


Game of Thrones Season 6: Long-Scattered Characters Reunited
文/乔安娜·罗宾逊 译/凌云
By Joanna Robinson

Set images from Game of Thrones Season 6 have started to float around on the Internet. And despite the fact that book readers don’t know ex-actly what’s coming, we’re still able to use some book knowledge to make an educated guess or two.

Recently an image of Kit Har-ington in Stark armor leaked online, seeming to confirm the previous rumor that Lord Commander Snow was going to lay down his blacks in order to lead a northern rebellion against the nasty Boltons and take back Winterfell. Well, that was not the only battle photo that has leaked. Here’s one that went up on Imgur that, at first glance, doesn’t seem all that exciting.

That’s just a bunch of mud and straw and banners and the backs of men you don’t recognize. The key, though, is the banners. It’s pretty easy to identify a few sigils including the direwolf of House Stark, the bear of House Mormont, and, as Watchers on the Wall[1] discovered, the brown moose of House Hornwood. Now you’re for-given if the name Hornwood doesn’t exactly send a chill down your spine. And even though I’m pretty excited to meet the young girl in charge of House Mormont[2] after the sassy letter she sent Stannis last season...
[2] 指熊岛(Bear Island)统治者梅姬·莫尔蒙(Maege Mormont)夫人最小的女儿莱安娜·莫尔蒙(Lyanna Mormont),现在大概10 岁。当史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩写信给北境诸侯们,希望他们臣服于自己时,莱安娜回信拒绝了,并表示莫尔蒙家族只会臣服于史塔克家族。

...none of the newcomers are the Northerners we’re looking for. The key to this plot, actually, is in that let-ter from young Lyanna Mormont. The northern armies wouldn’t fight for Stannis because he was an interloper. They will, however, fight for a Stark, and luckily enough, there are several Starks on hand. First of all, Rickon, a.k.a. the littlest Stark, has been holed up north with House Umber since Sea-son 3. We know actor Art Parkinson has been spotted around the Game of Thrones set so it’s possible the north-ern troops are rallying around him.

But, with apologies to Rickon, there’s an even better Stark leader hanging out up north. That’s right, Littlefinger’s dark and calculating ap-prentice: Sansa Stark. If she and Theon are smart they will hightail it north as fast as their hobbled ankles[3] can carry them. Theon won’t be all that welcome, but Sansa is likely headed for a touching reconciliation with her brother. That will be the first time two members of the Stark family have been reunited since they all scattered way back in Season 1. Brace yourselves: tears set to the House Stark theme are coming.
[3] 第五季结尾,珊莎和席恩一起跳下临冬城(Winterfell)的城墙逃跑。

Then, of course, there’s Jon Snow. Or should we be prepared to finally call him Jon Stark? Jon Targaryen? Given the Ned Stark-themed flashbacks that are planned for Season 6, we’re likely finally about to have the truth about poor Jon’s parentage. If that truth is what makes him slip on this Stark armor in place of his Night’s Watch blacks, then maybe Rickon has some competition for King in the North.

However many Starks and dire-wolves it takes, the North seems to be united here in its hatred of the Boltons, and if Jon is involved, it’s possible he’ll even have the Wildlings on his side. Watchers on the Wall reports that this battle will take place in Episode 9 and that members of the production crew are jokingly calling it the “Battle of Six Armies”—one-upping[4] the mas-sive skirmish and cumbersome subtitle that closed out Peter Jackson’s Hobbit trilogy.
[4] [口]胜人一筹,优于。

And while big battles can be in-teresting, it’s the personal investment here that should make Season 6, Epi-sode 9 so compelling for fans of Game of Thrones. The long-suffering separa-tion and near misses of the Starks is almost laughably tragic at this point.

But with Rickon, Sansa, Jon, and maybe even Bran both potentially in one place for the first time since the pilot and united under the flag of their father (uncle?[5]) ... well, I’d hate to be the Boltons. ■
[5] 琼恩·雪诺的身世一直是个谜。有一种推测认为他的父亲是坦格利安家族雷加王子(Rhaegar Targaryen),母亲是艾德·史塔克(Eddard Stark)的妹妹莱安娜·史塔克(Lyanna Stark)。


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