



一 注册控制器和场景

CtrlNames = {    Snake = "SnakeCtrl"}PanelNames = {  "SnakePanel",}在Comman/define下注册,将你需要用到的控制器和场景写进上面的table。注册的控制器和场景会在Logic/Game下加载,代码如下function Game.InitViewPanels()    for i = 1, #PanelNames do        require ("View/"..tostring(PanelNames[i]))    endend --加载场景    CtrlManager.Init();    local ctrl = CtrlManager.GetCtrl(CtrlNames.Snake);    if ctrl ~= nil and AppConst.ExampleMode == 1 then        ctrl:Awake();    endfunction CtrlManager.Init()    logWarn("CtrlManager.Init----->>>");    ctrlList[CtrlNames.Snake] = SnakeCtrl.New();    return this;end--加载控制器二 场景类-----require "Common/define"local gameobject;local transform;SnakePanel = {};local this = SnakePanel;function SnakePanel.Awake(obj)  gameObject = obj;  transform = obj.transform;  this.InitPanel();endfunction SnakePanel.InitPanel()  this.text = transform:FindChild("Text").gameObject;  this.head = transform:FindChild("head").gameObject;end
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三 控制类

require "Common/define"require "Logic/Snake"SnakeCtrl = {};local this = SnakeCtrl;local gameObject;local transform;local SnakeTextmath.randomseed(os.time());local SnakeTailPool = {};local direction = {  x = 0,  y = 57};local lastDirection = {   x = 0,  y = 57};local lastTailDirection = {   x = 0,   y = 0};local directionContorl = 1; --为1是向上 为2是向下 为3是向左 为4是向右--local isRun = 1;local GoldTable = {};local directionStoreTable = {};function SnakeCtrl.New()  return this;endfunction SnakeCtrl.Awake()   panelMgr:CreatePanel('Snake',this.OnCreate);endfunction SnakeCtrl.OnCreate(obj)    gameObject = obj;    transform = obj.transform;  SnakeCtrl.AddTail(); --给尾巴--  SnakeText = gameObject:GetComponent('LuaBehaviour');  SnakeText:AddText(SnakePanel.text);  coroutine.start(this.Move);  UpdateBeat:Add(this.Update);endfunction SnakeCtrl.Move()  while isRun>0 do  if direction.x==0 and direction.y>0 then    directionContorl = 1;  end  if direction.x==0 and direction.y<0 then    directionContorl = 2;  end  if direction.y==0 and direction.x<0 then    directionContorl = 3;  end  if direction.y==0 and direction.x>0 then    directionContorl = 4;  end  SnakeCtrl.NewGold();  SnakePanel.head.transform:Translate(direction.x,direction.y,0);  if #SnakeTailPool ~= 0 then    for i = 1,#SnakeTailPool do      if SnakeTailPool[i].go~=0 then         SnakeTailPool[i]:Move();        -- LuaFramework.Util.Log("SnakeID"..i);      end    end    for i = 1,#SnakeTailPool do      if SnakePanel.head.transform.x == SnakeTailPool[i].position.x and SnakePanel.head.transform.y == SnakeTailPool[i].position.y then       LuaFramework.Util.Log("SnakeDead");      end      directionStoreTable[i].x = SnakeTailPool[i].direction.x;      directionStoreTable[i].y = SnakeTailPool[i].direction.y;    end      SnakeCtrl.CheckGold(SnakePanel.head.transform.localPosition.x,SnakePanel.head.transform.localPosition.y);    for i = 1,#SnakeTailPool-1 do      if SnakeTailPool[i+1].direction.x ~= directionStoreTable[i].x or SnakeTailPool[i+1].direction.y ~= directionStoreTable[i].y then        if i + 1 <= #SnakeTailPool then          SnakeTailPool[i+1]:ChangeSwitch(directionStoreTable[i].x,directionStoreTable[i].y);          LuaFramework.Util.Log("SnakeID"..i);          LuaFramework.Util.Log(directionStoreTable[i].x..directionStoreTable[i].y);        end      end    end  end      if lastDirection.x ~= direction.x or lastDirection.y ~= direction.y then        lastDirection.x = direction.x;        lastDirection.y = direction.y;      if #SnakeTailPool ~=0 then         SnakeTailPool[1]:ChangeSwitch(direction.x,direction.y);         directionStoreTable[1].x = direction.x;         directionStoreTable[1].y = direction.y;      end  end  coroutine.wait(0.8);endendfunction SnakeCtrl.Update()    local keyCode = UnityEngine.KeyCode;  if Input.GetKeyDown(keyCode.W) then      Util.Log("w");     if (directionContorl~=2) then     direction.x = 0;     direction.y = 57;     end     end  if Input.GetKeyDown(keyCode.A) then     if (directionContorl~=4) then    direction.x =-57;    direction.y = 0;    end    Util.Log("a");  end  if Input.GetKeyDown(keyCode.D) then     if(directionContorl~=3) then    direction.x = 57;    direction.y = 0;    end    Util.Log("d");  end  if Input.GetKeyDown(keyCode.S) then     if(directionContorl~=1) then    direction.x = 0;    direction.y = -57;    end    Util.Log("s");  endendfunction SnakeCtrl.NewGold()    resMgr:LoadPrefab('snake',{'GoldPrefab'},this.CreateGold);endfunction SnakeCtrl.CreateGold(goes)   local go = GameObject.Instantiate(goes[0]);   local randomController = true;   local x;    local y;   while randomController do      x = math.random(-5,5)*57;      y = math.random(-5,5)*57;      if #GoldTable ~= 0  then        for i = 1,#GoldTable do          if GoldTable[i][2] ~= x or GoldTable[i][3] ~=y then            randomController = false;          else            randomController = true;            break;          end          end      else           randomController = false;      end   end   go.transform:SetParent(gameObject.transform);   go.transform.localPosition = Vector3.New(x,y,0);   table.insert(GoldTable,1,{go,go.transform.localPosition.x,go.transform.localPosition.y,go.transform.localPosition.z});endfunction SnakeCtrl.CheckGold(x,y)  if #GoldTable ~= 0 then     for i = 1,#GoldTable do       if GoldTable[i][2] == x and GoldTable[i][3] == y then         GameObject.Destroy(GoldTable[i][1]);         table.remove(GoldTable,i);         SnakeText:AddText(SnakePanel.text);         SnakeCtrl.AddTail();         break;       end     end  endendfunction SnakeCtrl.AddTail()  if #SnakeTailPool == 0 then    local snake = Snake:New(SnakePanel.head.transform.localPosition.x,SnakePanel.head.transform.localPosition.y,direction.x,direction.y);    table.insert(SnakeTailPool,#SnakeTailPool+1,snake);    table.insert(directionStoreTable,#directionStoreTable+1,{x=direction.x,y=direction.y});  else    local n = #SnakeTailPool; local snake=Snake:New(SnakeTailPool[n].position.x,SnakeTailPool[n].position.y,SnakeTailPool[n].direction.x,SnakeTailPool[n].direction.y);    table.insert(SnakeTailPool,#SnakeTailPool+1,snake);  end    resMgr:LoadPrefab('snake',{'BodyPrefab'},this.CreateTail);endfunction SnakeCtrl.CreateTail(objs)  local n = #SnakeTailPool;  SnakeTailPool[n].go = GameObject.Instantiate(objs[0]);  SnakeTailPool[n].go.transform:SetParent(transform);  if n ~= 1 then  SnakeTailPool[n].position.x = SnakeTailPool[n].position.x - SnakeTailPool[n].direction.x;  SnakeTailPool[n].position.y = SnakeTailPool[n].position.y - SnakeTailPool[n].direction.y;  table.insert(directionStoreTable,#directionStoreTable + 1,{x = SnakeTailPool[#SnakeTailPool].direction.x,y =SnakeTailPool[#SnakeTailPool].direction.y});  end  SnakeTailPool[n].go.transform.localPosition = Vector3.New(SnakeTailPool[n].position.x,SnakeTailPool[n].position.y,0);end
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逻辑其实挺简单,头节点移动后通知下一个节点改变,通过每一次移动的时候前一个节点和后一个节点方向如果不同就让后一个节点方向与前一个节点相同,逻辑上的困难点是如何在线程上实现,因为前一个节点会使后一个节点发生变化会导致后面节点一连串的改变,比如节点是abcdefg,a发生改变那么会使bcdefg发生改变,我只希望b发生改变的话就需要一个table储存 发生改变前的方向,就不会导致连锁反应。顺便一提57是我的每一个贪吃蛇节点期望距离。PS 应该用一个变量存储。。。
https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/21386682 学习到的,我就不在此赘述。不过有一点需要特别注意。
resMgr:LoadPrefab(‘snake’,{‘BodyPrefab’},this.CreateTail); 使用这个方法是会有延迟即调用createTail至完成是有延迟的,原因是luaFramework框架加载assetbundle使用了协程。

四 逻辑层

require "Common/define"Snake = {};Snake.__index = Snake;function Snake:Move()      self.go.transform:Translate(self.direction.x,self.direction.y,0);      self.position.x = self.direction.x + self.position.x;      self.position.y = self.direction.y + self.position.y;endfunction Snake:ChangeSwitch(directionX,directionY)     self.direction.x = directionX;     self.direction.y = directionY;endfunction Snake:New(x,y,directionX,directionY)      local self = {direction = {x = 0,y = 0},position = {x = 0,y = 0},ChangeMoveRecord = {},go = 0,directionX = 0,directionY = 0,switch = false,timer = 0,lastDirectionX,lastDirectionY,nowDirectionX = 0,nowDirectionY = 0};      setmetatable(self,Snake);      self.direction.x = directionX;      self.direction.y = directionY;      self.position.x = x;      self.position.y = y;      self.lastDirectionX = directionX;      self.lastDirectionY = directionY;      self.switch = false;      self.timer = 0;    return self;end
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五 C#

public void AddText(GameObject go)        {            if (go == null) return;            string textStr = go.GetComponent<Text>().text;            string regex = @"\d+$";            Regex rgClass = new Regex(regex, RegexOptions.Singleline);            Match match = rgClass.Match(textStr);            int i = 0;            if (match.Length != 0)            {                i = int.Parse(match.Value);                i++;            }            {                i = 0;            }            go.GetComponent<Text>().text = "得分:" + i.ToString();        }
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关于得分 使用了正则表达式 

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