

Listen to this 初级:Lesson 3(原文)

Dialogue 1:
Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) to complete each of the following statements.
1. The man __________.
a. has had a traffic accident
b. has spilt his coffee
c. has broken a cup
2. The man is visiting _________.
a. a girl
b. a married woman
c. his girlfriend

Dialogue 2:
Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) to complete each of the following statements.
1. Klaus is asking ________.
a. if there is anything wrong with the washing machine
b. if the woman is willing to do the washing for him
c. how to work the machine
2. The woman tells him _________.
a. to put in the money first
b. to put in the soap powder first
c. to put in the washing first

Dialogue 3:
Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) to complete the following statement.
Frank is marrying a girl he met ________.
a. in spring
b. in Spain
c. at Trafalgar Square

A. Conversation.
Fill in the missing words.
A: Do you love me?
A: Yes, but do you love me?
B: Uh ... You.
A: Why won't you answer my question?
B: What question?
A: Do you love me? Come on! I want to know.
B:. You know that.
A: That isn't!
B: What kind of answer do you?
A:! I want!
B:answer such a question?

B. Interview: Too Old at Twenty
1. Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) to complete each of the following statements.
(1) Sally Green is ________.
a. a film star
b. a singer
c. a swimming star
(2) She _______ at the last Olympics.
a. broke her leg
b. broke a record
c. broke all the records
(3) Now she is ________.
a. in a pool
b. in her Californian home
c. in another country
(4) Sally Green has given up swimming because __________.
a. she cannot win any international competition
b. She is too old for swimming
c. She cannot compete with others
(5) Sally Green used to get up at ________ to go to the pool.
a. 6 am
b. 6:15 am
c. 6:35 am

2. Fill in the missing words.
(1) Sally Green had to train herselfschool,school and at.
(2) Sally Green swammiles every week.
(3) She became famous at.

3. True or False Questions.
(1)Sally has some wonderful memories, such as visiting other countries and winning a lot of cups.
(2)Though she has missed a lot of things in growing up because of Olympics she has never regretted.

Dictation 1:

Dictation 2:

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