

| 文章作者:佚名 | 文章来源:网络 | 文章录入:henry | 更新时间:2008-12-13 | 字体: |

81. (1) He is such a lazy man ______ nobody wants to work with ______.    
    (2) He is such a lazy man ______ nobody wants to work with ___.
A. that; him   B. that; /   C. as; /   D. as; him
82. (1) ______ sometimes keeps her awake at night ______ Tom is getting more and more quiet at home.
    (2) ______ sometimes keeps her awake at night is ______ Tom is getting more and more quiet at home.
   A. That; which   B. It; that   C. Whether; what   D. What; that
83. (1) --- Would you tell me ______ you want your tea, with sugar or milk?
      --- Sugar, please.
    (2) --- Would you tell me ______ you want your tea with sugar or milk?
      --- Sugar, please.
   A. whether   B. where   C. what   D. how
84. (1) Is this hotel ______ you said we were to stay in your letter?
    (2) Is this the hotel ______ you said we were to stay in your letter?
   A. where   B. which   C. at which   D. that
85. (1) Is this farm ______ you visited last summer with the foreign friends?
    (2) Is this the farm ______ you visited last summer with the foreign friends?
A. the one   B. which   C. that    D. /
86. (1) ______ a terrible storm would take place in Hainan.
   A. Word came which     B. Word came that
   C. Word that came      D. Words came that
   (2) There is a common belief among them ______ rubbish can and should be put to good use.
   (3) There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars ______ road conditions need to be improved.
   A. which    B. if    C. whether    D. that
87. (1) A modern city has been set up in ______ was a wasteland ten years ago.
   (2) ______ is Britain now used to be three different countries and over many years the three countries became one.
   A. as    B. that    C. what    D. which
88. (1) I can think of many cases ______ students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldn’t write a good essay.
   (2) He got himself into a dangerous situation ______he is likely to lose control over the plane.
   A. why    B. as    C. what    D. where
89. (1) Mrs. Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she ______ went wrong again.
   (2) The washing machine Mrs. Brown ______ went wrong again.
   A. had had repaired   B. had repaired   C. repair   D. repaired
   (3) Who would you like to _______ the letter to the headmaster’s office?
   A. have written  B. have write   C. write   D. writing
90. (1) --- What should I do with this passage?
     --- ______ the main idea of each paragraph.
   (2) --- What made him so worried?
     --- ______ the main idea of each paragraph.
   (3) --- Why is he reading the passage in such a loud voice?
     --- ______ the main idea of each paragraph.
   A. Finding out   B. Found out   C. Find out   D. To find out
91. (1) About 170 people _____ and dozens more ______ after a flood hit an Indonesian town last week.
   A. were killed; are still missing    B. have been killed; were still missing
   C. are killed, are still missing     D. had been killed; were still missing
   (2) By the time you arrive in London, we ______ in Europe for two weeks.
A. shall stay  B. have stayed  C. will have stayed  D. have been staying
92. (1) --- What’s wrong with your coat?
      --- Just now when I wanted to get off the bus, the man next to me ______ on it.
   A. sat   B. had sat   C. had been sitting   D. was sitting
   (2) The manager had fallen asleep where he ______, without undressing.
   A. was laying   B. was lying   C. had laid   D. had lied
93. (1) --- Lend me some more money, will you?
  --- Sorry, I’ve got ______ at hand myself. You know the MP3 player cost me all I had just now.
   (2) --- I’ve looked everywhere, but I haven’t found any black ink.
      --- Then, I’m afraid there is ______ left.
   (3) --- Have you got anything interesting to tell us?
      --- ______.
   A. no one   B. none   C. neither   D. nothing
94. (1) --- May I go and play with Tom this afternoon, Mum?
      --- No. You can’t go out ______ your homework is being done.
   (2) --- May go and play with Tom this afternoon, Mum?
        --- No. You can’t go out ______ your homework is done.
   A. until   B. since   C. before   D. if
95. (1) It was some time later ______ we realize the truth.
   (2) It was some time ______ we realize the truth.
   A. until   B. since   C. before   D. that
96. (1) --- Excuse me. Did you notice whether the No 178 bus had gone by?
      --- Not ______ I’ve been standing here.   
   (2) --- Excuse me. Did you notice whether the No 178 bus had gone by?
      --- Not ______ I began to stand here.
   A. as   B. since   C. when   D. while
97. (1) All morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor, her nervousness _______.
   A. has grown  B. is growing  C. grew  D. had grown
   (2) The discussion _______ alive when an interesting topic was brought in.
   A. was coming  B. had come   C. has come  D. came
   (3) It is said in the book that Thomas Edison (1847---1931) _______ the world leading inventor for sixty years.
   A. would be   B. has been  C. had been  D. was
(4) --- Well, that was really a good meal. I _______ you were a really good cook.
      --- Thank you.
   A. didn’t know  B. don’t know  C. haven’t known  D. hadn’t known
   (5) --- How long _______ in Ji’nan?
      --- For just the weekend. I was back shortly after the meeting.
   A. did you stay  B. have you stayed  C. were you staying  D. are you staying
98. (1) Although he has lived with us for years, he _______ us much impression.
   A. hadn’t left  B. didn’t leave  C. doesn’t leave  D. hasn’t left
   (2) The house belongs to my aunt but she _______ here any more.
   A. hasn’t lived  B. didn’t live  C. hadn’t lived  D. doesn’t
99. (1) Scientists think that the continents _______ always where they _______ today.
   (2) Scientists think that the continents today _______ always where they _______.
   A. aren’t; are  B. aren’t; were  C. weren’t; are  D. weren’t; were
(3) Never before _______ in greater need of modern public transport than it is today.
   (4) Never _______ in greater need of modern public transport than it is today.
   A. has this city been  B. this city has been  C. was this city  D. this city was
100. (1) --- Why didn’t you put your cell phone in our overcoat pocket?
       --- I _______, but I was afraid it would be stolen.
   A. had put   B. put   C. would have  D. could have
    (2) --- _______ Mr. Brown _______ this week?
       --- No. he is on holiday.
   A. Has; worked  B. Does; work  C. Did; work  D. Is; working

51. BB   52. BA   53. AAB   54. BC     55. BA  56. BA    57. BA 
58. CB   59. BA   60. BC/C  61. CA     62. CD  63. AB    64. CA
65. AB/C 66.ACBD  67. ACD   68. AB     69. AB  70. BCB   71. ABB
72. CB   73. AC   74. AC    75. BAA    76. CB  77. CA    78. BA 
79. DBA  80. BCC  81. AC    82. BD     83. DB  84. AC    85. A/BCD
86. BDD  87. CC   88. DD    89. BAB    90. CAD 91. AC    92. DB  93. BBD
94. BA   95. DC   96. DB    97. CDDDA  98. CD  99. CBCA  100. CD

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