

A Survey on Ontology Mapping-

A Survey on Ontology Mapping

[2006][SIGMOD][Namyoun Choi]



 1、本体的独立开发这一特性导致对相同领域或者重叠领域的本体的定义有所不同,而这些独立的 本体开发团体之间缺乏充分沟通,所以:



 1)综合的、全局本体 <----> 局部本体 

 [3]Learning to Match the Schemas of Data Sources: A Multistrategy Approach(2003)
 [4]Synthesizing an Integrated Ontology(2003)
 [1]Ontologies for Enterprise Knowledge Management(2003)
 [7]A Framework for Ontology Integration(2001)

 2)局部本体  <----> 局部本体

 [6]C-OWL: Contextualizing Ontologies(2003)
 [1]Ontologies for Enterprise Knowledge Management(2003)
 [8]Semantic Coordination: A New Approach and an Application(2003)
 [9]Learning to Map between Ontologies on the Semantic Web(2003)
 [12]MAFRA – An Ontology Mapping FRAmework for the Semantic Web(2003)
 [13]Resolving Terminological Heterogeneity in Ontologies(2002)
 [14]Representing and reasoning about mappings between domain models(AAAI 2002)

 3)mapping for 本体合并与联合

 [15]PROMPT: Algorithm and Tool for Automated Ontology Merging and Alignment(AAAI2000)
 [16]Ontomorph: A Translation System for Symbolic Knowledge(2000)
 [17]FCA-Merge:Bottom-Up Merging of Ontologies(2001)
 [18]Smart:Automated Support for Oontology Merging and Alignment(1999)
 [19]Rule Induction for Concept Hierarchy Alignment((IJCAI 2001)
 [20]Anchor-PROMPT: Using Non-Local Context for Semantic Matching((IJCAI 2001)



 a、input requirements  —— 需要的输入
 b、level of user interaction —— 使用者交互的层次
 c、type of output  —— 输出的类型
 d、content of output  —— 输出的内容
 e、the following five dimensions
 structural, lexical, domain, instance-based knowledge, and type of result


 Section2:meanings of ontology mapping, ontology integration,merging, and alignment

 ·characteristics and application domains of three different categories of ontology   mapping are discussed.
 ·The tools, systems, frameworks, and related work of ontology mapping are surveyed   based on the three different ontology mapping categories.
 ·Then the overall comparison of tools or systems about ontology mapping is presented

 Section4:conclusion and presentation of future work


 1、本体映射在很多领域中被用到:ontology integration, merging, and alignment

    还有一个与之相关的领域:schema matching,是数据库中的主要研究内容,本文何种不涉及

    [3]Learning to Match the Schemas of Data Sources: A Multistrategy Approach(2003)
    [36]A comparative analysis of methodologies for database schema integration(1986)
    [37]Semantic Integration Research in the Database Community: A Brief Survey(2005)
    [38]Corpus based schema matching(2005)

 2、ontology integration, merging, and alignment——都可以被看成本体重用的一种方式

 ·ontology merging:

 ·ontology integration:
 ——在两个或者多个现存的、不同的、并且描述不同主题的本体基础上生成单独的、在一个领域     中的本体

 ·ontology alignment:

 3、ontology mapping(三种情况分别定义)
 1)综合的、全局本体 <----> 局部本体


 2)局部本体  <----> 局部本体

 在语义关系的基础上,把一个本体中的实体翻译为目标本体中的对应实体的过程。其中的源实体 和目标实体在语义概念上相关。

 3)mapping for 本体合并与联合

 在这种情况下,本体映射在源本体之间建立通信,并决定他们之间重叠的概念、同义词或者对其 他源本体来说独特的概念的集合。这种映射鉴别多个源本体之间的相似和不同之处,用于进行合 并或者联合。


1、综合的、全局本体 <----> 局部本体

 1.1 实力和缺点



 1.2 应用领域


 1.3 工具、系统和相关工作
 ·LSD(learning source description):使用多策略学习方法的半自动创建语义映射。

 包含多个Learner:分为两类 base learner 和 meta learner
 ——base learner:The Name Learner、Content Learner、Na?ve Bayes Learner、XML Learner
 ——meta learner:meta learner

 ——training:a small set of data sources has been manually mapped to the mediated                 schema and is utilized to train the base learners and the meta learner
 ——matching:the trained learners predict mappings for new sources and match the          schema of the new input source to the mediated schema

 ·MOMIS (Mediator Environment for Multiple Information Sources):
 MOMIS creates a global virtual view (GVV) of information sources, independent of
their location or their data’s heterogeneity.


 ·A Framework for OIS(Ontology integration system):

 ——使用两种方法:从全局本体的每一个概念  --->局部本体的概念(global-centric approach)
     从局部本体的每一个概念  --->Global本体的概念(localcentric approach)

2、局部本体  <----> 局部本体  (是一个重点)


 2.1 实力和缺点


 2.2 应用领域

 Web,Semantic web

 2.3 工具、系统和相关工作

 ·Context OWL:Contextualizing Ontologies

 ·CTXMATCH:CTXMATCH is an algorithm for discovering semantic mappings across            hierarchical classifications (HCs) using logical deduction.

 ·GLUE:semi-automatically creates ontology mapping using machine learning techniques

 ·MAFRA:Ontology MAapping FRAmework for distributed ontologies in the Semantic Web
   provides a distributed mapping process that consists of five horizontal and      four vertical modules.

 ·LOM:Lexicon-based Ontology Mapping

 ·QOM:Quick Ontology Mapping,a efficient method for identifying mappings between
        two ontologies because it has lower run-time complexity.

 ·ONION:ONtology compositION system

 ·OKMS:Ontology-based knowledge management system。mapping is used for combining    distributed and heterogeneous ontologies

 ·OMEN:Ontology Mapping Enhancer,OMEN is a probabilistic ontology mapping tool           which enhances the quality of existing ontology mappings using a Bayesian Net

 ·P2P ontology mapping:This work proposes the framework which allows agents to     interact with other agents efficiently based on the dynamic     mapping of only the portion of ontologies relevant to the     interaction.

3、mapping for 本体合并与联合

 可以通过合并处理创建一个一致的本体。It also creates links between local    ontologies while they remain separate during the ontology alignment process.

 映射不存在于合并后得到的的本体 与 被合并的若干局部本体之间,


 3.1 实力和缺点 

 3.2 应用领域

 Many applications such as standard search, e-commerce, government intelligence,   medicine, etc., have large-scale ontologies and require the reuse of ontology merging  processes。

 3.3 工具、系统和相关工作

 ·SMAR:SMART is a semi-automatic ontology merging and alignment tool.

 ·PROMPT:PROMPT is a semi-automatic ontology merging and alignment tool.

 ·OntoMorph: OntoMorph provides a powerful rule language for specifying mappings,     and facilitates ontology merging and the rapid generation of      knowledge-base translators.

 ·HICAL (Hierarchical Concept Alignment system):
 provides concept hierarchy management  for ontology merging/alignment (one concept   hierarchy is aligned with another concept in another concept hierarchy), uses a   machine-learning method for aligning multiple concept hierarchies, and exploits the   data instances in the overlap between the two taxonomies to infer mappings.

 ·Anchor-PROMPT:takes a set of anchors (pairs of related terms) from the source
     ontologies and traverses the paths between the anchors in the source ontologies.

 ·CMS (CROSI Mapping System): CMS is an ontology alignment system.

 ·FCA-Merge:a method for ontology merging based on Ganter and Wille’s formal
   concept analysis, lattice exploration, and instances of
   ontologies to be merged.

 ·CHIMAERA: CHIMAERA is an interactive ontology merging tool based on the Ontolingual
      ontology editor.





A、[2002][www][ AH Doan][Learning to Map Between ontologies on the semantic web]
B、[2002][EKAW][Alexander Maedche][MAFRA— A MApping FRAmework for Distributed Ontologies]
C、[2003][IEEE Internet Computing][D Beneventano][Synthesizing an integrated ontology](未打)
D、[2004][ISWC][John Li][QOM - Quick Ontology Mapping](未打)
E、[2003][IEEE Intelligent Systems][A Maedche][Ontologies for enterprise knowledge management](未打)


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