



M5 & M6课文句子背诵

1. Doctors have been researching what effect stand-up and other forms of comedy   

have on us, and have discovered that people who laugh a lot live longer.


2. Whatever the reason, research shows that in the end, the English saying,  

‘Laughter is the best medicine’, may be true after all.


3. To some, happiness is being surrounded by family and friends. To others,  

happiness means achieving success in something, such as meeting a goal. To those who have been injured or struggle with a physical disability, happiness can simply mean a day without suffering, or just being alive.


4. Before her accident, we knew her as a young girl who was happy and successful in  

her sport. While she was injured and in hospital, she amazed the world by the way she remained cheerful.


5. Even though her training meant that she had to live apart from her parents,she

was happy to devote herself to gymnastics.


6. Sang Lan knew that for many people the secret to happiness is to have  

appreciation for the good things in life, and to focus on goals. Instead of crying about what she had lost and feeling hopeless, Sang Lan thought about what she could do to get better.


7. When the doctors told her that she would never again be a gymnast, she was able to

overcome her sorrow by being proud of the things she had accomplished. She felt thankful to be alive and lucky to have the rest of her life to learn new things.


8. However, her primary goal is to advocate better treatment for disabled people. She

says that she likes to be optimistic. She also believes that keeping busy helps her stay positive.


9. All I have to do was go to school and spend a few hours studying when I came



10. All I have to do was enjoy my adolescence. 我要做的一切就是享受我的少年时光。

11. Young people should never forget that good health is an important part of

happiness. It is hard to stay happy and cheerful when you are ill, or when you are old and your body aches. When I was young, I could run many kilometers and I would not feel tired. I felt like I could do anything.


12. I have been happy about different things at different times during my life, but my

most vivid and happiest memories are those of school days, so I think that was the happiest time in my life.


13. When I imagine my future, I see myself successful in my job and surrounded by

my family. I predict there will be new technology which will allow people to live longer and be healthier. This is why I think my happiest days will be in the future.


14. Then families will be able to spend the maximum amount of their precious time

enjoying each other’s company and the minimum amount of time doing housework.


15. It is nice to think that my happiest days are still ahead of me. Thinking this way

gives me the motivation to work hard now so that I can enjoy my future life.


16. But what is really interesting is that there are sometimes great cultural

differences even between native English speakers.


17. After all,learning about cultural differences is a good way to understand more

about each other.


18. I am pleased to have this chance today to talk to you about the United Nations,or

the UN,as it is more often referred to. The UN is an international organization made up of countries that want to promote world peace. I am very happy to have been chosen to be a Goodwill Ambassador for them.


19. I feel very honored to have been able to take on this role.


20. One of the goals is to ensure that clean water is available to everyone, as in

many places water is not safe to drink unless it is boiled.


21. The water makes it difficult for the cuts and wounds to get better and easy for

bacteria to spread.


22. When I think back to all the experiences that I have had around the world since   

joining Doctors without borders, I feel that I have been very lucky to be able to help others and do something worthwhile.


23. This experience makes me appreciate all the things I have and gives me the         

chance to see things from another angle.I know I can’t change the whole world,but I’m proud that I can help here and there and make a difference to people’s lives.


24. I feel betrayed by my friend Hannah.We have been best friends since primary school and spend almost every day with each other.


25. I was so upset that I felt like crying. I thought that Hannah must have told my classmates about my grade after promising not to. Everyone must have been    laughing behind my back.


26. Football is very important to me, but so is our friendship.


27.Yesterday,I saw him talking to another boy, Peter, and I cannot help wondering if he wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me.


28. When he comes back three and a half hours later,they’re still sitting on the sofa, continuing the same conversation on the same topic.


29. Boys and girls have different attitudes towards friendship. Friendships between girls are usually anchored in shared feelings and support, but friendships between boys are based on shared activities or interests. A boy is likely to be cautious about sharing the feelings with his close friends. A girl’s closet friend, however, might be eager to tell her about something that has happened in her life.

男孩和女孩对待友谊有着不同的态度。女孩之间的友谊通常建立在共同的情感和互相支持之上,而男孩之间的友谊则以共同的活动或兴趣为基础。对于与密    友们分享感情这件事,一个男孩会更加谨慎。而一个女孩的密友则可能会迫不及待地向她吐露自己生活中发生过的事情。

30. Many studies worldwide show that girls have more friendships than boys. In fact, many adolescent males cannot name a single best friend. When asked, they usually hesitate before responding.


31. We have to realize: boys share activities, while girls share feelings. The qualities that boys and girls consider important in a friend seem to be the same, regardless of the basis of these friendships. The important thing to remember is that both of them are friendships. We all need friends in our lives.


32. When deciding what is important in life, some people choose money, while others choose things like security and comfort. However, for me, the most important thing in life is friendship. I cannot imagine being without it.


33. Life is no fun without a companion to share it.


34. Friendship means not being alone.友谊意味着不孤独。

   Friendship means having someone I can rely on.友谊意味着有人可以依靠

   Friendship means being committed to others.友谊意味着忠诚于他人。

35. The best way to have a friend is to be a friend.拥有朋友的最佳途径就是做一个朋友。

36. In conclusion, when we are old and look back on our lives, what will we remember? Will we remember the things we bought or the places we have been to? No, we will remember those whom we loved and those who loved us. We will remember our friends.


37. While we damage our environment, we keep producing more and more people who need more land to live on and more food to eat.


38. It is our duty to try to cut back on production and produce the number of things we make and buy. The amount of rubbish we produce is turning into a big problem; we need to think more about recycling our waste. It would be good to increase the amount of waste we recycle, and teach people ways of living that don’t harm the environment. We may even create more jobs and help our country become more developed at the same time.


39. It is clear that you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment.显然,你非常担心我们的环境的现状。

40. People often have this belief that development is bad for the environment, but this does not have to be true.


41. What I’m here to say is that having worked with many environmental consultants, I know that a healthy environment and development should be possible at the same time. 我在这里要说的是,与许多环境顾问工作之后,我们知道健康的环境和经济发展并存是有可能的。

42. Ms Lin suggested we should cut back on the quantity of things we produce in order to save the environment.


43.What we need are better laws to preserve the environment and still allow our country to grow.     


44. Asking around, I find many people willing to pay a little higher price for things that are friendly to the environment.


45. We have to consider the need for the environmental protection when developing the



46 .We have to consider the need for environmental protection when developing the economy.


47. This is not good news for the people who rely on the Yangtze River for water. Nor is it good news for the wide range of fish and wildlife that live in or along the river.


48. Many people have recognized the importance of protecting the Yangtze River, and organizations and projects have been set up to deal with the problem.


49. We still have a long way to go to solve all the problems in regard to the Yangtze River. However, people have finally realized that it is their responsibility to protect this great river. Because of this, the situation on the Yangtze River is improving. The efforts of the Chinese government and people to protect this much-loved river will be appreciated for years to come.


50. Therefore, the more petrol and electricity we consume, the more carbon we are letting off.


51. One thing we can all do to help solve this problem is to walk or use a bicycle when possible. Although we produce carbon when we breathe, the carbon we produce is much less than that produced by a car.


52. At home, you should use as little energy as possible. Turn off the lights and anything else electrical when not in use. Since factories use a lot of energy and also let off carbon gases, it is important to recycle as much as possible. In particular, metal products and paper products require a lot of energy to produce, so you should find ways to use these again without throwing them away.


53. Last but not least,you can plant a tree, because trees absorb the carbon dioxide in the air to produce oxygen. Planting a small tree is cheap and easy, and two decades from now, when you look at what will have become a large tree, you will find a sense of satisfaction knowing that you did your part to help solve the problem of climate change.            


54. We further damage the Earth by building new channels in the sea and factories on the land, and by creating pollution with chemical waste. We will some day destroy the planet we live on if we continue in this way.


55. However, if we focus only on conservation, then people may suffer. Not everything that is best for nature is good for people.


56. From the point of view of some people, we are only doing what humans have always done,  using nature to meet our own needs.     

use sth to do sth         meet one’s needs


57. After decades of destroying nature and using up natural resources, many developed nations are now concerned about saving nature rather than developing or destroying it. However, many  poorer nations must focus on meeting the everyday needs of their people. In doing so, they are using up natural resources at a fast pace.                     

 use up      be concerned about


58. The developed and developing countries of the world need to work together to make sure that people enjoy healthy and happy lives, without the environment around them suffering.


59. It should not be a question of humans winning and nature losing. Humans can only really win by protecting nature. After all, food has to be produced in a healthy, natural system, and we all need clean air to breathe and pure water to drink. It is mankind’s responsibility to find answers that are good for everyone, and everything.


60. Since no one really knows whether GM food is safe, many countries have hesitated to give permission for the production of GM foods, as they would rather be cautious with this new technology.


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