

莱斯特的《终极真理》:11 The World 物质世界

11 THE WORLD 物质世界

All behaviour, every act in this world, is based on the desire for love. This desire causes us to seek for approval, acceptance, attention, power, fame, and fortune. Unfortunately, however, love cannot be gotten this way, and we become frustrated and unhappy.


Only by loving can we find love and behappy. Man was never intended to be a victim of circumstances. He is the controller of them, but has lost awareness of this fact. When he regains his awareness of it, he again becomes the master of circumstances, and consciously controls his environment. 


Matter, energy, space, and time are in mind. When man realizes this, he has mental control over them and controls them at his will. There is no intelligence in matter. The world is nothing but matter. The intelligence that is in man, and it determines this world.


However. man is unconsciously determining the world. When he wakes up to this, he gains conscious control. Perceiving the Reality one gains dominion.


Creation is a mental projection. The Reality is just behind it! The world does not disappear on seeing the Reality; the wrong concept of it does! The world is a school in which there is only limitation. The lessons on limitations teach us how to surmount them until we are limitless. Life in the world necessitates misery, as it is in the realm of limitation. Be in the world, but not of it! When one cannot bear being alone with his thoughts, he seeks entertainment. Entertainment is escaping, runningaway from one's thoughts.



Happiness needs no entertainment. Be happyby loving. The more one loves, the less one needs entertainment. Socializing is looking for love in the wrong place. It's looking for love and acceptance from people. And what we really want is the love of God. Love of God is found only by going within in quietness. It is loving, and not looking for love.


Pleasures gained in the world are momentary. Any joy gained through understanding the Truth or the Reality is eternally ours. You want to help the world? Help yourself. Only then may you do so. You cannot show others unless you know yourself. That which we give out to the world we receive in return, -is the law of compensation (karma). Many know this but few realize that karma is created in the thought rather than the act.


If we want good and happy lives it is necessary to think good and happy thoughts only. If one gossips about others, one does not hurt the other one, but hurts himself in accord with the law of compensation. Gossip is a form of hatred because it tears down the other. When one judges, the ego is playing God. Anything we deem right or wrong is judging. Any thinking that is 'anti' (against) is judgement. When there is mutuality and harmlessness there is no judgement. Harmlessness and mutuality always direct one into correct behavior. There's no right or wrong, good or bad. There's only experiencing for the purpose of learning the Reality.


There's nothing wrong with the world when you see it alright. The only way out of the world is through the world by seeing every atom of it as your Self. Socializing and entertainment are wasting time because what we are really looking for (constant and unlimited joy) is not there.


Time used in releasing meditation and selfless service is the most useful time. It leads to joy infinite. If each moment wasted in pursuit of the non-Self be utilized in pursuit of the Self, realization will soon follow. Work or action need not be an obstruction to Self-Realization. The search for your Self can always go on. One should work or act with nonattachment, and take the attitude that he is not the doer. Just be the witness. Then releasing meditation can go on, and through practice, it becomes constant.


A night dream best explains this world. All suffering in a nightmare is real to us while we are dreaming. The entire creation of the world, its characters, and our part in it, -all of these, while we are dreaming, seem real. It is only when we awaken that we become aware that it never was, and that is all subjective. 


Likewise, when we awaken from this world,we say that it never was, and that it is subjective. Then we see the Reality, the singular substance of the world which is just behind it. In the most limited state called wakefulness, one must see that he is limitless. Awaking from this wakeful state awakens one to his unlimited Self.


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