

《群书治要360》之「谨慎」篇(更新完毕)2015年01月27日 08:30:30
Qunshu Zhiyao360——Esteeming Virtues (Chapter Three)——Be Discreet (Section Eight)
[每天一群] [原文] 惟圣罔念作狂,惟狂克念作圣。(卷二 尚书)
[每天一群] [白话] 圣明的本性追逐妄念,就可能变成狂悖之人;狂悖之人克制妄念,就可能变成圣明之人。意谓「圣」与「狂」之间的转换,只在罔念与克念之间。(卷二 尚书)
[English] When a sage lost sight of the truth, he became an unruly person. When an unruly person overcame his delusions, he became a sage. (Scroll 2: Shang Shu)
[每天一群] [原文] 《曲礼》曰:毋不敬,俨若思,安定辞,安民哉!(卷七 礼记)
[每天一群] [白话] 《曲礼》说:对一切人、事、物没有不恭敬的,举止端庄稳重,像若有所思的样子,谈吐安详稳定,条理分明。这样才能安定人民啊!(卷七 礼记)
[English] The book of Qu Li said: “Always, and in everything, let there be reverence. Be dignified as if one is thinking deeply, and speak with composure and clarity. This way will put people at ease.” (Scroll 7: Li Ji)
[每日一群] [原文] 传曰:「从善如登,从恶如崩。」(卷二十七 吴志上)
[每日一群] [白话] 经传(《国语》)上讲:「为善如登山那样艰难,必须时时克服自己的习气;为恶如山崩那样迅速堕落,一失足成千古恨。」(卷二十七 吴志上)
[English] It was said in the book of Guo Yu: “Becoming virtuous is like a struggling uphill but committing vice is like collapsing in a landslide.” In other words, it is difficult to follow the path of virtue but easy to succumb to vice. (Scroll 27: Wu Zhi, Vol. 1)
[每日一群] [原文] 位已高而意益下,官益大而心益小,禄已厚而慎不敢取。(卷四十三 说苑)
[每日一群] [白话] 地位越高而态度越要谦恭,官职越大而内心越要谨慎,俸禄越优厚而越要谨慎不敢妄取贪求。(卷四十三 说苑)
[English] The higher one goes the more humble he should become. The more important one’s official role becomes the more cautious he should be. And the higher a salary one draws the more he should not be wanting for more. (Scroll 43 Shuo Yuan)
[每日一群] [原文] 生而贵者骄,生而富者奢。故富贵不以明道自鉴,而能无为非者寡矣。(卷三十五 文子)
[每日一群] [白话] 生来就显贵的人,容易骄纵;生来就富足的人,容易奢侈。所以富贵之人,如果不以明白做人道理来自我反省观照,而能够不做错事的就很少了。(卷三十五 文子)
[English] It is easy for a person born to a privileged family to acquire an air of arrogance, and a person born to a rich family to acquire a taste for extravagance. If the privileged and the rich do not follow the right way to guard against arrogance and wastefulness, seldom will they not commit wrongdoings. (Scroll 35:Wen Zi)
[每日一群] [原文] 九三:「君子终日乾乾,夕惕若厉,无咎。」何谓也?子曰:「君子进德修业。忠信,所以进德也;修辞立其诚,所以居业也。是故居上位而不骄,在下位而不忧。故乾乾因其时而惕,虽危无咎矣。」(卷一 周易)
[每日一群] [白话] 乾卦九三爻辞说:「君子整天勤奋不懈、自强不息,即使夜晚也警惕戒惧,如同处于险境中而不敢松懈,这样才能免于危难。」怎么说呢?夫子说:「这是譬喻君子要增进道德、建立功业。做到忠诚信实,由此可以增进道德;对人民大兴文教,自己以身作则,言行一致,保持真诚,由此可以积蓄功业。所以处在上位而不骄傲,处在下位而不忧虑。因而能够整天勤奋不懈而又随时警惕戒惧,虽处险境也能免于危难。」(卷一 周易)
[English] In the oracle of Qian: “A superior person works hard and remains vigilant all day, and in the evening he is still careful and apprehensive as if he is in danger. Hence there is no bad fortune.” What does this mean? Confucius said: “This is a metaphor about how a person advances in virtue and cultivates all the sphere of his duties. His devotion and trustworthiness are the means by which he advances in virtue. His attention to his words and establishing his sincerity are the means by which he excels in his duties. Therefore he occupies a high position without pride, and a low position without anxiety. Thus it is that, being diligent and vigilant, and forever careful and apprehensive, he will be safe from danger even when his position is perilous.” (Scroll 1: Zhou Yi)
[每日一群] [原文] 道也者,不可须臾离也,可离非道也。是故君子戒慎乎其所不睹,恐惧乎其所不闻。莫见乎隐,莫显乎微,故君子慎其独也。(卷七 礼记)
[每日一群] [白话] 心是不可须臾偏离正道的,可以离开的就不是正道了。因此君子在人看不到的地方也常警戒谨慎,在人听不到的地方也常惶恐畏惧。要知道,最隐暗且看不见的地方也是最容易发现的,最微细且看不见的事物也是最容易显露的,因为念头容易放逸,所以,君子就特别谨慎一个人独处的时候。(卷七 礼记)
[English] We cannot for one moment leave the Dao (righteous path). What can be left out is not Dao. A superior person will remain discreet even at places where nobody is around, and he will remain apprehensive at places where nobody can be heard. Beware that the most secretive place is also the easiest place to be found, and the tiniest thing is also the easiest thing to be seen, whenever one’s thoughts are most unguarded. A superior person therefore is most watchful when he is alone by himself. (Scroll 7: Li Ji)
[每日一群] [原文] 行有四仪:一曰,志动不忘仁,二曰,智用不忘义,三曰,力事不忘忠,四曰,口言不忘信。慎守四仪,以终其身,名功之从之也,犹形之有影,声之有响也。(卷三十六 尸子)
[每日一群] [白话] 言行有四个准则:一是实行志向的过程中,不忘仁爱;二是运用智能时不忘道义;三是恪尽职守时不忘忠诚;四是开口说话时不忘信实。谨慎恪守这四个准则,直到终老,名誉及功业自然会随之而来,就像身形有影子相随,声音发出会有回声一样。(卷三十六 尸子)
[English] Thus, the conduct of a superior person bears four features: He follows through his plans and never forgets to be kind. He deploys his expertise and never forgets to be righteous. He works hard and never forgets to be faithful. When he speaks he never forgets to be truthful. If he can keep these features all his life, honor will follow him like a shadow to his form and an echo to his callings. (Scroll 36: Shi Zi)
[每日一群] [原文] 君子口无戏谑之言,言必有防;身无戏谑之行,行必有捡。言必有防,行必有捡,虽妻妾不可得而黩也,虽朋友不可得而狎也。是以不愠怒,而教行于闺门;不谏谕,而风声化乎乡党。传称「大人正己而物正」者,盖此之谓也。(卷四十六 中论)
[每日一群] [白话] 君子口中不说玩笑的言语,说话必定合于规范;自身不会有玩笑的行为,行为必定约束谨慎。说话合规范,行为有约束,即使是妻妾也不敢因亲近而无礼,即使是朋友也不敢因熟悉而轻慢。所以,君子不用严厉训斥,而身教就影响整个家族;不用规劝告诫,而良好的风气就能教化整个乡里。经传(《孟子》)中称赞:「圣人端正己身,而身边的万事万物也随之端正」,大概就是这个意思吧。(卷四十六 中论)
[English] A superior person does not make jokes and his words are in line with propriety. He does not play pranks and his behavior is prudent. If his speech and his behavior are prudent, his wife will not act contemptuously toward him despite their intimate relation, and his friends will not slight him despite their close affiliation. Thus, a superior person’s behavior is sufficient to influence the behavior of his family members without any need for harsh reprimands, and moral social customs will be spread across the land without any need for remonstrations. Thus, in Mencius it was said: “When a sage is upright, all the things around him will follow suit.” (Scroll 46: Zhong Lun)
[每日一群] [原文] 戒之哉!无多言,多言多败;无多事,多事多患。安乐必诫,无行所悔。(卷十 孔子家语)
[每日一群] [白话] 要引以为戒啊!不可太多话,多话则容易使心轻慢不细腻,而常常说错话,招致许多祸害;不可太多事,多事则容易使心浮躁不安稳,而常常做错事,引来许多祸患。处于安乐要提高警戒,不做会让自己后悔的事。(卷十 孔子家语)
[English] Be warned! Do not talk too much. Much talk incurs much trouble. Do not be too inquisitive. Much prying will incur much harm. Stay alert even at a comfortable place and refrain from doing anything that will cause regrets. (Scroll 10: Kong Zi Jia Yu)
[每日一群] [原文] 子曰:「乱之所生也,则言语为之阶。君不密则失臣,臣不密则失身,机事不密则害成。是以君子慎密而不出也。」(卷一 周易)
[每日一群] [白话] 孔子说:「祸乱之所以发生,是言语做了阶梯。君主言语不慎密就会失去臣子,臣子言语不慎密就会惹祸上身,机密大事不慎泄露就会造成灾害。所以君子谨慎守密而不随意出言。」(卷一 周易)
[English] Confucius said: “Chaos is created by indiscreet utterances. When a leader speaks indiscriminately he loses his ministers. If ministers speak indiscriminately they will bring troubles upon themselves. If classified information cannot be kept safe, catastrophes will happen. A superior persontherefore is most discreet in keeping confidential matters unrevealed.” (Scroll 1: Zhou Yi)
[每日一群] [原文] 夫轻诺必寡信,多易必多难。是以圣人犹难之,故终无难。(卷三十四 老子)
[每日一群] [白话] 随便的许诺,必定很少讲求信用;把事情看得太容易,必将遭遇很多困难。因此圣人处事还要抱着艰难之心,所以终究没有难成之事。(卷三十四 老子)
[English] Laozi said: “One who makes promises l
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