The story of the French women verbally abused on a Melbourne bus has been picked up by media around the world, mostly in Britain and France.

An article in Britain's Guardian had the headline: "Melbourne bus abuse video puts Australian attitudes on trial".

"Melbourne, Australia's second-largest city, has large migrant communities and the spread of the video is a setback for the image it cultivates of being Australia's most culturally sophisticated metropolitan centre," it said.

Media outlets described the incident as "shocking" and an ugly attack. One columnist described the perpetrators of the abuse as idiots who were being "caught on camera to their shame, and to our international embarrassment".


Listeners to one of Melbourne's talk-back radio stations, 3AW, described the verbal attack as "disgusting" and "embarrassing". One said: "To the poor woman who had to endure such abuse, I hope you don't think all Australians act like this because we don't. The guy needs to be taught a lesson."

The Guardian article said the abuse had "fuelled debate about xenophobic and racist attitudes in Australia" and mentioned the attacks on Indian students in Melbourne in 2010 as well as the race riots in Cronulla in 2005.

The Daily Mail, The Week (UK), and AOL Travel UK also gave the story extensive coverage.

French media also covered the story, including Le Monde and the French Huffington Post. Both outlets led their coverage with the "speak English or die" quote from one of the abusers.

However, Le Monde also stated that "the case shocked Australia".

The reader response to the English articles was mixed as to whether the case was representative of Australian society.

"I've been in Melbourne over a year and no one has ever called me a Pommie bastard," fensaddlerinoz commented to The Guardian. "By and large Melbourne deserves its reputation as a cosmopolitan, diverse and tolerant city."

But LukeWG said: "Not surprised, I hear this attitude now and then. Regularly see 'F--- off we're full' stickers on cars too, and for sale at festivals. Plenty of people here revel in their ignorance and racism."