


History and MR images

History: A 61-year-old man presented to the emergency department following a short episode of transient memory loss. According to his wife, he went to work as usual that morning; however, on returning home in the afternoon, he was forgetting a number of recent events and was repeatedly asking a number of questions.



There were no features of retrograde amnesia, with the patient still being able to recall his identity, recognize his family members, and carry out usual functions. This lasted for about 30 minutes, after which his memory slowly returned; however, he could not remember what had happened during this episode. He denied any associated headache, weakness, speech problems, or sensory disturbance. There was no witnessed loss of consciousness or seizure activity. The patient also denied any recent stressful event or head injury, and this was the first such episode of memory impairment. His medical history was notable for hypertension, diabetes, and a 20-pack-year history of smoking. There was no past history of transient ischemic attacks, strokes, or migraine.


On examination, he was fully alert, oriented, and cognitively intact. Parameters, including blood pressure, were normal, and a full neurological examination was unremarkable. Blood investigations were within normal limits, and brain CT showed no abnormalities. In view of his risk factors, the working diagnosis was that of an ischemic stroke, and he was admitted for further investigation and started on antiplatelet therapy. Echocardiogram and carotid Doppler ultrasound showed no abnormalities.


An MRI exam of the brain was performed approximately 26 hours from the onset of symptoms. Select axial diffusion-weighted (DWI; b = 1000, 4-mm slice thickness) images (top) and corresponding apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps (bottom) are shown below. Click to enlarge.

在症状发作后约26小时进行了颅脑MRI扫描横断位DWIb = 10004 mm层厚)(上)ADC(下)如下所示。


Axial T1-weighted (image A), T2-weighted (image B), and fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery (FLAIR; image C) images at the level of the hippocampi are shown below. Click to enlarge.




  • Image 1: Select axial images and corresponding ADC maps demonstrate bilateral punctate hyperintensities in the CA1 region of the hippocampi (red arrows) with corresponding signal loss on ADC (blue arrows).

  • Image 2: No abnormalities are demonstrated.




Differential diagnosis

  • Transient global amnesia

  • Posterior circulation ischaemic infarction

  • Limbic encephalitis

  • Protracted seizures

Diagnosis: Transient global amnesia






诊断: 短暂性全面遗忘症


The case was discussed at the neurology multidisciplinary team meeting where it was agreed that the clinical and MRI findings supported the diagnosis of transient global amnesia. The patient remained well and was discharged with no driving restrictions or need for imaging follow-up.




Transient global amnesia

Transient global amnesia is a clinical disorder characterized by sudden-onset anterograde amnesia with temporal disorientation and iterative questioning due to the inability to form new memories. Long-term memory, language, visual-spatial orientation, and executive functions are typically preserved, with no other associated focal neurological deficit. Episodes characteristically resolve completely within 24 hours, with a return to baseline cognition. Retrograde amnesia is variably present.



This syndrome usually occurs between the fifth and seventh decades of life, and there is no significant gender predilection. The reported incidence is of five to 10 per 100,000 population. Cited precipitating factors include emotional stress, physical exertion, pain, and the Valsalva maneuver.


While this is a well-described disorder, the exact etiology of this condition remains obscure. Various theories have been postulated, including venous congestion (secondary to retrograde cerebral venous blood flow), focal ischemia, migraine, and epilepsy. None of these, however, clearly explains all the clinical features.


The diagnosis of transient global amnesia is based on its clinical features. Criteria such as those established by Hodges and Warlow serve as guidance. MRI is, nonetheless, recommended to exclude stroke or structural pathology, where there is diagnostic uncertainty. While imaging in such cases is usually normal, it is now well-known that transient global amnesia may be accompanied by characteristic MRI changes involving the hippocampus. Structurally, the cornu ammonis or hippocampus proper is divided into four distinct zones, based upon their sensitivity to hypoxia and histological differences. CA1 (Sommer’s sector) is known as the vulnerable zone, CA2 and CA3 as the resistant sectors, and CA4 as medium vulnerability sector. Classic diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) findings in transient global amnesia consist of unilateral or bilateral small punctuate hyperintense lesions in the CA1 region of the hippocampal cornu ammonis. These changes were first described in 1998 by Strupp et al. Since that time, various studies have been carried out and shown that certain factors may improve the visibility of these findings on MRI. These include high-resolution DWI, higher B values, thin slice thickness (2-3 mm), and a delay of 48 to 72 hours between symptom onset and scanning. In fact, in cases in which the initial MRI performed within 24 hours is normal but clinical suspicion for transient global amnesia remains high, repeat imaging is recommended.
短暂性全面遗忘症的诊断基于其临床特征。HodgesWarlow制定的标准可以作为指导。尽管如此,MRI仍作为建议性检查以排除中风实质性病变。虽然这些病例的影像往往是正常的,但众所周知,短暂性全面遗忘症可能伴发特征性的海马异常MRI表现。根据对缺氧的敏感性及组织学差异性,Ammon角或海马分为四个区:CA1 (Sommer’s扇区)易损区,CA2CA3耐受区,CA4为中等易损区。短暂性全面遗忘症的典型DWI表现单侧或双侧海马CA1区点状高信号。这一表现1998年被Strupp等人首次描述。从那时起,各种研究陆续开展,并发现某些因素可能提高其在MRI上的可见性,包括高分辨率DWI、较高B值、薄层扫描(2-3mm以及症状发生48-72小时进行扫描。事实上,如果24小时内的首次MRI检查是正常的,但临床怀疑是短暂性全面遗忘症,推荐复查。

The localization of this pathological process to the CA1 area on imaging may give an indication of its causation. It is understood that neurons in this region of the hippocampus are particularly susceptible to metabolic stress, suggesting that transient global amnesia may result from a physiological temporary inhibition of memory formation. Interestingly, the fact that DWI changes in transient global amnesia do not appear in the hyperacute phase, unlike the restricted diffusion seen in ischemia, further supports the theory that these imaging findings are due to an entirely different pathological process. These lesions have been noted to resolve on follow-up MRI performed after six to 12 months.


Differential diagnoses for abnormal signal intensity in the hippocampi include posterior circulation ischemia, limbic encephalitis, and protracted seizures. These conditions, besides being readily distinguishable clinically, can also be distinguished radiologically to a certain degree. While in transient global amnesia the signal hyperintensities seen on DWI are punctate and located laterally within the hippocampi, in posterior circulation infarcts the hippocampal lesions are larger in size with associated additional areas of restricted diffusion seen in the posterior cerebral artery territory, such as the occipital lobe, thalamus, and corpus callosum. In protracted seizures, besides hippocampal signal abnormalities, additional changes may occur in the pulvinar and cortex. Furthermore, limbic encephalitis involves other limbic structures besides the hippocampus, such as the parahippocampal gyrus, cingulate gyrus, and insula.


No treatment or driving restriction is required, and the condition does not usually recur in the majority of cases. Outpatient follow-up with additional imaging if clinically indicated is the mainstay of management. Several studies have shown that there is no difference in prognosis or cognitive function in patients with and without DWI changes. This also applies to the comparison of patients with transient global amnesia with age-matched controls. Of note, some studies have raised the possibility of an association between recurrent transient global amnesia and primary progressive aphasia, a rare neurological disorder characterized by progressive language impairment.


In conclusion, the recognition of imaging findings in transient global amnesia is essential for radiologists in order to avoid such patients being misdiagnosed with ischemia or other pathology, especially in cases in which the clinical picture is atypical.


Learning points

  1. While the diagnosis of transient global amnesia is based on its clinical features, neuroimaging is important to exclude other sinister causes of global amnesia.

  2. Classic DWI findings in transient global amnesia consist of unilateral or bilateral small punctate hyperintense lesions in the CA1 region of the hippocampal cornu ammonis.

  3. Recognition of this sign is of the utmost importance for radiologists in order to allow for an accurate diagnosis and differentiation from ischaemic pathology.





Transient global amnesia
anterograde amnesia
CA1 region
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