine if the unity is a mechanistic system, that is, thecomponent properties are capable of satisfying certain relations thatdetermine in the unity the interactions and transformations of thesecomponents. If this is the case, proceed to 4. If not, the unity is notan autopoietic system.
iv) Determine if the components that constitute the boundaries of theunity constitute these boundaries through preferential neighborhoodinteractions and relations between themselves, as determined by theirproperties in the space of their interactions. If this is not the case,you do not have an autopoietic unity because you are determining itsboundaries, not the unity itself. If 4 is the case, however, proceed to5.
v) Determine if the components of the boundaries of the unity areproduced by the interactions of the components of the unity, either bytransformation of previously produced components, or by transformationsand/or coupling of non-component elements that enter the unity troughits boundaries. If not, you do not have an autopoietic unity; if yesproceed to 6.
vi) If all the other components of the unity are also produced by theinteractions of its components as in 5, and if those which are notproduced by the interactions of other components participate asnecessary permanent constitutive components in the production of othercomponents, you have an autopoietic unity in the space in which itscomponents exist. If this is not the case, and there are components inthe unity not produced by components of the unity as in 5, or if thereare components of the unity which do not participate in the productionof other components, you do not have an autopoietic unity.

Thefirst three criteria are general, specifying that there is anidentifiable entity with a clear boundary, that it can be analyzed intocomponents, and that it operates mechanistically, i.e., its operationis determined by the properties and relations of its components. Thecore autopoietic ideas are specified in the last three points. Thesedescribe a dynamic network of interacting processes of production (vi),contained within and producing a boundary (v) that is maintained by thepreferential interactions of components. The key notions, especiallywhen considering the extension of autopoiesis to nonphysical systems,are the idea of production of components, and the necessity for aboundary constituted by produced components.

Thesekey criteria will be applied to the cell in the next section. Thissection will describe briefly embodiments of the autopoietic relationsoutlined above in the chemistry of the cell. Alberts et al. orFreifelder are good introductions to molecular biology, as is Raven andJohnson to the cell.

2.3 An illustration of Autopoiesis in the Cell
This section will describe briefly embodiments of the autopoieticrelations outlined above in the chemistry of the cell. Alberts et al.are good introductions to molecular biology, as is Raven and Johnson tothe cell.
2.3.1 Applying the Six Criteria
Zeleny and Hufford analyze a typical cell with the six key points. Aschematic of two typical cells is shown in Fig 2. One is a eukaryoticcell, i.e., one that has a nucleus, and the other is a prokaryoticcell, which does not.
1. The cell has an identifiable boundary formed by the plasma membrane. Thus, the cell is identifiable.
2.The cell has identifiable components such as the mitochondria, thenucleus, and the membranous network known as the endoplasmic reticulum.Thus, the cell is analyzable.
3. The components have electrochemical properties that follow generalphysical laws determining the transformations and interactions thatoccur within the cell. Thus, the cell is a mechanistic system.
4.The boundary of the cell is formed by a plasma membrane consisting ofphospholipids molecules and certain proteins (fig 3). The lipidmolecules are aligned in a double layer, forming a selectivelypermeable barrier; the proteins are wedged in this bilayer, mediatingmany of the membrane functions. A lipid molecule consists of two parts– a polar head, which is attracted to water, and a hydrocarbon (fatty)tail, which is repelled. In solution, the tails join together to formthe two layers with the heads outside. The integral proteins also haveareas that seek or avoid water. The boundary is thereforeself-maintained through preferential neighborhood relations.
5. The lipid and protein components of the boundary are themselvesproduced by the cell. For example, most of the lipid molecules requiredfor new membrane formation are produced by the endoplasmic reticulum,which is itself a complex, membranous component of the cell. Theboundary components are thus self-produced.
6. All of the other components of the cell (e.g., the mitochondria, thenucleus, the ribosomes, the endoplasimic reticulum) are also producedby and within the cell. Certain chemicals (such as metal ions) notproduced by the cell are imported through the membrane and then becomepart of the operations of the cell. Cell components are thusself-produced.

2.3.2 Autopoietic Relations of Constitution, Specification, and Order
Apart from the six-point key, autopoiesis was also defined by threenecessary types of relations. These can be illustrated as follows for atypical cell. Relations of Constitution
Relations of constitution determine the three-dimensional shape andstructure of the cell so as to enable the other relations of productionto be maintained. This occurs through the production of moleculeswhich, through their particular stereochemical properties, enable otherprocesses to continue.
An obvious example is the construction of membranes or cell boundaries.In animal cells, the membrane surrounding the mitochondria, like thataround the cell itself, serves to harbor cell contents and control therate of reaction through diffusion. Various reactive molecules aredistributed along the inner membrane in an appropriate order to allowenergy-producing sequences to proceed efficiently. In plant cells, inaddition to the plasma membrane, there is a cell wall, which consistsof cellulose, a material made up of long, straight chains of glucoseunits packed together to form strong rigid threads. These give plantstheir rigidity.
A second example is the active sites on enzymatic proteins. These actas catalysts for most reactions, changing a particular substrate in anappropriate way to allow it to react more easily. Generally, the activesite is found in certain specific parts of the enzyme molecule wherethe configuration of amino acids is structured to fit the particularsubstrate, sometimes with the help of “activators” or co-enzymes. Thesubstrate molecule interlocks with the active site and in so doingchanges appropriately so that it no longer fits, and thus frees itself. Relations of Specification
These determine the identity, in chemical properties, of the componentsof the cell in such a way that through their interactions theyparticipate in the production of the cell. There are two main types ofstructural correspondence, that among DNA, RNA, and the proteins theyproduce and that between enzymes and the substrates they catalyze.
Protein synthesis is particularly complex because each protein isformed by linking up to twenty different amino acids in a specificcombination, often containing 300 or more units in all. This requiresan RNA template molecule, tailor-made for each protein, containingspecific spaces for each of the amino acids in order, together with anenzyme and t-RNA for each acid.

Asalready mentioned, enzymes are necessary to help most of the reactionsin the cell, and again, each specific reaction requires an enzymespecific to the reaction and to the substrate involved. Hundreds ofsuch enzymes are needed, and all must be produced by the cell. Relations of Order
Relations of order concern the dynamics of the cell’s productionprocesses. Various chemicals and complex feedback loops ensure thatboth the rate and the sequence of the various production processescontinue autopoiesis. For instance, the production of energy throughoxidation is controlled by the amount of phosphate and ADP (adenosinediphosphate) in the mitochondria. At the same time, reactions that useenergy actually produce ADP and phosphate so that, automatically, ahigh usage of energy leads to a high production rate of these necessarysubstances.

2.3.3 Other Possible Autopoietic Systems
An interesting question leading from the idea of the cell as anautopoietic system is whether or not there are other instances ofautopoietic systems. Are multicellular organisms also autopoieticsystems? Maturana is equivocal, suggesting that organisms such asanimals and plants may be second-order autopoietic systems, with thecomponents being not the cells themselves but various moleculesproduced by the cells. On the other hand, he suggests that somecellular systems may not actually constitute autopoietic systems, butmay be merely colonies. What about a system that appears to have aclosed and circular organization but is not generally classified asliving, such as the pilot light of a gas boiler? Finally, what aboutnonphysical systems such as the autopoietic automata mentioned insection 2.2.1 and described more fully in section 4.4, or systems suchas a set of ideas or a society? These possibilities will be discussedin more detail in Section 3.3.

2.4.Applications of Autopoiesis in Biology and Chemistry
One would have expected that, given the importance and nature of itsclaims, autopoiesis would have had a major impact on the field ofbiology. In fact, for many years there was a noticeable reluctance totake the ideas seriously at all. In 1979, I wrote to an eminent Britishbiologist – Professor Steven Rose at the Open University – querying thestatus of autopoiesis. He replied to the effect that he did not wish tocomment on autopoiesis but that Maturana was a reputable biologist. Onenotable exception is Lynn Margulis, whose own theory, that eukaryoticcells evolved through the symbiosis of simpler units, is itself quitecontroversial.

However,recently interest has been growing in two areas: research into theorigins of life and the creation of chemical systems that, although notliving, display some of the characteristics of autopoieticself-production. Autopoiesis has also been compared with Prigogine’sdissipative structures. Varela has also pursued work on the nature ofthe immune system, viewing it as organizationally closed but notautopoietic. However, as this topic is very technical and not ofprimary relevance, it cannot be pursued here.

2.4.1 Minimal Cells and the Origin of Life
There are two main lines of approach to theories concerning the originof life on Earth. In the first approach, based on study of the enzymesand genes, life is characterized as being molecular and a definingfeature is the structure and function of the genes. In the secondapproach, life is characterized as cellular, and its defining featureis metabolic functioning within the cell. However, neither approach canreally specify a standard or model for life against which importantquestions may be answered. In particular, at what point did prebioticchemical systems become biotic living systems? And how could werecognize nonterrestrial living systems. Which might be radicallydifferent in structure from our own?
Fleischaker proposes that the concept of autopoiesis, together withnotions of minimal cell, can provide a sound theoretical framework totackle these questions within the second tradition mentioned above.Autopoiesis clearly does aim to provide a specific and operationallyuseful definition of life, although Fleischaker argues that the conceptof autopoiesis does need some modification. This modification wouldrestrict “living” systems to autopoietic system in the physical domainrather that allow the possibility of nonphysical living systems, apossibility which ( as mentioned above) is left open by the formaldefinition of autopoiesis. This will be discussed in Section 3.3.2

Givenautopoiesis (or modified version) as a definition of life, the nextstep in theorizing about the origin of life is to consider how anelementary autopoietic system might have formed. Note that autopoiesisis all or nothing. A self-producing system either exists and producesitself or it does not – there can be no halfway stage. This leads tothe idea of a theoretical “minimal” cell which could plausibly emerge,given the early conditions on earth. In fact, Fleischaker considersthree different characterizations of minimal cells: a minimal cellrepresentative of the evolved life forms that we know today; a minimalcell that would characterize both terrestrial and nonterrestrial liferegardless of its constituents.

About thelast, little can be put forward beyond the six-point autopoieticcharacteristics in the physical space; to be more specific wouldconstrain the possibilities unnecessarily. On the other hand, we can bequite specific about a modern-day cell. Such a cell could be describedas “a volume of cytoplasmic solvent capable of DNA-cycled, ATP-drivenand enzyme-mediated metabolism enclosed within a phosphor-lipoproteinmembrane capable of energy transduction”, This generalizedspecification can cover both prokaryotes (bacterial) and eukaryotes(algal, fungal, animal, and plant cells) even though there areimportant differences in their operation.

Themost interesting minimal cell scenario concerns the origin of life. Thefirst cell need be only a very basic cell without the laterelaborations such as enzymes. Fleischaker suggests that such a cellmust exhibit a number of operations (Fig.2.4):
1、The cell mustdemonstrate the formation and maintenance of a boundary structure thatcreates a hospitable inner environment and allows selectivepermeability for incoming and outgoing molecules and ions. The lipidbilayer found in contemporary cells is a good possibility since thehydropholic nature of lipid molecules leads them to form closed spheresin order to avoid contact with water. Lipid bilayers are also permeablein certain ways – for example, to flows of protons or sodium atoms –without the need for the complex enzymes prevalent in contemporarycells.
2. The cell must also demonstrate some form of active energytransduction to maintain it away from entropic chemical equilibrium.One possibility is an early form of photopigment system driven bylight. Pigment molecules would become embedded in the membrane and actas proton pumps, leading to the concentration of variety of rawmaterial in the cell.
3. The cell would also need to transport and transform materialelements and use these in the production of the cell’s components andits boundary. A possible start in this direction would be the import ofcarbon dioxide and the physio-chemical transformation of its carbon andoxygen through light-driven carbon fixation.

Whatis important is not the particular mechanisms for any of these generaloperations but that whichever mechanisms are postulated, all operationsneed to be part of a continuous network to form a dynamic,self-producing whole.

2.4.2 Chemical Autopoiesis
Beyond theoretical constructs of minimal cells, it is also interestingto look at attempts to identify or create chemical systems based onautopoietic criteria, and to consider whether or not these are living.We shall look at three examples: autocatalytic processes, osmoticgrowth, and self-replicating micelles. Autocatalytic Reactions
A catalyst is a molecular substance whose presence is necessary for theoccurrence of a particular chemical reaction, or which speeds thereaction up, but which is not changed by the reaction. The complexproductions of contemporary cells (as opposed to cells that may haveexisted at the origin of life) require many catalysts, and this is oneof the main functions of the enzymes. An autocatalytic process is onein which the specific catalysts required are themselves produced asby-products of the reactions. The process thus self-catalyzes. Anexample is RNA itself which, in certain circumstances, can form acomplex surface that acts like an enzyme in reaction with other RNAmolecules (Alberts et al.) Kauffman has a detailed discussion withinthe context of complexity theory.

Althoughthis process can be described as a self-referring interaction, thesystem does not qualify as autopoietic because it does not produce itsown boundary components and thus cannot establish itself as anautonomous operational entity (Maturana and Varela). Complex,interdependent chemical processes abound in nature, but they are notautopoietic unless they form self-bounded unities that embody theautopoietic organization. Osmotic Growth
Zeleny and Hufford have suggested that a particular form of osmoticgrowth, studied by Leduc, can be seen as autopoietic. The growth isprecipitation of inorganic salt that expands and forms a permeableosmotic boundary. This can be demonstrated by putting calcium chlorideinto a saturated solution of sodium phosphate. Interaction of thecalcium and phosphate ions leads to the precipitation of calciumphosphate in a thin boundary layer. This layer then separates thephosphate from the calcium, water enters through the boundary byosmosis, and the increased internal pressure breaks the precipitatedcalcium phosphate. This break allows further contact between theinternal calcium and the external phosphate, leading to furtherprecipitation. Thus the precipitated layer grows.
Zeleny and Hufford argue that this system fulfills the six autopoietic criteria:
1. It is distinguishable entity because of its precipitate boundary.
2. It is analyzable into components such as the calcium phosphate boundary and the calcium chloride.
3. It follows mechanistic laws.
4. The boundary components (calcium phosphate) aggregate because oftheir preferred neighborhood relations.
5. The boundary components are formed by the interaction of internaland external components following osmosis through the membrane.
6. The components (calcium chloride) are not produced by the cell butare permanent constituent components in the production of othercomponents (the precipitate)

Thishypothesis does cause problems, as Leduc’s system is clearly inorganicand not what would be called living. If it is accepted that the systemdoes properly fulfill the criteria of autopoiesis, i.e., that it is anautopoietic system as currently defined, then either we must expand ourconcept of living or accept that autopoiesis is in need of redefinitionto exclude such examples. In fact, it is debatable whether or not thisosmotic growth does correctly fulfill the six criteria. It certainlymeets the first three, but it is not clear that it is a dynamic networkof processes of production.

As for thefourth criterion, the precipitate that forms the boundary is unlike acell membrane. It is static and inactive, more like a stone wall thanan active membrane. It is not formed through “preferential neighborhoodinteractions”; in fact, once formed, it does not interact at all.Considering the fifth criterion, the boundary components are notcontinuously produced by the internal processes of production. Rather,a split or rupture occurs and more boundary is precipitated at thesplit through the interaction of internal and external chemicals. It isonly because of, and at, the rupture that new boundary is produced.Finally, chloride, which is introduced artificially at the beginning,is not produced by the system, and eventually runs out. Self-replicating Micelles
An approach with more potential, currently being researched by Bachmannand colleagues, was first proposed by Luisi. It has been discussed byMaddox and Hadlington. A micelle is a small droplet of an organicchemical such as alcohol stabilized in an aqueous solution by aboundary or “surfactant” A reverse micelle is a droplet of watersimilarly stabilized in an organic solvent. Chemical reactions occurwithin the micelle, producing more of the boundary surfactant.Eventually, this leads to the splitting of the micelle and thegeneration of a new one, a process of self-replication. Experimentshave been carried out with both ordinary and reverse micelles and withan enzymatically driven system.

Inthe reverse micelle experiments, the water droplets contain dissolvedlithium hydroxide, one of the surfactants is sodium octanoate, and theother is 1-octanol, which is also a solvent. The other solvent isisooctane. The main reaction is one in which the components of theboundary are themselves produced at the boundary. Octyl octanoate ishydrolyzed using the lithium as a catalyst. This produces both thesurfactants (sodium octanoate and 1-octanol). Since the lithiumhydroxide is insoluble in the organic solvent, it remains within thewater micelle, thus confining the reaction to the boundary layer. Oncethe system is initiated, large numbers of new micelles are produced,although the average size of the micelles decreases.

Itis not clear that these systems could yet be called autopoietic. First,the raw materials(the water-lithium mixture or the enzyme catalyst) arenot produced within the system. This limits the amount of replicationwhich can occur; the system eventually stops. Even if these materialscould be added on a regular basis, the system would still not beself-producing. Second, the single-layer surfactant does not allowtransport of raw materials into the micelle. For this to happen, adouble-layer boundary would be necessary, as exists in actual cellmembranes. Moreover, the researchers themselves, and seem mostinterested in the fact that the micelles reproduce themselves, and seemto identify this as autopoietic. However, reproduction of the whole isquite secondary to the autopoietic process of self-production ofcomponents. Nevertheless, this does represent an interesting steptoward generating real autopoietic systems.

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