

灵魂里的星星 The Stars Lightening Up My Soul


The Stars Lightening Up My Soul



The task of a university is the creation of the future, so far as rational thought and civilized modes of appreciation can affect the issue.
—Alfred North Whitehead


I bet no one would deny that there is nothing more appropriate than the motto of a university when epitomizing the spirit of it as well as the profound influence it engraved on one’s soul, just like a twinkling star falling into our life track by accident, lightening up around some corner at first and then sublimated into fantastic stories, one and another.


Old saying goes in the ‘Later Han’ that one should be absorbed and diligent when focus on something. From the flickering light of the kerosene lamp in Ping Yue to the buzz of cicadas in Emei, knowledge is the only intention that hasn’t been changed from the beginning when suffering the rain and storm through decades and thousands of miles. The strict voice of my mentor keeps reminding me that I am from Jiao Tong University, generation thrives on, knowledge thrives on, and spirit thrives on.


Every engineer has a dream of putting his knowledge into practice, but I chose the righteousness instead of the wealth. I’ve tasted all the bitterness and submitted thousands of times in order to stop the Three Gorges Project and the San Men Gorges Project but received no response eventually. Not seeking to be known among the nobility but only for the responsibility and consciousness for the common people, my name is Huang Wanli from Jiao Tong University, sacrificing splendor annotating the word “Ambition”.


My research through numerous white nights became the derision among the so-called academic field but I knew that there was no reason to give up. I was confident and decisive because of my solid professional knowledge. The only skyscraper stood after the earthquake proved everything, the pre-stressed concrete technology became widely known home and abroad. I am the one turned the engineering into art. I am Tung-Yen Lin from Jiao Tong University, all my achievements were proving the word “Decisiveness”.


Things didn’t go right as expected after returning to my country, the school needed to develop and progress but there was no support from the administration. Gracious voice of my mentor lingered around my ears, I abandoned the officialdom and returned to govern the university with my heart and soul, cultivating for the rejuvenation and prosperity of China. I am Mao Yisheng from Jiao Tong University, “Loyalty” was my only eternal belief.


Maybe there are hundreds of stories untold, thousands of glories and brilliance sparkling. Old legends stay in the past, new legends will be written by you. From now on, please try your best.


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