

深度好文 |如何教会孩子面对「失败」?


“I’m less interested in the big successes. People don’t learn a lot from their successes, and they usually learn the wrong things.”

这是Jim Spohrer告诉我的话,Spohrer是一个电脑科学家、同时也在负责IBM的大学合作工作。

That’s what Jim Spohrer, a computer scientist who leads IBM’s university partnerships told me for my new book,


Sphorer said that he likes to hire people from start-ups rather than right out of universities because they have experienced failure and learned from it.


Students rarely see good models of failure in their daily lives to emulate because parents and teachers often hide their mistakes. Students are never exposed, for instance, to the feedback process that is the hallmark of most jobs today. In the college classroom, the sole focus of students is on the final product, whether an exam or a final paper.

但是我们如何对孩子进行关于“失败”的教育呢?关于这个挑战,中学老师Jessica Lahey在她的新书The Gift of Failure里面进行了着重探讨。希望在”失败“面前保护好自己孩子的家长都应该认真读一下,因为Lahey在书中写道:”在现实世界里,‘失败’发生的频率很高。“

But how do we teach failure? That’s the challenge Jessica Lahey, a middle school teacher, tackles in her new book, The Gift of Failure. It should be required reading for all parents whotry to protect their children from failure. As Lahey writes in the book,“failures that happen out there, in the real world, carry far higher stakes.'


As both a parent of young kids and a higher-education writer who hears all the time that college graduates are not prepared for the failures of the real world, I wanted to ask Jessica how parents and teachers can better teach the value of failing in students. I recently caught up with Jessica and my exchange with her follows:


Q. As a father of two young girls (six and four), I took your advice on failure to heart. But you’re a middle school teacher.How early and how much should we introduce this idea of failure to our children?


A. Little kids need to be given opportunities to self-advocate from a very early age. Kindergarten teachers told me over and over about students who come to school with their parents and act as if they can’t ask adults questions, and speak in a helpless, high-pitched voice, only to switch into their teacher-enforced “big kid voice” as soon as the parents leave.They revert to that helpless voice as soon as their parents show up at the end of the day, of course.


If we teach kids to look other people in the eye, speak up for themselves, and tell people what they need and want,we take a huge step toward teaching autonomy.Plus, little kids can do far more than we give them credit for.Give them a task, give them some direction, then stand back and see what they can do.


Q.Parents and teachers often hide their mistakes so students rarely see good models of failure in their daily lives to emulate. Students, for example, never see the multiple iterations that lead a writer to a final draft.How can schools and parents provide more good examples of failure on a daily basis?


A. I visited a wonderful school in California and watched two teachers plan out mistakes for their teaching time. They make mistakes in front of the kids so the kids can see them owning their own failures, adapting to the consequences of those failures, and making amends for that fallout with the kids. They also teach the kids to do the same.


We can either teach our kids to deny and cover up mistakes, pretending they never happened, and guaranteeing they will never learn from them, or we can model behavior that makes the most of those failures, that allows us to learn and change in response to our mistakes.


Q.You dedicate a chapter in your book to homework. You explain that parents increasingly are working on homework with their children. You suggest that parents be nearby ready to help if necessary, but keep busy with their own work. That’s good advice, buthow do you know when your children are truly stuck or just want an easy way out of doing the homework? And how much help should you provide to middle and high-school students?


A. I tell a story in my talk about a kid whose parents sat on either side of her while she did her homework until she was 14, and helped her the second she began to feel frustrated.She never learned how to push through, how to know when she’s really stuck or if she simply needs to read the instructions again or even just look at the problem from a different angle.I had her parents go into the kitchen at homework time, and find something else to do.


Their daughter knew they were close by, but they were not right on top of her. When she got stuck, she moaned and griped, but they waited for her to ask for help. Then, when she asked, they said they were busy, and hold on just a second, “I have to finish this, but take another crack at it and I will be there in a minute.”


That process of stepping back took months, but after a while, they learned—and their daughter learned—the difference between momentarily frustrated and truly confused and stuck.When kids have highly directive or controlling parents, parents who step in the second (or even before) their child needs help, the child never learns to push through herself, to find the emotional wherewithal to persevere.

Wendy Rollick 关于“支持孩子变得独立”的家庭教育的调查帮我理解了给孩子机会、让他们自己体会挫折和失败的重要性。唯一可以被孩子接受的教学方式是鼓励他们经历挫折并且相信他们可以再努力一下,通过变换一种方式,自己独立解决问题。

Wendy Rollick’s research on autonomy supportive parenting really helped me understand how important it is to give kids opportunities to get frustrated. The only way kids can handle important pedagogical techniques such as desirable difficulties (see the book, Make it Stick) is byencountering frustration, and trusting that if they can give it another shot, from another angle, they can figure it out on their own.


Q. Colleges officials and employers of new college graduates complain to me all the time that their students or workers don’t know how to accept negative feedback because they hadn’t learned failure. Is it too late for young adults to learn these lessons, and how should colleges and employers instill these values in their new students and hires?


A. I was just talking to a professor at an Ivy League college about this yesterday. He was telling me that one of his students had requested that he receive no more negative feedback at all because he did not like it. He said it felt demeaning, and besides, he already knows how to write because he’s written his thesis and does not need any more feedback on writing.


I laughed—if only I stopped getting feedback on my writing when I was 21. I would be one immature writer. Speaking of immature, this kid really believed that he was above constructive feedback. I feel so sorry for him. He may have gotten into an Ivy League college, and will reap whatever benefits that entails, but this kid will never truly be great. He will never truly push himself or create anything innovative.


Great thinkers welcome feedback. Great thinkers adapt, and grow.This kid is done at 21 and that’s such a wasted opportunity, for him, and for the world.

本文作者:Jeffery Selingo

Jeffrey Selingo (本文作者)是三本高等教育主题书籍的作者。他的新书There Is Life After College 探索了为什么刚毕业的大学生在崭新的职场生活中倍感挫折,以及他们如何更好地进行从学生到职业人士的转换。

Jeffrey Selingo is author of three books on higher education. His newest book, There Is Life After College, explores why students struggle to launch into a career after college and how they can better navigate the route from high school through college and into the work world.

Jeffery还是华盛顿邮报 Grade Point blog(高等教育新闻博客)的常驻作家,同时也是亚利桑那州立大学教授和Georgia Tech's Center for 21st Century Universities 的访问学者。

He is a regular contributor to the Washington Post’s Grade Point blog, a professor of practice at Arizona State University, and a visiting scholar at Georgia Tech's Center for 21st Century Universities.



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