


  东京的敷设至是 2亿贝克勒尔,而日本公布东京的敷设至是是3.7万。就这样还人人质疑其所为的无害。






  In 2011 a tandem earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, becomingthe world's costliest natural disaster. Three years later,with a death toll at nearly 20,000, the need for international relief still plagues their economy. But perhaps the most concerningfallout facing the country today is the possibility of radioactivecontamination.Twenty-four hours afterthe tsunami, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant broke open, releasinglethal amounts of radioactive material. TEPCO, the company that owns the plant,has since worked with the Japanese government to report on the levels of radiation,but the validity of these figures is heavily contested.Many have likened TEPCO’s reports to BP's original assessment of their massive oil spill,meaning the effects of radiation may be much worse than expected.In hopes of suffocatingthe issue, the Japanese government and media conglomerates have largely ignoredthe plausibility of radioactive contamination. I discussed the taboo topic withShigeru Mita, a Tokyo physician who has taken matters into his own hands.

  海啸过去24小时后,日本福岛第一(Fukushima Daiichi)核电站发生熔毁事故,具有辐射性物质的污水泄漏。该受损电站的运营方东京电力公司(TEPCO)与日本政府共同负责这次事故辐射程度的报道,但报道的数据的真实性引起了严重的争议。许多人把东电的报道比作英国石油公司(BP)就墨西哥湾漏油事件隐瞒漏油量的调查报告,也就是说:实际的辐射影响比预期要严重得多。
  为了遏制事件的不良影响,日本政府和各大媒体集团极力反对放射性污染的说法。东京三田医院院长三田茂(Shigeru Mita)医生对此事采取了自己的行动,我也与他一起讨论了这个敏感话题。

  VICE: What types of tests have youconducted?
  Shigeru Mita: I’ve done examinations on more than1,500 patients. Many of these were children whose parents were worried abouttheir health since the Fukushima meltdown. I asked the patients how they felt,if there are any abnormalities with their health, and then I carried out someinspections. I run blood work and conduct thyroid ultrasound examinations.What were the results?
  I’ve mostly tested patients living in Tokyo, and I’ve found a lot of harmfulsymptoms in children, especially in kindergarten students or elementary schoolstudents. I’ve also seen some serious effects in the elderly. There have beenabnormalities in their differential white-blood-cell count. Blood is producedin the bone marrow, which is one of the organs that is most vulnerable toradiation. I’ve seen a decline in the neutrophil component in white bloodcells. In severe instances, this can lead to fatal conditions like septicemia.Have these effects been getting better or worse since the meltdown?
  I conducted the first tests in December 2011, so I cannot compare the resultwith any from before the meltdown. But I can say the threat has seemed to bespreading into Tokyo since then.What are the worst symptoms you've seen?
  There was a baby with a serious illness. She had far fewer neutrophils in her blood than there should be fora healthy baby. After my inspection, she had another test in a biggerhospital. At that time she had noneutrophils. It means that she could easily have caught a serious disease. Andhad that happened, she would have been in grave danger of dying. Thankfully,she recovered after moving to the Kyushu area.What do you prescribe in instances such as this?
  I can’t prescribe anything to these patients, because there aren't anymedicines to help. But as was the case with the baby, and with many others whohave these figures, it seems they recover when they spend time away fromeastern Japan, so I’m definitely encouraging this.Do the effects go away when the patients move away from the high riskareas?
  Yes. I’ve seen a lot of patients from Tokyo who are badly affected, but whenthey move to other places like Osaka, Kyoto, or Shikoku, they get better. Afterthey come back to Tokyo, it gets worse again.Do you know of any other doctors who are doing similar examinations?
  There are virtually no other doctors I know of doing these tests. I know of onedoctor from the Mitakanomori clinic who conducts the same kind of inspections,but his office has much fewer patients coming in than my clinic.I have tried toencourage other doctors to take the tests, but none of them have agreed. Weneed to be taking these tests for at least 20 years to know the true effects,and there hasn’t been nearly enough done in the time since the meltdown.

  曾有一个患有严重症状的婴儿,她血液中的嗜中性粒细胞比一般健康婴儿少很多 ,我检查后她又到大医院做了检查。那个时候,她血液中已经没有嗜中性粒细胞,这就意味着她很容易感染上严重的疾病。如果真的感染上,她就面临死亡的威胁。幸好,搬到九州后她病情得到恢复。

  Would you say you have enough resultsto publish a conclusive study? If not, what needs to be done before you can?
  I don’t think so, because I didn’t control the location of the patients. Thedata wasn’t from patients living in one specific area. They came from variousareas such as Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa. In addition, some of the patientshad been moving around before came to my clinic. I think I would need tocollaborate with other doctors who are conducting the same tests. I presentlydon’t have adequate data for a conclusive study. Not yet, anyway.People are claiming that TEPCO’s reporting on the radiation has beenfalse. What are your thoughts on this?
  I believe these reports must be false. That said, discussing this is a waste oftime. We need to use this time to help patients rather than discussing thevalidity of these statements. That’s the most pressing concern.What are your thoughts on food contamination? Do you think there are anydietary precautions that people should be taking?
  In Japan, commercial distribution is prosperous, so some of the contaminatedfood is definitely coming to Tokyo. A lot of people claim that we have to eatall of the local products to sustain the economy, but I think that we should betesting everything thoroughly, and that at least children should be spared fromeating food with any risk of contamination. Do you think the media have been neglecting to cover the effects ofradiation?
  They are definitely not focusing on this particular concern. I believe theJapanese media have taken side with a small number of powerful people. Ithink the government has the responsibility of helping the patients to do so,but they aren't.Do you think the Japanese public are showing enough concern about the riskof radiation?
  People living in eastern Japan are definitely concerned, so they are trying tolook away from the dangers of radioactivity. Hence they avoid taking the matterseriously. People living in western Japan are being more rational, and many ofthem are helping these people migrate from eastern Japan.What do you think is the best plan for people living in Japan?
  I can think only about the area around Tokyo. I worry about the children, theirparents, and the children who will be born in the future. I want the patients tomove to the safer place, but most people don’t want to move. I stronglyrecommend that anyone living in the area head to a safer place one or twomonths out of the year. I encourage everyone living in Tokyo to take bloodtests as frequently as possible. In the meantime, there's nothing I can do butsupport the patients on a private-sector level.


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