


[翻译] 多肉养护指南(光照,温度,给水,休眠,盆的大小,介质等等等等)




The Highland Culture Guide

Get the answers to your cultural questions here with our integrated approach. All of the basic elements of succulent cultivation are presented with an emphasis on how to combine them to work for you. It's not just another Do's and Don'ts list.

With this guide as a starting point you'll know why you're doing things. With a little experience you'll soon be solving your own problems and growing very good plants.


Light And Your Strategy




Making Changes - Timing

Growing In Containers

Supplies: Mix, Nutrients, Containers


Basic Equipment List

Grow Plants Like These!

The fabulous Euphorbia pauliana
传说中的Euphorbia pauliana

Crassula tecta

Cyphostemma juttae - a true classic
Cyphostemma juttae

Speak The Language

For many, entering the world of succulent plants and the people who collect and trade in them means confronting the Latin botanical nomenclature used to name and describe this natural world. Don’t be put off by this!

Learning the botanical names of your plants and how to pronounce them is essential to cultivating and building your collection. Abandon the use of common names such as “snake plant” or “pencil cactus” in favor of Sansevieria and Euphorbia. Common names are not unique and will only lead to confusion.

All you really have to know is that each plant is a single species or a hybrid of two or more species, and like species are organized into a larger single group called a genus such as Pachypodium. In turn, groups of similar genera make up the plant families such as Apocynaceae which includes the genera Pachypodium and Adenium. Genus and species in that order are used exclusively when referring to any plant. So instead of “Madagascar Palm” we use Pachypodium lamerei or Adenium obesum in place of “Desert Rose”.
通过学名,你能够掌握每种植物到底是独立的品种还是杂交品种,并且将之归到更大的类别,即里,比如棒槌树属。当然,具有相似特性的还会形 成级别更高的,比如夹竹桃科,包括棒槌树属和沙漠玫瑰属。属和品种名组成植物的学名,所以,所谓的马达加斯加棕榈实际上应当叫做 Pachypodium lamerei,而沙漠玫瑰则学名Adenium obesum

Don’t be intimidated or embarrassed when attempting to pronounce these strange names. Everyone makes mistakes but with a little experience it becomes second nature. To get started you could even watch The Victory Garden on PBS where they consistently use genus and species when discussing plants of all kinds.
当你读这些奇怪的名字时,千万别觉得尴尬或害羞。没有人能一点错误都不犯,但只要多练习几次,你一定能熟悉这些单词。一开始,你可以多看看《Victory Garden》这个电视节目,里面用的都是很标准的拉丁文学名。

(译者注:标准的写法是属名+品种名,属名第一个字母大写,品种名完全小写,比如Echeveria agavoides,拟石莲属东云,这样写的通常为原始种,即在自然界中自然地生长的品种。但除了原始种之外,园艺中还有许多园艺品种,又称栽培变种,是 指根据其园艺特性而人工选育出来的植物。只要是经重点培育的特殊形态,无论来自野外还是花园,都可以被称为栽培变种。但对于杂交品种而言,无论其是自然产 生还是人工授粉的,一旦通过无性方式繁殖便也被称为栽培变种。栽培变种的书写方式比较不一样,是属名+(原始种名)+栽培变种名,变种名用单引号括起来, 首字母大写。如Echeveria agavoides 'Ebony',乌木,这个写法代表他是东云的变种,纯血统。又如Echevria 'Black Prince',黑王子。另外还有一个东西叫做杂交公式,如如Echeveria 'Black Prince'=E. affinis x E. shaviana,即黑王子的母本是拟石莲属古紫,父本是拟石莲属沙维娜,写在前面的永远是结子的品种。对于属间杂交的品种,其属名是亲本两个属名的结 合,前面以小写的x开头,表示杂交。如xGraptoveria,就是风车草属Graptopetalum和拟石莲属Echeveria杂交属。)

Light And Your Strategy

By far the single most important element for growing quality plants is available light. Succulents need serious natural light. This means a full southern exposure with nothing between your plants and the sun except possibly the window glass or greenhouse glazing. A full southern exposure is one which receives all available light for most of the day. Avoid locations which are blocked by trees or buildings.

In a perfect world, your plants would be growing in a blazing southern exposure and receiving 360° light. This would of course mean a perfectly situated greenhouse or an outside location in a frost free climate. Such facilities are impossible for many of us but this does not mean that you still can’t grow first rate quality plants. This is where your strategy is required.

Your strategy should be to give your plants the light they need when they need it. The keyword here is when. Most succulents will enter an annual dormancy period and will tolerate less than ideal light during this part of their life cycle.

If you are growing indoors, the preferred strategy is to move your plants outside during the summer months for optimum light during their growth period then winter them over in southern windows when they are dormant.

If you are restricted to indoor conditions year round, you must compromise. Regardless of how good your windows are, you will still be providing light from only one direction and there will be a few plants that will not tolerate less than ideal light. You will have to restrict your collection to those genera which will grow well in your conditions or simply move your plants to better light.

If you are growing in a greenhouse or outside in frost free conditions, sufficient light is not your problem. In many parts of the southern and southwestern U.S. your problem can be too much light and some sun filtering material is in order especially for smaller plants in small containers.

Artificial light will keep most but not all succulent plants alive but that's about it. After more than a month or two under fluorescent tubes for example, plants take on a very soft weak look and quickly lose their appeal. Artificial light is best used as a supplement to your winter source if you bring your plants indoors during the winter months.

These strategies apply to summer growing (winter dormant) succulents. As you will discover, many genera are winter growing (summer dormant) which definitely makes providing sufficient light even more challenging. However it is possible!

How can you tell if your plants are receiving proper light? Their general appearance will be compact with the distance between the leaves very short. Leaves will also be small not big and floppy. Rosettes of leafy succulents such as Echeveria will be tight while leaves and bodies of extremely succulent types such as lithops will be compact and colorful, not bloated and soft looking.

This is a good illustration of what can happen to valuable plants if not given correct light levels.

These two Pachypodium horombense are the same age. The specimen on the right has been given proper light while the one on the left is etiolated and ruined from low light. There is no way to reverse the etiolation.
这两棵Pachypodium horombense年纪一样大,右边的享受充足的阳光,左边的则因缺乏光照而徒长。这种病态的徒长永远也恢复不了。

Some of the most light sensitive succulents are the Crassulaceae (echeveria, crassula, graptopetalum, kalanchoe, sedum, etc.), Mesembs (lithops, conophytum, etc.) and Apocynaceae (pachypodium, adenium) while some of the least light sensitive are the Liliaceae (aloes, haworthias), many euphorbias, sansevierias, and stapeliads.

There are many factors to consider if you want to grow first rate, truly beautiful plants but by far, providing sufficient light is the most important. There is hardly anything more unattractive or that reflects poor cultivation technique than an etiolated or stretched out succulent. Etiolation is not reversible, unless the subject can be started again from a cutting, so once this occurs, the plant is ruined. Study your conditions and adopt a strategy for providing proper light. There is no substitute.


Most collectable succulents, which includes all the plants you will find on this web site, are not hardy. Although a few Agaves and Sedums might take a few degrees of frost, they will not tolerate freezing temperatures.

We maintain a minimum of 55° F year round for most plants while keeping our most sensitive species at 60° F.

Maximum temperatures are usually determined by weather conditions and succulents are well adapted to tolerate temperatures slightly over 100° F. Prolonged exposure to excessive heat usually prompts most plants to simply go dormant and wait it out.

Many plants can however be damaged by excessive heat and if you are growing in a greenhouse or any other type of solar structure, constant air movement is essential. Hot stagnant air will rapidly damage most succulents.


When and how much to water your plants has always been a controversial subject. Far too much complexity has been made of this very basic element of cultivation that we all must practice.
Most importantly, it’s crucial to your development of a sound cultural technique that you realize many elements cannot be prescribed or decided for you. You must observe. Watering is certainly one of these elements and you alone must decide.

The general idea should be not how much but when to water, and this is largely determined by your environment. If your conditions are good and you are using a quality growing medium, most plants will dry out in just a few days. So as a good starting point use this simple rule: do not let containers become dust dry at any time. It works. Water, wait until the plant uses what you gave it, then water again.

How can you tell if a plant has used what you gave it? Pick it up. If the pot feels light, water until it appears at the drainage holes. With a little experience, you will quickly be able to tell if water is needed just by looking.

Don’t think of watering as an exact science where every drop must be measured. It’s just not that critical. Make sure your plants are well watered and forget it. Yes there are some succulents that are more sensitive to over and under watering but observation and experience will ready you for these.

When watering, use a good breaker on your hose or a soft rose on your can. This prevents root damage caused from washed out mix. And finally do not push anything into your containers to test the moisture level. This means your finger or those awful dreaded moisture meter probes. Succulents have delicate fragile roots and you will only damage them. Broken roots can rapidly lead to rotted plants from this bad novice habit.
浇水的时候一定要用好一点的喷头,或者倒水的时候动作轻柔一些。这样可以防止水流冲掉基质,损伤根部。而且千万不要为了掌握盆土的湿度而往盆里插任何东 西,包括手指或者奇奇怪怪的别的东西(译者注:比如牙签)。这是一个坏习惯,多肉植物的根系十分纤弱,插东西只会伤了根,而受伤的根部很容易腐烂。


The least understood and most critical time for cultivating succulents is the dormancy or rest period. Most losses occur during or shortly after this time because plants are kept too dry and not monitored. This is the number one reason for failure.

Dormancy is a fact of life. Plants gradually move into a rest period in response to dropping light and temperature levels. They need this break to stay healthy. Your job is to coast them through it.

The first sign that a plant is entering dormancy is that it stops growing. Soon after, leaves begin to yellow and drop, rosettes tighten and contract, or for very succulent groups such as mesembs, bodies can pull themselves into the soil and develop a papery covering as protection.

In October, the Pachypodium densiflorum (winter dormant) on the left shows the first signs of oncoming dormancy by shedding leaves from the bottom up.
十月份,这棵Pachypodium densiflorum(夏型种)就表现出了休眠的迹象,叶子从底部开始脱落。

The Haworthia cooperi on the right (summer dormant) has likewise begun its resting period but in June. Notice how the individual rosettes have contracted and closed.
这棵Haworthia cooperi(冬型种)在六月的时候会进入休眠,莲座闭合。   

You may not see much happening on the outside, but even in this state, your plants are not just sitting there. Transpiration is still going on and this moisture must be replaced. They need feeder roots to take up this moisture so naturally plants cannot be kept so dry that these roots desiccate and die. This can easily happen to slow growing species and the consequences will not become apparent until spring when growth commences and plants begin to fail. Plants are failing in April and May because of what you did over the winter months. Signs of trouble often take months to appear.
虽然外表上看不出来,但其实休眠的时候植物并没有闲着。蒸腾作用还在继续,水分供给不能停。她们的根部需要一定的湿度,所以不能完全保持干燥,否则根系就 会干死了。对于长得慢的品种来说,颓败的迹象可能要到开春才会显现。你冬天对她们的所作所为,四五月份就会得到报复了,虽然这种报复可能迟好几个月才会降 临。

So how often should you water during the rest period? Again it largely depends on your conditions, i.e. how fast they dry out. If you live where it’s cool during the winter, your plants will rapidly dry from heating equipment being present so one or two waterings per week may be required. If you live in a mild climate, possibly every other week will work. Just water, give them a good dry spell to the point where pots feel light but not dust dry, then water again.
所以休眠期间应该怎么浇水呢?还是那句话,取决于你的养殖环境,即盆土干透的速度。如果你那里的冬天比较寒冷,屋里又有暖气的话,土很快就会干透了,因此 每周浇水一两次是合理的。如果你住的地方气候温和,也许每隔一周浇一次更合适。要点就是浇水,等水分消失干净,即盆变轻但又尚未干到冒烟的时候,浇下一 次。

What about the plants that are summer dormant and how should they be treated? Since this group is resting during the warmest time of the year, they will dry out much faster than the winter dormant species and therefore require more frequent waterings. As a starting point, water these every other time you water your summer growers but again, it completely depends on your conditions. During extremely hot weather, they may need water every day.

It’s important to remember that you can’t force your plants into or out of dormancy by withholding or applying moisture. The one exception to this is the mistaken advice one often hears that succulents should be kept completely dry when dormant. In this case they will indeed go dormant but unfortunately it will likely be permanent.

To better understand dormancy and its role in your cultivation, you must be aware of when your plants are actually dormant. Succulents can be organized by genus into the two groups of winter and summer dormant with the most popular genera presented in our Dormancy Table. There are a few exceptions for individual species.



This group is generally regarded as the “summer growers”. They have adapted to our northern hemisphere cycle and are dormant from November through February. Many of these will also enter a pseudo rest period for a few weeks during the hottest part of the summer before putting on a final burst of growth in September and October.



Usually referred to as the “winter growers”, these genera are dormant during the warmer months of May through August. Their primary growth actually occurs during autumn and spring while slowing considerably during true winter. Many will exhibit marginal growth during the summer months as well especially in the Lily and Crassulaceae families.


Making Changes - Timing


When to repot, prune excess growth, take cuttings, or in any way physically disturb your plants is closely related to dormancy. Succulents differ from many other types of plants when it comes to making changes and the last thing you want to do is disturb them when they are resting. Rare slow growing species are particularly senspurneitive and drastic changes can indeed be fatal.

When repotting, wait until you see signs of new growth. Shaping or trimming back excess growth is best done right before the growth period. For summer growers this would be March and for winter growers, it means August. Fast growing robust species can usually be repotted or pruned anytime.

Growing In Containers

Cultivating succulents in containers is vastly different than other plant groups. Using the right size pot has a huge effect on the appearance of any plant. It’s a natural tendency to want to give your plants plenty of root space in the mistaken belief that this will make them grow better or faster. In fact it has the opposite effect as most succulents will slow to a crawl. Many slow growing rare species stop altogether because they just don’t like sitting in a large volume of moist mix. Most experienced growers eventually rethink how they pot and abandon the urge to overpot.
盆栽多肉和盆栽其他植物很不一样。植器的大小是否合适对于对于植物的外观有很大影响。常见的误区是,你想要用大盆给植物根部充足的生长空间,以为这样她们 就能长得又快又好了。实际上则正相反,许多多肉在这种情况下反而会放慢生长速度。一些长得慢的稀有品种甚至可能会完全停止生长,因为她们就是不喜欢呆在这 么多潮乎乎的土里。许多老道的种植者都已经在反思这个问题了,并放弃使用过大的植器。

When repotting, go up only ? inch in pot size. For larger plants in 5 inch or larger containers, you can safely increase in one inch increments. If you use a container that is too large, the roots will grow out of proportion to the rest of the plant and most of the growth energy will be channeled to the branches and leaves. One look at a plant with a large crown of thin branches and floppy leaves usually reveals a container that is too large.
换盆的时候,盆的尺寸只要增加0.5英寸(1.27厘米)就够了。对于那些5英寸(12.7厘米)以上的大盆而言,1英寸(2.54厘米)的升级也足矣。 如果你用了过大的植器,根部与植株其他部位的生长会不成比例,导致能量都被花费在分枝和叶子上。有些植株的树冠过大,枝干细弱,叶子软榻,一眼就能看出来 是用盆过大。

The right size container makes a big difference when repotting.

The Cissus tuberosa on the left has been kept in the same 3 inch pot for 4 years and has developed a nice caudex. The plant on the right was started at the same time from the same size cutting but over potted in a 4 inch container.
左边这颗Cissus tuberosa躺在3英寸(7.62厘米)的盆里有四年了,他长出了一个壮硕的茎部。右边这颗和左边的来自同一颗母本,同时切下来的,但一开始就种在了4英寸(10.16厘米)的盆里。

When repotting, disturb the roots as little as possible. Usually the root ball will come out intact in one solid piece. Leave it this way and do not attempt to crush or spread it out like you would for a tropical. This will only set the plant back and can quickly lead to fatal root rot. Also do not put old pot chards, gravel, or anything else in the bottom of your container. This will actually promote root tip decay. Simply use a piece of screen wire to cover the drainage hole.
换盆的时候,要尽量避免损伤根系。通常,根部会紧抱着土壤,形成一个球状。就让她这样吧,别像对热带植物一样还要把土都扒拉掉或把根系整理分明,这只会让 植株状态衰退,也很容易导致要命的烂根。也不要把旧盆土或者碎石等垫在盆底,实际上这会让根部的尖端颓败。简单地用网线(纱窗,防虫网)盖住排水孔就够 了。

Supplies: mix, nutrients, and containers

MIX - mix is a term used in the horticulture trade for growing medium and is always a controversial subject. Exotic formulae and wildly conflicting advice abound and it’s difficult for the newcomer to sort it out. Using a quality mix is absolutely vital to growing superb plants and you shouldn’t think of it as just “dirt” you put in the container along with your plant.

Is it better to buy commercial mix or make your own? The answer is clearly in favor of commercial products. Note that we are referring to professional products and not consumer type mixes like the generic “cactus soil” you might find at the discount store. The manufacturing of growing medium is complex and technical and is best left to specialized industry. If you choose to make your own, keep in mind that there are many issues to consider for which most of us are not prepared.

There have been great advances in the last 15 years in commercial growing medium and the trend is definitely toward soilless mixes. These come in a variety of formulations with the composted bark being the best. Few growers today use soil based medium as the results realized with soilless mixes are so outstanding.

Simply stated, soilless mixes are based on the matrix concept which is nothing more than a given volume of semi-uniform size particles which provides for maximum growth. Nutrients are then added as fertilizer in solution or incorporated dry into the matrix. The matrix is a carefully constructed blend of composted bark (not landscaping bark), horticultural grade peat (not more than 20%), perlite (baked pumice), vermiculite, and a buffering agent to adjust and stabilize pH. It contains no field soil or aggregate whatsoever.
简单来说,无土配方的基质是一些大小均匀的颗粒,以保证植物的健康生长,然后再以溶液或固体的方式添加养分。基质中科学地混合有腐熟的树皮(不是作景观用 的树皮),园艺级的泥炭(不超过20%),珍珠岩(烘烤过的轻石),蛭石,以及用于调整土壤ph值的助剂。里面不含有任何园土或集料。

Two important physical characteristics to consider for any good mix are drainage and weight. One common myth surrounding the notion of what constitutes a proper mix for succulents is the idea that all moisture must absolutely drain away very rapidly leaving no excess, and consequently no reserve, so as to avoid failure from rot. You may indeed avoid root rot with a super fast draining mix but you will also avoid normal growth as your plants will slow to a glacial pace. A good mix must make both moisture and nutrients available and one that drains too rapidly lacks this essential function.
评价基质是否优秀的两个重要标准是透水性和重量。传说中,好的多肉植物介质必须能够让所有水分迅速排干,不保水,以避免根腐。你当然可以照此选用干的特别 快的介质预防烂根,但这样也预防了植物的正常生长,排水性过好的介质会让你的多肉长得像冰川移动那么慢。好的介质要保证一定的湿润度和营养,干的太快的达 不到这样的标准。

The very worst mix is a heavy mix and should be avoided at all cost. For roots to develop and function properly they need oxygen for respiration. A quality mix will allow oxygen to enter and carbon dioxide and other gasses to escape and therefore must be light in weight. Good respiration is essential for a large vigorous root system and general plant health.

A heavy mix will simply suffocate roots and is usually one which contains aggregate of some sort which should be avoided. Common aggregate used includes sand, gravel, turface, and pumice. Agricultural pumice is used to some degree in the southwestern U.S. as a growing matrix because it is readily available. It is very warm in this region and plants grown in this media will dry out at a sufficient rate but in a more temperate climate, such as the northern and eastern U.S., pumice is much too heavy and soggy. This is because it has an open-celled structure. Superior results are obtained with perlite, which is closed-celled, over pumice.
沉重的介质会让根部窒息,通常都是集料,必须加以避免。常见的集料包括沙子,碎石,蒙脱石和轻石。园艺轻石作为种植介质在美国西南部用得比较普遍,因为触 手可得。这些地区的气候炎热,种在轻石里的植株会干得足够快。但对于气候更加温和的地区,比如美国北部和东部,轻石就太重、太保水了。轻石的结构中空,易 储水,相比较起来珍珠岩就好得多,它的结构闭合。

A major problem for the hobbyist grower is finding a source for soilless mix. A small number of well stocked garden centers do have them for sale but a good alternative is to inquire at a local commercial greenhouse business. The owners are usually dedicated plant lovers and will be more than willing to supply you with a bag or two.

These mixes are formulated for greenhouse crops grown in containers and when used for succulents need to be slightly adjusted with perlite. A good starting point is three parts mix to one part perlite. You will not be changing the basic design of the mix but do not overdo the perlite. Never add other ingredients such as soil or aggregate which will defeat the entire soilless concept.

A constructive way to think about your growing medium is that it should provide some margin of error in watering. One often hears such mistaken advice to the effect that what works for one could be disastrous for another. A quality mix will perform well in a variety of conditions. If you experience frequent plant losses, you may want to consider another mix no matter how good you think your current one is. Go slowly when making changes. Experiment with just a few plants you are familiar with and observe results.
关于种植介质还有一个创造性的思维,那就是要给浇水留出一定的容错率。人们常听到不同的环境需要不同的介质这种说法,但其实好的介质不管在什么条件下都是 好的。如果你家植株经常意外死亡,你就得好好反思一下自己的介质是不是有问题了。改变介质的配比要一步步来,先拿几株植物做实验,直到你熟悉了各种材料的 使用效果。

NUTRIENTS - it’s essential to provide nutrients in some form during the growing season and then taper off to none when your plants are dormant. A constant low dosage balanced water soluble fertilizer every time you water (constant feed) is preferred.

Use a good commercial brand such as Peters and avoid hobby or gimmick type products. Quality fertilizers can be found at most garden centers and come in many formulations. A general purpose 20-20-20 or 20-10-20 works well with succulents. There are also formulae with added trace elements for use with soilless mixes and these are very beneficial. If you opt for the low dosage constant feed schedule, mix at ? recommended strength which will yield about 50ppm nitrogen. Adjust to higher rates if you feed less often (pulse feed).
肥料要选择靠谱的商业品牌,比如Peters,不要用假货和便宜货。好的肥料通常在园艺店有售,有许多不同的配方。对于多肉来说,20-20-20或者 20-10-20的配方都挺好用。还有一些肥料里面添加了微量元素,是专门为无土介质设计的,很有用。如果你选了每次浇水时施薄肥的方法,每次用四分之一 的标准浓度就够了,这样能够提供50ppm的氮。如果你施肥的频率较低,那就调整到更高的浓度。

An alternative to water soluble formulations is resin coated time release fertilizer. This is incorporated into your mix or applied as a top dressing and lasts for a specified time. Excellent brands are Nutricote and Osmocote in 13-13-13, 180 day formula.

Not all succulents need feeding. Many groups become soft and unhealthy if added nutrients are applied and look best if grown lean. These include most of the Crassulaceae (echeveria, crassula, sedum, graptopetalum, etc.), almost all mesembs (lithops, etc.), and senecios.

CONTAINERS - it’s important to use the correct size container as explained above but should you use plastic or terra cotta? Many consider this an aesthetic decision but there’s more to it.

Plants simply grow better in plastic containers because more moisture is available. If you are growing in terra cotta (clay) pots, you will have to water 3-4 times more often because they dry at an alarming rate. This is especially true for small sizes.

Most growers use plastic for 6 inches and smaller and terra cotta for over 6 inches and this works well. Also you will get a more developed better root system with round pots rather than the square design. Most importantly, all containers must have a bottom drainage hole.


Fortunately succulent collections are not attractive to most pests. Fungal and viral attacks are seldom seen so it’s usually just insects that must be kept in check. Plants and insects are natural companions. If you have plants then you’ll have insects. If you discover an outbreak of some insect pest, there is seldom reason for panic. Your job is simply to keep insects under control. You will never eliminate them completely.

By far the most common and persistent insect succulent growers must face is the ubiquitous mealybug. There are several species of it but it’s the citrus or greenhouse mealybug that is attracted to succulents. Adults are about one eighth inch in size and have a white mealy epidermis. They bear live young (crawlers) in white cottony masses on the underside of leaves and in cracks and crevices especially on soft new growth. They exude a sticky sugary substance which is greatly attractive to other insects such as most ants which will then transport the crawlers to other plants. Keep ants in check and you automatically control many other insects.
目前为止,多肉植物上最常见、最牢固的害虫要数无处不在的粉蚧了。粉蚧有许多种,喜欢多肉的通常是桔粉蚧和greenhouse mealybug。它们的成虫约有八分之一英寸(三毫米)大小,白色粉状外皮。它们的幼虫会在叶子背面形成白色絮状物,还会再柔弱的新生叶子上见缝插针。 它们会分泌一种黏糊糊的蜜液,吸引很多其他昆虫前来把它们的幼虫搬到别的植株上,比如蚂蚁。注意蚂蚁的出没,这样你自然就能监视到别的虫害了。

Succulent enemy number one is the common mealybug. An infestation can quickly get out of control such as the one building on this Cyphostemma hardyi. Look for them on the underside of leaves, on new growth, and on flowers. You will often have hundreds of tiny crawlers that are less than one millimeter in size that cannot be seen with the unassisted eye.

Mealybug is easy to control and is seldom fatal unless left unattended. Mites, scale, and white fly are occasionally attracted to succulents, pose a more serious problem, and are difficult to eradicate. Mites, which are not true insects, are voracious sucking pests and are attracted to hot dry conditions. A poorly ventilated greenhouse full of underwatered plants is prime territory. Scale and white fly are very persistent and difficult to eliminate unless caught at the right time in their life cycle. Volumes of information exists on these pests and a little research on your part will go a long way in identifying and controlling them. The internet and your county extension office are excellent sources for help.
粉蚧很好控制,只要不是放在那不管,它们很少致命。螨虫、介壳虫和粉虱偶尔也会看上多肉,造成更大的麻烦,而且很难去除。螨虫其实并不是昆虫,它们喜欢吸 食植物的汁液,常出没于炎热干燥的地方。如果通风不好的温室里面有许多缺水的植株,那简直是它们的天堂了。介壳虫和粉虱很顽固,除非能够在它们生命周期的 特定时段下手,否则很难根除。关于这些虫害的防治有很多资料,只要自己稍下工夫就能够很好地辨识和控制了。网络和当地农业技术人员是很好的求助对象。

EASY EFFECTIVE CONTROLS - rubbing alcohol on a Qtip will render the odd mealybug or two harmless but what about several badly infested plants with hundreds of tiny crawlers embedded in the delicate growing apex? Try blasts of tap water applied with a Fogg-It nozzle on a trigger type hose shut-off. A few minutes of pulsating blasts of ordinary tap water worked in very close in all the difficult to reach places will render just about any plant squeaky clean. It will even clean off badly encrusted scale which is a very difficult job.
便捷的虫害控制手段——棉签上沾些酒精能够无害地祛除少量的粉蚧。但严重感染的植株上面可能趴着好几百只小虫子,尤其 是在生长点附近。这时候就试试冲水吧,用那种可以调节的喷嘴和带开关的软管。几分钟近距离的脉冲式自来水冲刷足够把大部分植株的里里外外洗干净了。这种办 法甚至能移除长着该死的蜡质表面的介壳虫,通常它们可是很难赶走的。

A FOGG-IT nozzle is a great tool for cleaning plants. It means business and works wonders for insects, weed seeds, and even spent leaves.
Combine it with a trigger type shut-off and you have a deadly weapon to use on insects.

Fogg-It nozzles are inexpensive and available from hobby greenhouse suppliers and good garden centers. Use the blue 4 gpm heavy volume size. You could even improvise with the kitchen sink sprayer but outside with the garden hose is usually more practical. This may sound a bit too simple but try it and see how effective it is.

CHEMICAL CONTROLS - if things are out of hand and you are dealing with many badly infested plants, chemical controls are sometimes necessary. The number one rule is absolutely do not, repeat do not, use petroleum based products on succulents. These are usually labeled “liquid” this or that and are designated “EC” or just “E”. The petroleum base in EC’s will severely burn succulents so avoid them at all costs. Systemic pesticides have become popular but the concept of making the entire plant toxic creates personal exposure problems beyond what many growers consider safe.
化学防治——如果事态失去控制,你不得不同时处理好几棵严重感染的植物,化学处理就是必要的了。首要法则是永远不要, 再重复一遍,永远不要对多肉使用石油化工产品。这些东西通常标着液态这个或那个,写着“EC”或者就一个“E”字。EC化工产品会严重灼伤多肉植物, 严禁使用。内吸式杀虫剂最近很流行,但让整株植物变得有毒会让养殖者也暴露在化学农药中,很多养殖者会觉得不安全。

Most wettable powders and water based or aqueous suspension insecticides can be used on succulents with no phytotoxicity. But again what product to use for what insect requires a little homework on your part. A recommendation from the garden center or a friend won’t do. Always go slowly when trying something new. Never apply an untested chemical to your entire collection. Do a controlled application to just a few test plants instead.

Finally if you are an active collector who frequently acquires plant material from many sources, then it’s inevitable that you will bring in new insects. A good hand lens or loupe of 6x-10x therefore becomes a necessity for inspecting new arrivals and your collection up close and personal.

Basic Equipment List

WATERING - A good watering device with a soft breaker is essential. A simple hose or watering can with a rose type breaker is fine. We prefer a bonsai watering nozzle on a hose with some sort of shut-off to regulate flow. A bonsai nozzle is a super soft breaker fitted to a short wand and is available from most sources that sell bonsai tools.

TWEEZERS - A pair of thin 7"- 9" tweezers is invaluable. Again bonsai type tweezers are best.

MAGNIFICATION - A closeup lens of anywhere from 4x-10x is basic. From a simple magnifying glass to an optically superior photo loupe, magnification is essential for controlling pests and studying your plants.

LABELS - It's important to label each plant with genus, species, acquisition date, and source. When you lose one of your favorites, you at least have a chance of replacing it with this information. Lead pencil on vinyl labels is as permanent as we have found. Solar exposure quickly renders other materials to compost.

POTTING - A good potting tray and trowel are most helpful. A large restaurant busing tray is great and is readily available from any restaurant supply. We like one that holds about a cubic foot of mix.

POTS - Keep a good supply of pots on hand. Whether you prefer plastic or terracotta, a nice selection in half inch increments is always in demand.

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