

24 Solar Terms Health Of Minor Cold

24 Solar Terms Health Of Minor Cold

佰草风华 老板来碗独参汤 2023-01-05 12:00 发表于天津

24 Solar Terms Health Of Minor Cold

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second part

third part

Minor Cold is the 23rd solar term in the 24 solar terms and the fifth solar term in winter. Cold air accumulates and becomes cold. 

Minor Cold is characterized by cold, but it is not cold to the extreme. Like Major Cold, Minor Heat, Major Heat and End of Heat, it is a solar term indicating the change in temperature.

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second part

third part

Minor cold is the third hou

A hou Yanbei Township

Wait for the magpie to start its nest

The beginning of the Oriental pleasant

The ancients believed that wild geese were migrating along with Yin and Yang. At this time, Yang qi had moved, so wild geese began to migrate north.Magpies can be seen everywhere in the north at this time, and the sense of Yang began to build nests;

The "robin" of "pheasant robin" means to sing, the pheasant will feel the growth of Yang qi and sing near 40.

first part

second part

third part

Minor cold health points

1. Daily living and health maintenance

Keep your head, feet and back warm.Minor Cold is one of the coldest solar terms of the year. When it comes to cold, most people's first thought is to add clothes to make themselves warmer, but they often ignore the warmth of our heads. 

"The head is the meeting of the Yang, the qi of the five Zang organs, all on the brain",the head is cold, easy to induce cold, headache, even cerebrovascular disease, and the head and the whole body heat balance has a close relationship, as the saying goes, "Winter wearing cotton hat, like wearing cotton jacket", pay attention to the head warm, can effectively reduce the heat loss, loss, but also reduce the probability of disease. 

Keep your head, feet and back warm.

The back is the place where the foot sun bladder meridian and the governor pulse tour. The foot sun bladder meridian is a table of the main body, which can resist the invasion of external evil. The sun meridian is unfavorable, which is easy to lead to the tenderness and pain of the waist and back. 

Hands and feet are the ends of limbs, far from the heart, less blood supply, easy to get cold, pay attention to wear good gloves, bibs, wear cotton boots, etc., before going to bed at night can also use hot water bubble feet.

2. Diet and health 

The season of Minor Cold has entered the ninth day of the cold, the climate is cold, cold is Yin evil, the main cause of stagnation, easy to damage theYang qi of the human body. Diet should be based on warming, especially pay attention to tonifying kidney to prevent cold. As the saying goes, "Three nine make up a winter, the next year no pain", also explains the importance of tonic. 

Mutton is the first choice during minor cold."

Notes on the Classics of Materia Medica" records:mutton into the spleen stomach,kidney meridian,its taste sweet heat,warm spleen,kidney Yang,qi and blood, spleen and stomach deficiency cold, less food nausea, diarrhea, kidney Yang deficiency,qi and blood deficiency,deficiency of fatigue emaciation,waist and knee sour and soft, impotence, cold hernia, postpartum deficiency emaciation less qi. lack of milk, etc. 


In addition to eating more mutton, you can also eat more herbal diet with codonopsis, Radix astragalus, Polygonum multiflorum,angelica and other traditional Chinese medicines to nourish qi and blood, liver and kidney. Angelica Ginger and mutton soup is a classic recipe for tonifying kidney. It is from Synopsis of the Golden Chamber. It consists of 30g angelica, 30g ginger and 500g mutton. 

The practice is as follows: 

Wash angelica and ginger with water and cut large pieces for use. 

Remove fascia from mutton,wash and cut pieces.

Put them into boiling water to blanch blood water, remove them and let them cool for use.

Put an appropriate amount of water into the casserole, put the mutton into the pot, then put the angelica and ginger slices, boil on the Wu Huo(big fire), beat off the foam,switch to a gentle fire (small fire) simmer 1.5h until the mutton is cooked.

Take out angelica,ginger slices, soup meat, can warm, replenish blood, dispel cold.

3.  Exercise health

During minor cold season,we should pay attention to cold prevention and warm at the same time, we should also take appropriate physical exercise, in order to enhance the body's ability to resist the cold and resistance. 

As the old saying goes, "move in winter, less disease; Winter lazy lazy, drink a bowl of medicine "

Winter exercise intensity should not be too large, the time should not be too long, remember not to sweat, because too much sweat is easy to consume Yang qi.Be well prepared before exercise to avoid injury.


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