

The History of Marriage


介于我对marriage感触有限,担心强讲“如何经营好marriage”之类的话题太过误人子弟,所以选择了“The History of Marriage”这类不太需要个人情感润色的主题。



From the perspective of the overall development of human history, the marriage system is constantly evolving.

Generally divided into four stages:

  • Synergamy

  • Consanguineous group marriage 

  • Non-consanguineous group marriage and dual marriage 

  • Monogamy


Synergamy is the oldest marriage system.

The so-called marriage is only a simple combination of two sexes.

It has not yet formed a family.

The relationship between the two sexes is extremely unstable and there are no more social obligations between them.

As the number of primitive humans grows, it becomes more and more difficult to find food. How to solve this problem?

On the one hand, they use tools, on the other hand, they become groups.

So humans stepped into the second stage of marriage: consanguineous group marriage.

Consanguineous Group Marriage

Consanguineous marriage, which was the marriage between the same generation of men and women in the same group of primitive society.

The typical characteristics of this marriage relationship are:

  • Brothers and their sisters are husbands or wives; 

  • Children are collectively raised; 

  • Children know their mother and do not know their father.

In the history of the world, there are many legends about the marriage of brothers and sisters.

Fuxi and Nvwa in Chinese mythology.

Zeus and Hera in Greek mythology.

These mythological stories that are widespread throughout the world reflect the fact that in the early stages of human society, the consanguineous marriage between brothers and sisters is such a common historical phenomenon.

However, people soon discovered that there are huge disadvantages in consanguineous group marriage.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, Zuo Zhuan recorded that men and women have the same surname and that their children are unhealthy(男女同姓,其生不蕃).

Based on these concepts that the consanguineous group marriage gradually evolved into the Non-consanguineous Group Marriage.

Non-consanguineous Group Marriage

Non-consanguineous Group Marriage is an important step for human beings to move toward civilization.

It is a valuable experience accumulated by human beings in long-term practice and has made important contributions to the reproduction of human beings.

With the development of productivity, primitive human's products more than they needed. They need children inherite these production. A confirmation requirement has been generated for the child. Based on these concepts, the marriage system evolved into dual marriage.

Dual Marriage

The main feature is that every man or woman has a relatively fixed spouse.

And then Dual Marriage evolved into monogamy.


monogamy is the most stable social relationship ,a man or a woman only has a legal spouse.

But with the development of social civilization and the rapid development of productivity, More and more women are participating in work, and their economic status has greatly improved. survival has no longer be a problem. 

At this time, the social contract of marriage is becoming less and less necessary for economic cooperation, and it has become a constraint in pursuing freedom.

In mainstream countries , the marriage rate is declining and the divorce rate is rising. More and more late-marriage and non-marriage has emerged in recent years.

A Chinese Sociologist Li Yinhe once predicted that in future ,love will be free from the shackles of the marriage system, and the marriage system may die.

So, next time when your relatives, neighbors or colleagues ask you“why not you married? why? why? why?”

You can just told them that the marriage system will eventually die out. I am single because I can see this unstoppable trend of history. Please do not try to stop it.


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