

初中英语 英语词汇 篇章记忆第三波图片文字版

初中英语 英语词汇 篇章记忆第三波图片文字版

申申老师编辑整理 欢迎大家学习






1on business2instead of 3d

1D2,On weekeds I prefer to read books rather than chat on line.

I would do some reading rather than chat online at weekends. 3C

1B 2 look after /take care of 3D4coming



16. Pupils in China On Tuesday, October 4, Mr. Goff visited our class. He is Karen's dad, and he just got back from a business trip to C hina. He has many pictures of busy cities and beautiful mountains. His pictures are worth seeing Mr. Goff came to our class to tell us what life is like in China We learned that pupils in China went to school six days a week in the past but now they have a rest at weekends. Th ey write with 2,000 characters() instead of 26 letters. Each character is a complete word They also review their le ssons. After school, pupils play basketball and volleyball and ride bikes They do the same things as we do. Mr. Goff said a businessman from China would visit him soon We will invite the man to our class. In that way, he c an tell us more about pupils in China

16.中国的小学生10(October)4日星期二(Tuesday).高夫先生来到我们班。他是克伦的爸爸.他去中国(China)商务旅行(business trip)刚回来。他有很多图片——繁忙的(busy)城市和美丽的山川(mountains)。他的图片值得一看(be worth seeing)。高夫先生来我们班为我们讲述中国人的生活。我们得知中国的小学生(pupil)在过去(in the past)是每周上六天课,但现在他们是在周末(at weekends)休息了。(write)2000(instead of) 26(letter)(each)(complete word).他们也复习(review)功课。放学后,小学生们打篮球和排球还骑自行车。他们和我们做一样的(the same)事情。高夫先生说一位来自中国的生意人不久要来拜访他。我们将邀请(invite)这个人来我们班。那样(in that way)他就可以给我们讲述更多关于中国小学生的事情了。

Young men often give flowers to young women when they are in love. The tradition may have come from Turkey(土耳其).In the 1700s in Turkey, it was quite popular for people in love to send each other baskets full of strange things. The baskets were sent secretly to the person who was receiving it. Usually, an old woman who sold flowers or fruit on t he street left the basket beside the door of that person 17.Say it with Flowers(1) Young men often give flowers to young women when they are in love. The tradition may have come from Turkey(土耳其). In the 1700s in Turkey, it was quite popular for people in love to send each other baskets full of strange things. The baskets were sent secretly to the person who was receiving it. Usually, an old woman who sold flowers or fruit on t he street left the basket beside the door of that person


(1)恋爱中(be in love)的年轻男士经常(often)送花(flower)给女友,这个传统(tradition)可能来自(come from)土耳其。18世纪的土耳其,热恋中的人相互赠送装满奇怪(strange)物品的篮子,这种做法在当时很流行(popular)篮子(basket)被秘密地(secretly)送给接收篮子的人(person)。通常(usually),由街上卖花或水果(fruit)的老婆婆把篮子送到那人的门旁边(beside the door)17. Say It with Flower

(2) These baskets included many kinds of gifts: flowers, stones, candles, etc. Each thing in the basket had a special mea ning. By working out the secret message hidden in each gift, the person who received the basket began to understan d little by little the true feelings of the person who sent it.

这些篮子里包括(include)许多种礼物(many kinds of gifts):花、石头(stone)、蜡烛(candle)等。每样东西都有特殊的含义(special meaning)。篮子接收者想出(work out)每件物品所暗藏(hide)的信息(message),然后就开始渐渐地(little by little)理解(understand)赠送者的真实感情(true feelings)

17. Say It with Flowers

(3) The idea of sending gifts of love with secret meanings quickly spread to other countries. However, as time passed, only sending flowers remained popular. Flowers told young ladies about the feelings in the heart of young men. Each different flower had a different meani ng. For example, the flowers from an orange tree meant,“you are beautiful and pure(纯洁).”Pink carnations (康乃) meant,“My love far you is great.”Yellow roses, on the other hand, meant,“I saw you with someone else.” Many flower dictionaries were made to help young people in love understand the meaning of the flowers they recei ved However, not all of the dictionaries agreed on the meaning of each flower, so a person had to be careful about t he flowers they chose to send By the 1880s, using flowers to send messages had become unpopular, and the more direct way of sending love lette rs began. Today, flowers are still considered a lovely gift, but the meaning for each kind of flower has been lost.


(3)这种赠送礼物传递秘密信息的示爱方式迅速传(spread)到其他国家(country),但是,随着时间的流逝,只有送花的传统保持(remain)了下来。花把男士心(heart)中的感情传递给女士。每种花都有不同的含义。例如(for example),桔(orange)树上开的花

表示,你美丽又纯洁。粉红色(pink)的康乃馨表示,我对你的爱是热烈的。另一方面(on the other hand)黄玫瑰(yellow rose)则意味着我看见你和别人在一起为了帮助恋爱中的年轻人理解他们收到的花所代表的含义,人们编制出很多关于花的词典(dictionary)但是,对于每一种花的含义,不是所有的词典都能达成一致(agree on)因此,人们在送花时必须谨慎选择(choose)到了19世纪80年代,花语寄情已经不流行,写信成为更直接的(direct)示爱方式。如今(today),花仍被认为(consider)是一种可爱的礼物,但以前每一种花的特定含义已经没有了。

18. Learning by Doing and Going Many of my classmates think they are forced to go to school. They say they are only interested in playing. But I lo ve going to school, and my favorite subject is science I like science because the experiments and field trips are excit ing. In science we do many exciting experiments in the lab. One time we made crystal form()in a bottle by using salt in water. Another time we watched how baby chicks are hatched(孵出). We also take exciting field trips for science, We went to a museum and saw huge dinosaurs()and tiny butterflies. On Tree-planting Day, we went to a forest and collected leaves. It's good to play, but I woul d rather do experiments and go on field trips. That’s why science is my favorite subject.

18.通过做与行学习我的许多同学认为他们是被强迫(force)去上学的,他们说只对玩感兴趣。但我喜欢上学,我最喜欢的学科(subject)是科学(science)。我喜欢科学是因为做实验(experiment)和野外(field)旅行令人兴奋(exciting)上科学课时,我们在实验室(lab)做许多令人兴奋的实验。有~次,我们利用水中的盐(salt)在一个瓶子(bottle)里做晶形。还有一次,我们观察小鸡(chick)是怎样被孵化出来的。为了学习科学,我们还进行令人兴奋的野外旅行。我们去了一个博物馆(museum),看到了巨大的恐龙还有微小的(tiny)蝴蝶(butterfly)。在植树节,我们去了一个森林(forest)并收集树叶(collect leaves)玩耍很好,但我宁愿做实验(would rather do experiments)以及去野外旅行。那就是我最喜欢科学课的原因。19. Jane Came Home Too Late

Jane got home late at night. She was going to knock at the door. Just then it opened. Her father was standing by the door. He was a tall man with white hair. “ Come in, ” he said “ I am getting cold. ” Jane went in Her mother was waiting in the room Her mother was a short woman She was sitting on the sofa, and l ooked pale Her father closed the door. “Well,”he said,“Where have you been? You promised not to stay out beyond 11 o'clock. It's one o'clock now.” “It's only a quarter to one.” “ That doesn't make any difference. You should have come home earlier ” her father replied angrily. “We've been very worried about you,”said her mother. - 16 “ I'm sorry, ” Jane said. “ I was at a party. I didn't notice the time. ” “ You've got a watch, ” said her father. “Your mother and I have waited for a long time. We didn't know where you were” “I can look after myself,”replied Jane“I'm not a baby any more”... That is a situation that we often see in our life Please do not let your parents worry about you again!


简在深夜(late at night)才回家。她正要敲门,门开(open)了。她的父亲正站在门旁。他是高(tall)个子,头发(hair)都白了。进来吧,他说,我都觉得冷了。简进了家。她的母亲正在房间(room)里等她。她母亲个子很小,正坐在沙发(sofa)上,看上去脸色苍白(pale)。简的父亲把门关上了。那么,你上哪去了?父亲闷道,你答应(promise)在外面不超过(beyond)11点的.现在都1点了。” “差一刻钟(quarter)1那没什么差别(it doesn't make any difference).你应该早(early)点回家的,父亲生气的说。我们都非常担心(worried)母亲说。我很抱歉,简回答,我参加了一个聚会(party)。我没有注意到(notice)时间,” “可你戴着手表(watch)”,父亲说,你妈妈和我等了那么长时间。我们不知道你在哪里。” “我可以照顾(look after)自己,简回答道,我又不是小孩了。”??这是在我们生活中经常看到的一个情形(situation)。请不要再让你们的父母为你们担心(worry about you)了!

20. My Son's Questions

Since my son was three years old, he's kept asking me “ why? ” about everything. Why is the sky blue? Why are there clouds? Why can't I go outside? Why do I have to be nice? A nyway, I always try my best to answer his questions. Now my son is ten years old. At this age, the boy is interested in all kinds of things, and hes got more questions to trouble me Do people in prison celebrate festivals? Why are do gs' noses always wet? Why are women and men's shoe sizes different? ... These days, the boy shows interest in the f acts of life, so I borrowed books from the library and prepared myself for any questions he might ask At the end of our long talk, he still looked confused(). “ If you have any questions, ” I said, “ please ask them There are no stupid questions. ” “ Well. suppose I was married, ” he said with shame, “my wife was going to give birth to a baby, and I had to rush her to the hospital, okay?” “Yes,”I smiled and encouraged him to continue his question. Then he asked,“Can go through red lights?”

20.我儿子的问题自从我儿子三岁起,他就一直在问我为什么他要对一切事情刨根问底。为什么天空(sky)是蓝色的(blue)?为什么会有云朵(cloud)?为什么我不能去外面?为什么我必须要对人友好?无论如何(anyway),我总会尽一切努力回答他的问题。如今我儿子十岁了。在这个年龄,他对各种事情都感兴趣(be interested in),他有更多的问题要麻烦我了。在监狱(prison)里的人庆祝(celebrate)节日(festival)吗?狗的鼻子(nose)为什么总是湿韵(wet)?女人和男人的鞋码(shoe size)为什么不一样呢???这几天,这个孩子对生命是怎么回事感兴趣了,因此我从图书馆(library)(borrow)书并准备(prepare)了他可(might)会问到的所有的问题。在我们的长谈结束时,他看上去仍然很迷惑。如果你有什么问题,尽管问好了,我说,没有愚蠢的(stupid)问题(问什么都行)” “好吧,假设(suppose)我结婚了(married)他带着羞愧(with shame)说,我的妻子要生小孩了,我必须赶(rush)将她送到医院,对吗?” “是的,我微笑着说,并鼓励(encourage)他继续问他的问题。然后他问道,那我能闯红灯(go through)



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