


NEW DELHI — India’s rapidly worsening air pollution is causing about 1.1 million people to die prematurely each year and is now surpassing China’s as the deadliest in the world, a new study of global air pollution shows.


The number of premature deaths in China caused by dangerous air particles, known as PM2.5, has stabilized globally in recent years but has risen sharply in India, according to the report, issued jointly on Tuesday by the Health Effects Institute, a Boston research institute focused on the health impacts of air pollution, and the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation, a population health research center in Seattle.

周二发布的这份报告显示,近年来,危险空气颗粒PM2.5在中国引起的过早死亡人数整体上已经稳定下来,但在印度却出现了急剧上升。该报告是波士顿的空气污染健康影响研究机构——健康效应研究所(Health Effects Institute)和西雅图的人口健康研究中心——卫生统计评估研究所(Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation)发布的。

India has registered an alarming increase of nearly 50 percent in premature deaths from particulate matter between 1990 and 2015, the report says.


“You can almost think of this as the perfect storm for India,” said Michael Brauer, a professor of environment and health relationships at the University of British Columbia and an author of the study, in a telephone interview. He cited the confluence of rapid industrialization, population growth and an aging populace in India that is more susceptible to air pollution.

“你几乎可以认为这对印度来说可谓祸不单行,”该研究的作者、不列颠哥伦比亚大学环境与健康关系教授迈克尔·布劳尔(Michael Brauer)在接受电话采访时说道。他表示,印度的快速工业化、人口增长和人口老龄化结合在一起,使其更容易受到空气污染的影响。

Pollution levels are worsening in India as it tries to industrialize, but “the idea that policy making should be led by government is lacking,” Bhargav Krishna, manager for environmental health at the Public Health Foundation of India, a health policy research center in New Delhi, said in an interview.

在新德里的健康政策研究中心印度公共健康基金会(Public Health Foundation)的环境卫生负责人巴葛夫·克里希纳(Bhargav Krishna)在接受采访时说,随着印度工业化进程的推进,该国的污染程度也在日益加剧,但“缺乏政策制定应该由政府主导的观念”。

As air pollution worsened in parts of the world, including South Asia, it improved in the United States and Europe, the report said, crediting policies to curb emissions, among other things. The report’s website that provides country-by-country data on pollution levels and the health and mortality effects.


Environmental regulations in the United States and actions by the European Commission have led to substantial progress in reducing fine particulate pollution since 1990, the report said. The United States has experienced a reduction of about 27 percent in the average annual exposure to fine particulate matter, with smaller declines in Europe. Yet, some 88,000 Americans and 258,000 Europeans still face increased risks of premature death because of particulate levels today, the report said.


A fraction of the width of a human hair, these particles can be released from vehicles, particularly those with diesel engines, and by industry, as well as from natural sources like dust. They enter the bloodstream through the lungs, worsening cardiac disease and increasing the risk of stroke and heart failure, in addition to causing severe respiratory problems, like asthma and pneumonia.


The report offers good news globally, in some ways.


Although deaths caused by air pollution grew to 4.2 million in 2015 from 3.5 million in 1990, the rate of increase of about 20 percent was slower than the rate of the population rise during that time. That’s because of improved health care in many parts of the world, as well as public policy initiatives undertaken in the United States, Europe and other regions that reduced emissions from industrialization, the authors of the study said in telephone interviews.


The health effects of the ultrafine particles are still being studied and the full effects are only beginning to be understood, said Majid Ezzati, a global environmental health professor at the Imperial College, London.

伦敦帝国学院(Imperial College)全球环境卫生教授马基德·伊扎提(Majid Ezzati)说,超细颗粒对健康的影响尚在研究之中,研究人员刚刚开始对其全面影响有所了解。

“These studies are hard to do, and isolating the effects of air pollution is hard,” Dr. Ezzati said. “The numbers are still dynamic and nobody should claim an exact number of deaths is known.”


But if he were an Indian citizen, he said, “I’d say, ‘Let’s not sit there and do nothing about it. Let’s not be exposed to it today as more research is being done.’”


Although few studies of the health problems brought by air pollution are based in India, Dr. Ezzati said, “it’s hard to imagine air pollution that is bad for people in London is not bad for people in India.”


Neither India’s environment minister nor its environment secretary could be reached for comment Monday evening.


Robert O’Keefe, vice president at the Health Effects Institute, said China’s trajectory on deaths from air pollution had stabilized as a result of the country’s efforts to reduce air pollution.

健康影响研究所的副所长罗伯特·奥基夫(Robert O’Keefe)称,由于中国致力于减少空气污染,该国空气污染致死案例数量已经趋于稳定。

India, on the other hand, had yet to undertake sustained public policy initiatives to reduce pollution, said Gopal Sankaranarayanan, an advocate at the Supreme Court of India who successfully petitioned it to ban licenses to sell fireworks in the New Delhi metropolitan area last year. Fireworks during the festival of Diwali contributed to hazardous levels of air pollution late last year.

印度最高法院(Supreme Court of India)的倡导人士戈帕尔·桑卡拉纳拉亚南(Gopal Sankaranarayanan)说,另一方面,印度尚需采取持续的公共政策举措以减少污染。桑卡拉纳拉亚南去年曾成功提请印度最高法院禁止颁发在新德里都会区销售烟花的许可证。

Weak environmental regulation in India, he said, leaves India’s citizens with few alternatives other than to petition the courts to take action to protect the public’s health.


But the courts often lack the power or mechanisms to enforce their actions, he said. India’s environmental court, the National Green Tribunal, ordered farmers to stop burning their crops in the region around New Delhi in 2015, but the practice still continued last year. Smoke from the farm fires contributed about one quarter of the levels of the most dangerous air pollution in the Indian capital, environmental experts said.

但他表示,法院常常缺乏执行力量或机制。印度的环保法庭——国家绿色法庭(National Green Tribunal)于2015年勒令农民停止在新德里周遭燃烧秸秆,但这种做法去年仍未禁绝。环保专家称,农场燃烧秸秆时生成的烟雾为印度首都最严重的空气污染贡献了四分之一的污染物。

“If you can’t enforce the directives of the courts — it becomes a problem,” Mr. Sankaranarayanan said. “We need practical solutions to save lives here in India.”


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