

《群书治要360》之「务本」篇(更新完毕)2015年03月25日 19:22:40
Qunshu Zhiyao360——On the Subject of Administration (Chapter Four)——Engaging the Principles (Section One)
[每日一群] [原文] 孔子曰:「凡为天下国家者,有九经焉,曰:修身也,尊贤也,亲亲也,敬大臣也,体群臣也,子庶人也,来百工也,柔远人也,怀诸侯也。修身则道立,尊贤则不惑,亲亲则诸父昆弟不怨,敬大臣则不眩,体群臣则士之报礼重,子庶民则百姓劝,来百工则财用足,柔远人则四方归之,怀诸侯则天下畏之。」
公曰:「为之奈何?」孔子曰:「齐庄盛服,非礼不动,所以修身也;去谗远色,贱货而贵德,所以尊贤也;爵其能,重其禄,同其好恶,所以笃亲亲也;官盛任使,所以敬大臣也;忠信重禄,所以劝士也;时使薄敛,所以子百姓也;日省月考,既禀称事,所以来百工也;送往迎来,嘉善而矜不能,所以绥远人也;继绝世,举废邦,朝聘以时,厚往而薄来,所以怀诸侯也。治天下国家有九经焉,其所以行之者一也。」(卷十 孔子家语)
[每日一群] [白话] 孔子说:「治理天下国家,有九条重要纲领:修正己身,尊重贤人,亲爱亲族,礼敬大臣,体恤众臣,爱民如子,招徕各行工匠,抚慰远方人民,安定各地诸侯。修正己身,则可树立品德,不为外在名利所动摇;尊重贤人,如此小人自然远离,君王就不受奸臣迷惑而做出错误决策;亲爱亲族,则叔伯、兄弟之间受到恩泽,自然不会有怨言嫌隙;礼敬大臣,如此和合共识、以礼相待,朝政就不会迷乱颠倒;体恤众臣,众臣必深怀感恩而尽心报效;爱民如子,则百姓受到鼓舞而互相劝善;招徕各行工匠,国家才会富裕充足;抚慰远方人民,则四方之人受到恩惠,自然归顺依附;安定各地诸侯,则天下人民敬畏诚服。」
哀公问:「如何做到这样呢?」孔子说:「内心严肃诚敬,外表齐整端庄,不合礼义的事绝对不干,这是修正己身之法;摒弃谗言,远离女色,轻财物而重道德,这是尊重贤人之法;根据才能授以高官、委以重任,这是礼敬大臣之法;忠诚信实者,给予优厚俸禄,这是劝勉贤士之法;农闲时间才役使人力,并减收赋税,这是爱民如子之法;经常查考工作,并依考绩发给酬劳,这是招徕各行工匠之法;款待来往的各方族群,奖励善行并怜悯弱势,这是抚慰远方人民之法;按时维持外交礼节,进贡虽薄而答礼丰厚,这是安抚诸侯之法。总之,治理天下国家有九条重要纲领,而实行的关键,只在一个诚字。」(卷十 孔子家语)
[English] Confucius said: “In order for any ruler who wants to govern a country successfully, he must attend to the nine cardinal rules. These are:
1. Cultivating a ruler’s personal conduct.
2. Honoring worthy individuals.
3. Cherishing his kindred duties.
4. Respecting high ministers of the state.
5. Showing empathy to the whole body of public officials.
6. Loving the people as if they were his children.
7. Soliciting the services of different craftsmen and professionals.
8. Showing kindness to people from far countries.
9. Taking interest in the welfare of the other feudal lords.
When the ruler pays attention to the cultivation of his personal conduct, he will be able to build his virtuous character unaffected by fame and wealth. When the ruler honors worthy individuals, he will not be deceived by devious officials. When the ruler cherishes affection for his kindred, there will be no disaffection among the members of his family. When the ruler shows respect to the high ministers of the state, he will not be prone to making mistakes. When the ruler shows empathy to the whole body of public officials, there will be a strong spirit of loyalty among the officials. When the ruler loves the people as if they were his children, the mass of the people will exert themselves for the good of the state. When the ruler is able to entice different craftsmen and professionals to live in the state, their presence will increase wealth and revenue for the state. When the ruler shows kindness to the people from far countries, they will be brought to pledge their allegiance to him from all quarters. When the ruler takes interest in the condition and welfare of the lords of the land, he will inspire awe and respect for his authority throughout the whole word.”
Duke Ai asked Confucius: “So how can this be achieved?” Confucius said: “By attending to sincerity and to the propriety and dignity of his attire, and in every word and act permitting nothing which is contrary to good taste and decency: this is how the ruler cultivates his personal conduct. By banishing all flatterers and keeping away from the temptations of women, loathing possession of material goods but valuing moral qualities in people: this is how the ruler gives honor to worthy individuals. By raising family members to high places of honor and bestowing ample emoluments that corresponds to their abilities, sympathizing with their tastes and opinions: this is how the ruler inspires love among members of his family. By conferring high government positions and giving them important duties: this is how the ruler shows his respect to the high ministers of the state. By bestowing a liberal scale of pay to the faithful and trustworthy: this is how the ruler gives encouragement to capable officials. By employing them only at the proper times, and making all taxes as little as possible: this is how the ruler shows his love for his people. By ordering daily inspection and monthly examination, rewarding each according to the degree of his workmanship: this is how the ruler is able to acquire the services of the artisan class. By welcoming people from all over the world, commending what is good in them and making allowance for the weak: this is how the ruler shows kindness to strangers from far countries. By restoring broken lines of succession and reviving subjugated states, putting down anarchy and disorder wherever they are found, and giving support to the weak against strong. Fixing specific time periods for the attendance of diplomatic envoys at court, lading them with abundant presents when they leave while extracting little from them in the way of contribution when they come: this is how the ruler takes interest in the welfare of the lords of the land. For everyone who is called to the government of nations, these are the nine cardinal bearings to be attended to, and the key by which they can be carried out, is through ‘Sincerity.’” (Scroll 10: Kong Zi Jia Yu)
[每日一群] [原文] 民惟邦本,本固邦宁。(卷二 尚书)
[每日一群] [白话] 人民是国家的根本,唯有根本稳固,国家才会安宁。(卷二 尚书)
[English] People constitute the foundation of a nation. When the foundation is stable, the nation will become peaceful and harmonious. (Scroll 2: Shang Shu)
[每日一群] [原文] 昔者成王,幼在襁褓之中,召公为太保,周公为太傅,太公为太师。保保其身体;傅傅之德义;师导之教训:此三公职也。于是为置三少,少保少傅少师,是与太子宴者也。故乃孩提有识,三公三少,明孝仁礼义,以导习之,逐去邪人,不使见恶行。于是皆选天下之端士,孝悌博闻有道术者,以卫翼之,使与太子居处出入。故太子乃生而见正事,闻正言,行正道,左右前后皆正人。……孔子曰:「少成若天性,习惯如自然。」(卷十六 汉书四)
[每日一群] [白话] 从前周成王年幼尚在襁褓之中,便由召公做太保,周公做太傅,太公做太师。保,是保护太子的身体;傅,是以道德仁义教导辅助他;师,是以圣贤教诲引导启发他;这就是三公的职责。于是又设立「三少」,少保、少傅、少师,这是与太子生活在一起的人。所以当太子幼年懂事时,三公、三少就讲明孝、仁、礼、义的道理,引导他落实,并驱逐奸邪之人,不让太子见到不好的行为。于是选出天下品行端正、孝顺友悌、见闻广博有道德的人,卫护辅助他,让他们陪伴太子朝夕相处、同出同入。所以当太子生下来,所见的都是正事,所听的都是正言,所行的都是正道,在他左右前后都是正人君子。……孔子说:「从小养成的品德就像天性一样,自然而然变成习惯。」(卷十六 汉书四)
[English] When King Cheng of Zhou dynasty was an infant, Zhao Gong was the crown prince’s Tai-bao, whose duty was to safeguard the physical wellness of the crown prince. Zhou Gong, was his Tai-fu, whose duty was to guide the crown prince with moral and ethical codes of conduct. And Tai Gong, who was his Tai-shi, was responsible for inspiring the crown prince with the wisdom of the sages. In addition to the Three Venerated Elders (San-gong) and their duties, another Three Supporting Elders (San-shao), namely—Shao-bao, Shao-fu and Shao-shi were established to accompany the crown prince in his learning on a daily basis. Thus, ever since the  young prince could comprehend teachings, the three venerated elders and the three supporting elders had imparted lessons on the moral principles of filial piety, benevolence, propriety, and righteousness to the crown prince, guiding him to implement these principles. Moreover, all deviant characters were banished from the vicinity of the prince so that he would not be corrupted by deviant behavior. Only individuals who were filial and respectful of kinship, knowledgeable and virtuous were chosen to live with the prince on a daily basis. Therefore, from the moment that the crown prince was born, all that he saw was proper, all that he heard was proper, and all that he practiced was proper because all the people by his side were righteous gentlemen …Confucius said: “Lessons learned from a young age will become so natural to an individual that they become natural habits.” (Scroll 16, Han Shu, Vol. 4)
[每日一群] [原文] 文武之政,布在方策。其人存,则其政举;其人亡,则其政息。故为政在于得人。取人以身,修身以道,修道以仁。(卷十 孔子家语)
[每日一群] [白话] 周文王和周武王的施政道理及方法,都记载于典籍上。如果有像文王、武王那样的人存在,那么仁政便能实行;如果没有文王、武王那样的人,那么仁政便会跟着止息。所以施政的关键在于获得圣贤人才。要想得到人才必须以修养己身来感召,修养己身必在于遵循道德论理,遵循道德伦理的下手处,在于以仁爱存心。(卷十 孔子家语)
[English] The governing principles of King Wen and King Wu are recorded in the classics. Rulers such as them enable a benevolent government to be formed. Without rulers like them, benevolent governments will cease to exist. Hence, the key to forming a good government is in having good people to run the government, and good people will be drawn to leaders who are able and virtuous, whose character is in line with the principles of morality and ethics grounded in benevolence. (Scroll 10: Kong Zi Jia Yu)
[每日一群] [原文] 国无贤佐俊士,而能以成功立名、安危继绝者,未尝有也。故国不务大,而务得民心;佐不务多,而务得贤俊。得民心者民往之,有贤佐者士归之。(卷四十三 说苑)
[每日一群] [白话] 国家没有贤能的臣佐和优秀的人才,而能成就功业、树立名声、转危为安、延续亡国的,是从来没有的事。所以国家安定的关键不在大,而在于赢得民心;辅佐的人不在多,而在于得到贤俊之人。得民心的人,人民自然会拥护他;有贤臣辅佐的人,士人自然来归附他。(卷四十三 说苑)
[English] A country that can succeed in establishing a good reputation and turn crisis into peace without resorting to the help from the able and virtuous is something quite unheard of. Likewise, a country need not be big but the government must have the people’s trust. The number of government officials need not be high but the government must have able and virtuous people to assist in its administration. People will support a government that is trustworthy, and able people will be drawn to a leader flanked by able and virtuous officials. (Scroll 43: Shuo Yuan)
[每日一群] [原文] 公问曰:「敢问人道谁为大?」孔子对曰:「夫人道政为大。夫政者正也。君为正,则百姓从而正矣。」……公曰:「敢问为政如之何?」孔子对曰:「夫妇别,父子亲,君臣信。三者正,则庶物从之矣。」(卷十 孔子家语)
[每日一群] [白话] 哀公问孔子说:「请问人道之中什么最重要?」孔子回答说:「人道之中,政治最重要。政治的意思,就是端正。君主做事端正了,百姓也就跟着端正。」……哀公问道:「请问怎样为政?」孔子回答说:「夫妇职责有所区别,父子互相亲爱,君臣互相信任。这三个方面端正了,则万事万物的关系也跟着理顺了。」(卷十 孔子家语)
[English] Duke Ai asked Confucius: “What is the most important element in humanity?” Confucius said: “In the way of humanity, Zheng, proper governing is the most important, and Zheng is ‘uprightness.’ When rulers are upright, the populace will follow and become the same.” …Duke Ai pressed further: “May I ask how should one govern?” Confucius replied: “Husband and wife play different roles; parents and children are affectionate toward each other; superiors and subordinates show trust toward one another. When these three relationships are properly in place, all other relationships will work out amicably.” (Scroll 10:Kong Zi Jia Yu)
[每日一群] [原文] 天地为大矣,不诚则不能化万物;圣人为智矣,不诚则不能化万民;父子为亲矣,不诚则疏;君上为尊矣,不诚则卑。夫诚者,君子之守,而政事之本也。(卷三十八 孙卿子)
[每日一群] [白话] 天地可以说是博大了,但不诚,就不能化育万物;圣人可以说是睿智了,但不诚,就不能教化万民;父子可以说是最亲密了,但不诚,就会疏远;君王可以说是最尊贵了,但不诚,就不为人所尊重。故诚之为德,乃君子之所恪守,亦为治理国家之根本。(卷三十八 孙卿子)
[English] Heaven and earth may be enormous but without sincerity they will not be able to give life to thousands of things. Sages may be intelligent but without sincerity they will not be able to transform thousands of people with their teachings. Relationship between parents and children may be intimate but without sincerity they will drift apart. Kings are considered the noblest by status but without sincerity they will not be respected. Hence, “Sincerity” is that (which) a superior person will honor, and it is also the foundation of a good government. (Scroll 38: Sun Qing Zi)
[每日一群] [原文] 夫富民者,以农桑为本,以游业为末;百工者,以致用为本,以巧饰为末;商贾者,以通货为本,以鬻奇为末。三者守本离末,则民富;离本守末,则民贫;贫则阨而忘善,富则乐而可教。教训者,以道义为本,以巧辨为末;辞语者,以信顺为本,以诡丽为末;列士者,以孝悌为本,以交游为末;孝悌以致养为本,以华观为末;人臣者,以忠正为本,以媚爱为末。五者守本离末,则仁义兴;离本守末,则道德崩。(卷四十四 潜夫论)
[每日一群] [白话] 使百姓富裕,以农事生产为本,以流动性职业为末;各种工艺,以实用为本,以雕琢装饰为末;买卖经商,以流通货物为本,以出售珍奇之物谋利为末。这三者若能守本弃末,百姓就会富裕;若弃本守末,百姓就会贫穷;百姓贫穷就会陷入困境而无心行善,百姓富裕就会安乐而可以接受教化。教育训导,以道德仁义为本,以巧言善辩为末;言辞话语,以诚信顺理为本,以奇异华丽为末;读书之人,以孝顺父母、友爱兄弟为本,以交友应酬为末;落实孝悌,以尽心奉养为本,以图表面讲排场为末;为人臣者,以忠诚正直为本,以谄媚讨好为末。这五者若能守本弃末,仁义之风就会兴盛;弃本守末,道德就会崩溃。(卷四十四 潜夫论)
[English] To increase wealth for the people, first and foremost based the economy on farming and textile production above miscellaneous economic activities. To utilize the skills of craftsmen properly, place the priority on practical projects above decorative works. In business transactions, place proper distribution of goods to the populace above selling exotic items. People will become wealthier if these three principles are followed. But if the least important became the most important, people will become poorer, and when they become poorer they will forsake proper behavior as opposed to what they would do if they were richer. Likewise, in the field of education, imparting lessons that enable people to become moral individuals is more important than training people to become artful debaters. In the use of language, being truthful and sensible is more important than the ability to use flowery and cunning descriptions. For a learned individual, being filial and respectful toward his parents and elders is more important than entertaining his friends. In the practice of filial piety, what is important is to perform one’s duties with utmost reverence rather than lavishly displaying pomp and ceremony. For a subordinate, being loyal to his superior is more important than being a flatterer. If these five principles are followed, the practice of benevolence and righteousness will flourish. Abandoning what is important and pursuing what is the less important will lead to the decline of morality in society. (Scroll 44: Qian Fu Lun)
[每日一群] [原文] 子路曰:「卫君待子而为政,子将奚先?」子曰:「必也,正名乎!名不正,则言不顺;言不顺,则事不成;事不成,则礼乐不兴;礼乐不兴,则刑罚不中;刑罚不中,则民无所措手足。」(卷九 论语)
[每日一群] [白话] 子路问孔子:「如果卫国的君主打算请您去辅助他治国,不知您将以何事为先?」孔子说:「那一定是先正名,使名分与事实(身分等)相符。如果名不正,则言语不能顺理成章;言不顺,办事就不易成功;办事不成功,礼乐的教化就不能兴起;礼乐不兴起,刑罚就会用之不当;刑罚不当,人民就会感觉手足无措,天下就乱了。」(卷九 论语)
[English] Zilu asked Confucius: “If the ruler of Wei is anticipating your assistance in the administration of his state, what will be your top priority?” Confucius said: “What is necessary is to define terms more precisely. If terms are not precise, then what is commanded cannot be accurately obeyed. If what is commanded cannot be accurately obeyed, work cannot be accomplished. If work cannot be accomplished, propriety and music will not flourish. If propriety and music do not flourish, punishments will not be properly applied. If punishments are not properly applied, then people will have no standard to judge their actions.” (Scroll 9: Lun Yu)
[每日一群] [原文] 《彖》曰:家人,女正位乎内,男正位乎外,天地之大义也。家人有严君焉,父母之谓也。父父、子子、兄兄、弟弟、夫夫、妇妇,而家道正,正家而天下定矣。(卷一 周易)
[每日一群] [白话] 《彖传》上说:“家人卦”,象征女子守着正道,居于家内,相夫教子;男子守着正道,处理外务,承担经济重担;男女各自安守正道,这是天地间的义理。家庭中有严明的君长,这就是指父母亲。父亲善尽父道,儿子善尽孝道,兄长善尽为兄之道,弟弟也善尽为弟之道,丈夫善尽夫道,妻子善尽妇道,这样一来,家道就能端正,所有家庭都能端正家道,那么天下就安定了。(卷一 周易)
[English] The book of Tuan Zhuan said: “In the oracle named ‘family members’, a woman has her correct place on the inside, a man has his correct place on the outside. This is the great equitable way of heaven and earth. Each family is headed by ‘leaders’—a term referring to the father and mother.—who are serious and principled When parents fulfill their duties as parents; when children fulfill their duties as children; when elder brothers fulfill their duties as elder brothers; when younger brothers fulfill their duties as younger brothers; when a husband fulfill his duties as a husband; when a wife fulfill her duties as a wife, then the family will live in harmony. When all families live in harmony, the whole world will become stable and harmonious.” (Scroll 1: Zhou Yi)
[每日一群] [原文] 夫仁义礼制者,治之本也;法令刑罚者,治之末也。无本者不立,无末者不成。夫礼教之治,先之以仁义,示之以敬让,使民迁善日用而不知也。(卷五十 袁子正书)
[每日一群] [白话] 仁义礼制,是治理国家的根本;法令刑罚,是治理国家的枝叶。没有根本就不能长久建立,没有枝叶就不能稳定建设。以礼义教化治国,首先要实行仁义,带头做到恭敬谦让,使人民在日常生活中不知不觉就迁善改过。(卷五十 袁子正书)
[English] The standards of benevolence, righteousness, and propriety form the roots of the administration. The standards of law and punishment form the offshoots of an administration. Without the roots, a nation cannot be established. Without the offshoots, a nation cannot be developed. To engage propriety and righteous principles to guide a nation, the administration must first implement benevolent rule and lead the people to nurture respects and humility, making them akin to proper conducts without being aware that this is happening. (Scroll 50:Yuan Zi Zheng Shu)
[每日一群] [原文] 子曰:「夫孝,德之本也,教之所由生也。」(卷九 孝经)
[每日一群] [白话] 孔子说:「孝道,是德行的根本,一切教化都是从孝道的基础上产生的。」(卷九 孝经)
[English] Confucius said: “Filial piety is the foundation of all virtues, and the source of all teachings.” (Scroll 9: Xiao Jing)
[每日一群] [原文] 孔子曰:「行己有六本焉,然后为君子。立身有义矣,而孝为本;丧纪有礼矣,而哀为本;战阵有列矣,而勇为本;治政有理矣,而农为本;居国有道矣,而嗣为本;生财有时矣,而力为本。置本不固,无务丰末;亲戚不悦,无务外交;事不终始,无务多业;反本修迹,君子之道也。」(卷十 孔子家语)
[每日一群] [白话] 孔子说:「立身处世具备了六大根本,然后才能成为君子。立身有仁义,孝道是根本;举办丧事有礼节,哀痛是根本;作战布阵有行列,勇敢是根本;治理政事有条理,农业是根本;安定国家有方法,慎选继承人是根本;创造财富有一定的时机,辛勤经营是根本。根本不巩固,就不要追求枝叶小事的完美;亲戚都不能团结和睦,就不要致力于跟外人交往;做事情有始无终,就不要去从事多种事业。回归根本从近处做起,这是君子采取的原则和方法。」所以假如本末倒置,不只徒劳无功,还会产生严重的流弊问题。(卷十 孔子家语)
[English] Confucius said: “There are six fundamental principles that a person should be aware of before he is qualified as a superior person. They are: The basis of benevolence and righteousness is filial piety. The basis of funeral rites and rituals is the spirit of mournfulness. The basis of a brilliant military strategy is bravery. The basis of a sensible government policy is agricultural production. The basis of national peace and stability is the selection of successors. The basis of creating wealth at opportune times is through hard work. If all these bases are not strong, he should nor pursue perfection in non-essential matters. If he cannot associate harmoniously with his relatives, he should not strive to extend friendship to others. If he cannot complete his tasks, he should not accept additional tasks. In these situations, he should return to the basics and begin to work from the fundamentals. These are the approach and principles adopted by a superior person.” (Scroll 10: Kong Zi Jia Yu)
[每日一群] [原文] 君子务本,本立而道生。孝悌也者,其仁之本与!(卷九 论语)
[每日一群] [白话] 君子为人必专心致力于根本,根本建立了,道德就会随之产生。孝顺父母、友爱兄弟,就是仁的根本啊!(卷九 论语)
[English] A superior person concerns himself with the fundamentals. Once th
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