

Unit 1 Can you play the guitar ? 教学设计

1. Analysis of the Teaching Material:

This unit is the tenth unit of the book. In this unit students learn to talk about abilities. To attainfour skillsrequest of listening,speaking,reading and writing. Such a topic is related to students daily life, so students will feel interested in it and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English.

2. Teahing aims and demands:

(1) Knowledge objects:

A:  Students know how to use the modal verb can ,Yes\ No questions and short answers.

B:  Students can use the news words dance, swim, sing, play chess, paint, speak English, play the guitar.

C:  Fnish some exercises by themselves.

(2) Ability objects:

A: Students can develop their abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

B: Students can develop their abilities of working in pairs and communication by learning the useful structures.

(3) Moral objects:

Students can be active in class and show themselves to increase their interest in Eglish learning.

3. Teaching keys and difficult points:

Key points:1 To train the students to commmunicate with others.

         2 To enable the students to study and finish the task in groups and co-operation.

Difficult points:Modal word can

4. Teaching aids:

Flash cards ,tape recorder and test paper.

5. Teaching procedure

Step1: Warm-up

   Sing Good morning song.

Step2: Presentation

T shows the flash cards and teaches the new words one by one. (sing, dance, swim, play chess, paint, play the guitar ,speak English)

   After the new words learning

T: I can speak Englishcan you speak English?

Student1: Yes, I can.

T; How about you?

Student2: No, I cant.

T: Can he speak English?

Student3: No, he cant.

T: Can she speak English?

Student4: Yes, she can.

Step 3: Practice

First play a game, let the students do the actions and guess the words. Then ask them to play a memory game. Ask four or five students to introduce their abilities, at last, lets see which students can remember all the students abilities. Use the sentence :

I can……

He can…… 

She can……

Then play the tape, finish 1b,2a and 2b.

Step 4: Production:

According to 2b and 2c, teacher gives the students some tasks to make similar dialogues without repetion and find out which group will make more dialogues.

Group work

Make their own conversations and show the conversation in the front.

Student1: What club do you want to join?

Student2:I want to join the ……club.

Student1: Can you ……?

Student2:No, I cant.

Student1:Can you……?

Student2: Yes I can.

Step 5:practice

Hand out the five minutes test paper. The students finish the exercises in five minutes and teacher checks them.

Step 6: Homework:

1. Remember all the new words learned.

2. Make a dialogue according to 2c.


Blackboard design

      Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?

Can you \he \she sing?( dance, swim, play chess)

Yes, I \ he\ she can.

No, I \he\ she cant.

What club do you want to join?

I want to join the art club.

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