

什么?松鼠比你想象的还聪明一百倍!萌翻啦 |《美国语文》常青藤版
埃德温·埃尔德曼 主编
标题 | 小松鼠米切尔
作者 | 玛格丽特·华纳·莫莉

Baby Mitchell was an August squirrel. That is, he was born in the month of August. 

His pretty gray mother found a nice hole, high up in the crotch of a tall chestnut tree, for her baby’s nest. Then she lined it with soft fur plucked from her own loving little breast, for that is the way the squirrel mothers do. 

This chestnut tree grew in a great forest on the side of a steep mountain, named Mount Mitchell. This is the highest mountain peak in all the eastern half of the United States. It is in North Carolina, where there are many beautiful mountains, and is one of the most beautiful of them all. 

One night the little gray bunny mother did not come home, and the baby in the old chestnut tree became hungry and cried all night. No doubt he was cold, too, for he had no little furry mother to curl herself about him and keep him warm. 

Little Mitchell was only two or three days old, and did not have his eyes open, yet when morning came, he felt so bad, that he climbed up to the crotch of the tree to find out what he could. Then he tried to walk out into space, and down he fell. 

He caught at the tree-trunk with his little claws, and in that way managed to get hold of a piece of loose bark. There he clung, frightened, and crying like a baby-which, indeed, he was. 

Then a lady, who was climbing to the top of Mount Mitchell, came along, found the baby squirrel, and rescued him. She took him with her, and, although she was on a journey, she gave him the best of care. 

She used to give him warm milk out of a spoon three or four times a day. Every day he took a little more, and every day he grew a little larger. 

When he was older, she one day brought him some chestnuts. They were the very first to get ripe. She did not give them to Little Mitchell until she had roasted them in the hot ashes, and made them quite soft. 

Then she gave him one, and the baby took it in his hands, sat up as well as he could, and looked very wise indeed. 

But he was just making believe, for he did not know in the least what to do with that nut. 

He sniffed at it, but seemed to have no idea what was inside, until the lady opened it for him. Then he ate a piece of it, gnawing it with his four little front teeth, and liked it very much. 

Every day after that he had roasted chestnuts with his milk. Soon he learned to know them with the shell on, and to take it off. He would bite it loose, and then give it a fling that sent it ever so far. 

As they traveled on, they came to the chincapin country, and stopped to gather some chincapins, for they were ripe. What are chincapins? Why, don’t you know? All the children that live in the South know what chincapins are. They are not berries! No, guess again. 

Yes, nuts; little shiny brown nuts, like baby chestnuts. The mountain children often string them for beads, because they are so pretty. 

The chincapins grow in little burrs, like tiny chestnut burrs; but there is only one nut in a burr instead of two or three, and they grow on bushes or little trees, with leaves like chestnut leaves, only smaller. 

Mitchell liked the nuts, which are very sweet, and he could crack them for himself, because the shells are soft, like chestnut shells. So he sat on the lady’s knee in the chincapin patch, and cracked chincapins. When he had succeeded in getting a shell off, he would give it a toss that sent it far away. 

Once when Little Mitchell had grown to be quite a squirrel, the lady thought that perhaps he was old enough to take care of himself, and would like to be set free in the woods. That, you know, is the best home for the little squirrel folk. 

When he had finished his dinner of chestnuts that day, the lady put him down on the ground near a little tree. Then she went back to the place where she had been sitting, and left him. 

Little Mitchell first looked around at the big, wild lonely forest, and then at his dear lady. As soon as he could think, he ran and scrambled and scampered as fast as his legs could carry him-not up the tree, oh, no, indeed!——But straight back to his lady. 

He climbed into her lap, stuck his head up her sleeve, and seemed glad to be with her again. She then made up her mind to take care of him, and when she went to her home in the North, Little Mitchell went with her and lived with her. 
























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