



1. --- How about John?
 --- My uncle ____ a good student.
 A. believes John   B. suggest John
 C. considers John   D. knows John

2. --- Is dinner ready?
 --- No. Mother is ____ it ready now.
 A. doing  B. cooking  C. getting  D. preparing

3. --- What happened?
 --- As you know, my schoolmates never ____ their clothes well.
 A. hanging  B. hanged  C. hung  D. hang

4. What size shoes do you ____?
 A. wear  B. dress  C. put on  D. have on

5. What he said ____ me and I got angry.
 A. broke  B. hurt  C. wounded  D. damaged

6. The bad cold ____ me awake the whole night.
 A. made  B. caused  C. kept  D. let

7. At the meeting, the monitor ____ a good suggestion.
 A. said  B. showed  C. made  D. put

8. Will you ____ me the favor to take down the pictures?
 A. give  B. do  C. make  D. bring

9. The expression on her face ____ that she was disappointed.
 A. told  B. said  C. expressed  D. suggested

10. Many parts of the country were ____ by the floods in the summer of 1991.
 A. affected  B. effect  C. suffered  D. irrigated

11. On the way back, he was ____ in a storm and got all wet.
 A. got  B. caught  C. held  D. grasped

12. The ship ____ a rock and slowly it began to go down.
 A. hit  B. knocked  C. beat  D. broke

13. He often tells us that he doesn't ____ in his room.
 A. promise drinking  B. permit drinking
 C. allow to drink   D. let drinking

14. Would you be kind enough to ____ me a few minutes?
 A. save  B. share  C. spend  D. spare

15. I found them ____ at a desk writing.
 A. seat  B. sat  C. seated  D. seating

16. The newly-built cinema ____ the beauty of the town.
 A. adds to  B. adds up  C. adds up to  D. are added up to

17. They have eaten all the oranges on the table and ____ was left for me.
 A. none  B. nothing  C. no one  C. not anything

18. Only when all the facts have been ____, can we draw a conclusion.
 A. made  B. found out  C. discovered  D. invented

19. If you like, ____ at any time.
 A. call on  B. drop in  C. visit  D. pay a visit to

20. When they arrived at the crossroads, they went in the wrong ____.
 A. direction  B. ways  C. road  D. path

21. I ____ live in the countryside than in the city.
 A. like to  B. had better  C. would rather  D. prefer

22. The clock ____ twelve and I realized it was late.
 A. hit  B. rang  C. struck  D. beat

23. This science book ____ me a great amount of money.
 A. took  B. cost  C. used  D. spent

24. I ____ you the best luck in the exam.
 A. wish  B. hope  C. expect  D. want

25. He was too excited to ____.
 A. go to bed  B. sleep  C. be asleep  D. fall asleep

26. We are ____ making a plan for the meeting.
 A. planning  B. considering  C. thinking  D. supposing

27. What a nice ____ his coat is!
 A. clothes  B. suit  C. fit  D. dress

28. My trousers are too long. You'd better buy me a shorter ____.
 A. one  B. trouser  C. set  D. pair

29. He's so well-educated that he will certainly be offered a good ____.
 A. service  B. position  C. business  D. work

30. Green vegetables are ____ in winter and cost a lot.
 A. scarce  B. rare  C. few  D. little

31. You can't judge him by his ____. He might be a good boy.
 A. face  B. looks  C. beauty  D. expression

32. What's your ____ sport, swimming or skating?
 A. fit  B. best  C. popular  D. favorite

33. I really have no ____ when they will arrive.
 A. mind  B. thought  C. knowledge  D. idea

34. The price of foreign oil is much ____ than ever.
 A. cheaper  B. expensive  C. higher  D. more

35. The furniture takes up a lot of ____.
 A. places  B. room  C. spots  D. spaces

36. The racers are ____ old people in their sixties.
 A. most  B. mostly  C. almost  D. at the most

37. The piece of ____ music made me forget my worries.
 A. merry  B. glad  C. fond  D. pleased

38. In which year did the Labor Party come into ____ in that country?
 A. change  B. power  C. force  D. control

39. The enemy soldiers were beaten. They had no ____ but to give in.
 A. possibility  B. way  C. selection  D. choice

40. Lying in bed, he was ____ awake with his eyes fixed on the ceiling.
 A. wide  B. open  C. deep  D. clearly

41. From the same fact we drew different ____.
 A. ideas  B. theories  C. results  D. conclusions

42. Do you know how many basic ____ of blood there are in all?
 A. kinds  B. sorts  C. types  D. forms

43. He was so tired that as soon as he lay down he fell ____ asleep.
 A. fast  B. very  C. much  D. deep

44. The ____ of oil under the land made the people richer.
 A. founding  B. invention  C. discovery  D. existence

45. I had hoped that Henry would answer my question, but he remained
 A. quiet  B. still  C. ready  D. silent

46. Father often turns to the doctor for ____ about his heart trouble.
 A. help  B. advice  C. money  D. support

47. He has such a poorly-paid job that twenty dollars a week was the ____ of
his income.
 A. all  B. whole  C. totals  D. entire

48. It makes no ____ whether you go today or tomorrow.
 A. means  B. suggestion  C. difference  D. idea

49. Thoughts are expressed by ____ of words.
 A. way  B. method  C. means  D. forms

50. The book is so instructive that it is ____ worth reading twice.
 A. very  B. quite  C. rather  D. well


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