

A boy rides his bike on the south bank in London March 12, 2012. London will host the Olympics Games this summer. 一个男孩骑着自行车在泰晤士河的南岸上玩耍。这个夏天,伦敦将举办奥运会。(2012.3.12)
REUTERS/Kieran Doherty 路透社 /Kieran Doherty
Tourists walk across the Millennium Bridge near the Tate Modern in London March 12, 2012. 游客们走过泰特现代美术馆旁边的千禧桥。(2012.3.12)
REUTERS/Kieran Doherty  路透社 /Kieran Doherty
A busker plays his electric guitar while standing in the River Thames at low tide along the south bank in London March 13, 2012.  一位艺人站在伦敦泰晤士河南岸的河水中,弹着电吉他。(2012.3.13)
REUTERS/Kieran Doherty  路透社 /Kieran Doherty
Newlyweds pose for photographs on Westminster Bridge in London March 10, 2012.一对新郎新娘在伦敦威斯敏斯特大桥(也叫西敏桥)上为照相摆造型。(2012.3.10)
REUTERS/Kieran Doherty  路透社 /Kieran Doherty
A performance artist performs to tourists along the south bank on the River Thames in London March 13, 2012.一名行为艺术家在泰晤士河南岸为游客表演。(2012.3.13)
REUTERS/Kieran Doherty  路透社 /Kieran Doherty
Battersea Power Station is shrouded in fog on the River Thames in London March 15, 2012. 巴特西电站笼罩在泰晤士河的浓雾中。 (2012.3.15)
REUTERS/Kieran Doherty  路透社 /Kieran Doherty
A view of Canary Wharf on the River Thames in London March 15, 2012.  金丝雀码头晚景。(2012.3.15)
REUTERS/Kieran Doherty  路透社 /Kieran Doherty
A view of the Shard at sunrise in London March 19, 2012.  伦敦城日出(2012.3.19)
REUTERS/Kieran Doherty  路透社 /Kieran Doherty
A view of the Prince Albert memorial in London March 16, 2012.  艾伯特王子纪念塔。(2012.3.16)
REUTERS/Kieran Doherty  路透社 /Kieran Doherty
A Humpty Dumpty egg sits on the wall of Clarence House in London March 8, 2012.  一个汉普蒂邓普蒂蛋(童谣中从墙上摔下跌得粉碎的蛋形矮胖子)放置在 Clarence House宫的墙上。(2012.3.8)
REUTERS/Kieran Doherty  路透社 /Kieran Doherty
A member of the Queen's Guard marches outside Clarence House in London March 8, 2012.  一名皇后卫队卫士在 Clarence House外巡逻。(2012.3.8)
REUTERS/Kieran Doherty  路透社 /Kieran Doherty
Tourists photograph the Queen Victoria Monument outside Buckingham Palace in London March 8, 2012.  游客们在白金汉宫外的维多利亚女王镀金雕像纪念碑前拍照。(2012.3.8)
REUTERS/Kieran Doherty  路透社 /Kieran Doherty
A tourist photographs a member of the Queen's Guard on horseback at the entrance to Horse Guards Parade in London March 8, 2012.  一名游客正在给皇后卫队的骑士拍照。(2012.3.8)
REUTERS/Kieran Doherty  路透社 /Kieran Doherty
Newlyweds pose for photographs underneath Westminster Bridge in London March 10, 2012.  一对新人在西敏桥下为拍照而摆姿势。(2012.3.10)
REUTERS/Kieran Doherty  路透社 /Kieran Doherty
A view of the London Eye in London March 6, 2012.  伦敦眼(也叫千禧之轮)一瞥。(2012.3.6)
REUTERS/Kieran Doherty  路透社 /Kieran Doherty
A view of the Houses of Parliament over the River Thames in London March 8, 2012.  国会大厦的影子投射在泰晤士河上。(2012.3.8)
REUTERS/Kieran Doherty  路透社 /Kieran Doherty
A bus and taxi pass Big Ben on Westminster Bridge in London March 10, 2012.  一辆巴士和一辆出租车经过西敏桥上的大本钟。(2012.3.10)
REUTERS/Kieran Doherty  路透社 /Kieran Doherty
People eat their lunch along the south bank in London March 12, 2012.  人们坐在泰晤士河南岸上吃午餐。(2012.3.12)
REUTERS/Kieran Doherty  路透社 /Kieran Doherty
A bagpiper busks on Westminster Bridge in London March 8, 2012.  一位风琴艺人在西敏桥上卖艺。(2012.3.8)
REUTERS/Kieran Doherty  路透社 /Kieran Doherty
A view of Nelson's column in Trafalgar Square in London March 8, 2012.   特拉法加广场上的尼尔逊柱。(2012.3.8)
REUTERS/Kieran Doherty  路透社 /Kieran Doherty
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Thames 泰晤士河
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