

Hybrid Semantic Web Service Matchmaker OWLS-M...
Hybrid OWL-S Web Service Matchmaker

What is OWLS-MX about ?

OWLS-MX is a hybrid semantic Web service matchmaker that retrieves services for a given query both written in OWL-S, and based on imported ontologies in the W3C recommended ontology web language OWL. For this purpose, the OWLS-MX matchmaker performs pure profile based service IO-matching but combines crisp logic-based semantic matching with syntactic token-based similarity metrics to obtain the best of both worlds - description logics and information retrieval. The "X" in OWLS-MX stands for five different instances (M0 to M4) of the generic hybrid matching scheme OWLS-MX depending on whether and which syntactic similarity metric is used. The OWLS-MX matchmaker is fully implemented in Java, uses the OWL-DL description logic reasoner Pellet for logic based filtering, and the cosine, loss-of-information, extended Jacquard, and Jensen-Shannon information divergence based similarity metrics for complementary approximate matching.
For your convenience, the matchmaker comes with an integrated graphical user interface which guides you through the complete process of matchmaking, including the building of your own test collection and individual performance test runs. For this purpose, we also developed a OWL-S service retrieval test collection youi may use (see below).

OWLS-MX has been developed at the German research center for artificial intelligence (DFKI) in 2005, as the first hybrid matchmaker available for  semantic Web services in OWL-S 1.0 and OWL-S 1.1.

For more detailed information on OWLS-MX, we refer to the Readme.txt and the selected publication:
    Note: OWLS-MX (DFKI) is NOT an extended version of OWLSM (TU Berlin)!
    Despite its unfortunately very similar naming, the OWLSM of TU Berlin has been
    registered as a project at semwebcentral.org after that of OWLS-MX of DFKI and represents a different approach to matchmaking.

    How to get OWLS-MX ?

    You may download and use the open source software of OWLS-MX under Mozilla Public License 1.1 (see Readme.txt). The releases of the OWLS-MX matchmaker software are as follows

    How to get a service retrieval test collection ?

            For testing the OWLS-MX (or any other) matchmaker for OWL-S services, you may use, for example,
            our service retrieval test collection OWLS-TC.
      The majority of these services were retrieved from
            public IBM UDDI registries, and
    semi-automatically transformed from WSDL to OWL-S.
            Please note, that
    no standard test collection for OWL-S service retrieval does exist yet.
            As a consequence, OWLS-TC can only be considered as one possible starting point
            for any activity towards achiving such a standard collection by the community as a whole.

            OWLS-TC version 2, release 2 (zip, M) -- November/December, 2005
            [Download of OWLS-TCs from DFKI site: here]
            Minor changes of a few queries/service names, and the user manual.
            This collection consists of 576 OWL-S services from seven application domains, and
            a set of
    28 test queries each of which associated with a relevance set of 10 to 20 services (cf. user manual).
            OWLS-TC2 can be used, for example, to evaluate the performance of the OWLS-MX 1.1 matchmaker

            OWLS-TC version 1 (zip, 789k)  -- April 11, 2005
            This initial test collection consists of more than 400 OWL-S 1.0 services, and a small set of queries w/ relevance set.
            Please note: It cannot be used to evaluate the performance of OWLS-MX 1.1 or higher, but OWLS-MX 1.0

    How to use the latest OWLS-MX version 1.1b for OWL-S 1.1 services ?

    <!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]-->You need Java J2SEE version 1.5 (JDK 5), or higher to run the OWLS-MX matchmaker: 

    For using OWLS-MX 1.1b, we refer the user to the documentation of its graphical user interface which is included in the distribution file.

    OWLS-MX version 1.1b fixes known GUI bugs of version 1.1a (not the matchmaker code!)
    Due to current problems of the latest version of mindswap‘s OWLS-API that is used by OWLS-MX 1.1 there are
    still problems with parsing semantic web services written in OWL-S 1.0. As a consequence, the test collection OWLS-TC v1
    cannot be used by OWLS-MX 1.1, but version OWLS-MX 1.0 only. For testing OWLS-MX 1.1 you may use OWLS-TC v2.

      How to use the OWLS-MX version 1.0 for OWL-S 1.0 services ?

      The OWLS-MX version 1.0 has no graphical user interface and has been implemented as a software libary which can serve as the operational core of your overall matchmaker agent program for OWL-S 1.0 services. OWLS-MX 1.0 does provide you with an example program named "example.java" that allows you to run the libary directly from your console.

      OWLS-MX program execution syntax

        java -jar owlsmx.jar [RequestURI] [ServicesPath] [MatchingType] [minDegree] [minSim]

      where [RequestURI], [ServicesPath] and [minDegree] are mandatory parameters.
      The output to the console window will be a list of URIs with services that match the given request with a matching degree higher than [minDegree].

      • [RequestURI]     = [URI] URI to the OWL-S service request (the query). This input is mandatory.
      • [ServicesPath]  = [String] Path to .owls files which includes all OWL-S services to register. Can either be a file URI or an actual path (will be converted to Java file type). This input is mandatory.
      • [MatchingType]  = [int] refers to the OWLS-MX variant to be used. This input is mandatory
        • 0 = OWLS-M0 = purely logic-based semantic matching
        • 1 = OWLS-M1 = M0 + Loss-of-information similarity measure
        • 2 = OWLS-M2 = M0 + Extended Jacquard similarity measure
        • 3 = OWLS-M3 = M0 + Cosine similarity measure
        • 4 = OWLS-M4 = M0 + Jensen-Shannon divergence based similarity measure
      • [minDegree]     = [int] minimum degree of (hybrid) semantic match required
        • 0 = exact
        • 1 = plugin
        • 2 = subsumes
        • 3 = subsumed-by
        • 5 = nearest-neigbour
      • [minSim]     = [float] minimum degree of syntactic similarity required  (used for nearest-neighbour, or subsumed-by match). This value will be ignored when using OWLS-M0, and is 0.0 by default.

      (1)    Execute purely logic-based matchmaker OWLS-M0 and return exact matches only:

      java  -jar   owlsmx.jar   C:\apache\htdocs\services   0

      (2)    Execute hybrid matchmaker OWLS-M4 (logic-based + syntactic Jensen-Shannon based simlarity) and return any service retrieved, even nearest
               neighbour matches, and (to improve recall) with required (rather low) minimum similarity value of 0.6.

              java   -jar   owlsmx.jar   C:\apache\htdocs\services   4   5   0.6 

        Execute hybrid matchmaker OWLS-M3 (logic-based + syntactic cosine similarity measure) and return every matching service.

              java   -jar   owlsmx.jar   C:\apache\htdocs\services   3   5
      For windows users a batch file (run.bat) is provided which will perform these examples - just adjust the pathes and uncomment the wanted example.

      Known issues and bugs of version 1.0

      • Cyclic ontologies cause problems.
      • Only adding of ancestor concepts allowed, not properties or domains of properties.
      • Please note that checking the complete service retrieval test collection OWLS-TC v1 with associated ontologies by the matchmaker may take 3 hrs depending on your computing hardware, if you log the memory usage data.

      Next version of OWLS-MX ?

      OWLS-MX version 2 will have the following features
      • Improved filters (Integrated hybrid matching at concept level)
      • Display of the result of testing multiple matchmaker variants (M0 - M4) at the same time
      • Fixing of reported bugs
      • Updated test collection OWLS-TC (version 3) 
      Release date: Autumn 2006

      Support and contact ?

      PLEASE report any bugs and errors encountered to us; we are continuously working to improve OWLS-MX.

      For OWLS-MX software support and help, please contact
              For general inquiries, please contact:
      (c) DFKI, 2005

      OWLS-MX has been developed by Benedikt Fries and Matthias Klusch at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI Saarbruecken, Germany)  in the project SCALLOPS.

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