

思考中药丨​方不离药,药不离方 Integrated Study of Medicines and ...
Let’s start the journey of learning Chinese Medicine.
My lectures were intended to be titled as “Traditional Chinese Pharmacy'. However, considering that in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), we cannot discuss medicines without formulas, and the study of formulas will certainly involve medicines— medicines and formulas are indeed inseparable, so it’s changed as The Tao of Chinese Formulas and Medicines.
 Integrated Study of Medicines and Formulas
The Spirit of Oneness
The western knowledge system tends to break up things into subjects so that people can study them one by one. The so called “science” was literally translated into Chinese as “the study of subjects”. However the traditional Chinese knowledge is totally different—it focuses on the spirit of oneness.
In fact, certain knowledge could be studied as individual subjects, but some could not. For example, a complicated machine can be designed and assembled by teams. But we cannot do the same to the intellectual, organic, harmonious things such as human body. It’s impossible to assemble human bodies or re-install heads. Some organs might be transplanted, but they can never be as good as the original ones.
To deal with such an intellectual, organic, harmonious human body, we need a medical science that is intellectual, organic and harmonious. So far, perhaps only TCM is like this kind. The other medical sciences might be studied by individual subjects, but we cannot do the same when learning TCM.
In modern universities, however, the study of medicines and formulas are separated. In teaching Chinese medicines, it’s all about the attributes; when teaching the formulas, it’s all about the formula mechanisms. Why not combining them together?
The Problem with “Incomplete Learning From One Teacher”
To be worse, these two classes might be taught by two different teachers who have different patterns of medication, or even different approaches for treatment. Then the students will feel lost.
A living human body cannot be disassembled. The Traditional Chinese Medicine cannot be disassembled either. If TCM is divided as the study of herbal medicine, the study of  formulas, fundamental theory, internal medicine, surgery, etc.., and the topics are taught by different teachers of different styles or with different models, the students will be totally confused. It will be very strange if they can really treat any disease by learning this way.
A while ago one beginner came to visit me and shared that he had interviewed many masters and celebrities in TCM area. I didn’t think very highly of that, as it’s obvious that he just received fragments of knowledge, some pieces from this one and some pieces from another one. There is a term for this situation in Huangdi Neijing ( the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine): “incomplete learning from one teacher”, which means one never thoroughly learnt from any teacher. It is a wrong way of learning TCM. Complete and thorough learning from one teacher is absolutely necessary before visiting other masters to expand views and learn additional skills. At the beginning when you don’t have a foundation to dialogue with different masters, you will easily get lost when you hear one way from Mr. Zhang or another way from Mr. Li.  
[Transltor’s note]: Huangdi Neijing, or the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, is considered to be the most important theoretical classic book in Traditional Chinese Medicine, symbolizing the establishment of the TCM theory around the 3rd Century BC. 
My Way of Explaining the Tao of Chinese Formulas and Medicines
Medicines cannot be understood without the context of formulas. Formulas cannot be understood without comprehension of medicines. Medicines and formulas cannot be understood without understanding of TCM theories and clinical practices. They all must be well integrated. So I plan to share medicines and formulas together with the TCM theories and clinical practices. That is, by focusing around medicines and formulas, to illustrate TCM basic theories and curing methodologies. Therefore, it’s to explain TCM theories from the perspective of medicines and formulas. In fact, it’s about the Tao of TCM, about the oneness or wholistic view in Chinese philosophy. That’s why I want to name this book as the Tao of Chinese Formulas and Medicines, as it’s not just limited to one subject of TCM learning.   


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