



考试时间:120分钟        满分:100分


1. No people like to do the simple jobs over and over again.   A. alone         B. one after another     C. time and time again      D.harder and had

2. My answer is different from yours.   A. the same as    B. good at             C.not the same as          D.alike

3. I’m sorry that we can not finish our work on time.   A. surely         B. truly               C. hardly                D. certainly

4. Both of the messages are from my best friend, Marcia.   A. Tow of the     B. All of the           C. The two               D. All the

5. Yao Ming and Liu Xiang are famous around the world.   A. about         B. all over             C. almost                D. anywhere


6.变成现实                              11.first of all                   

7.过时的                          12.mountain village               

8.谋生                            13.argue with                   

9.爱上                            14.wake up                     

10.变得紧张不安                       15.science fiction movie            


 16. Nothing is ____________ if you work hard. (possible) 

17. Now I’d like to know your ____________ about the future, boys and girls. (predict) 

18. I’m sorry I didn’t finish ___________ (write) my composition.

19. Zheng Chenggong and Lin Zexu were both great ___________ in Chinese history. (hero)

20. I couldn’t find my pencil case ___________ (somewhere). I must have left it at home. 

21. I said I didn’t think it was a good idea for __________ (she) to copy my homework. 

22. The comedy made us ___________ (laugh). 

23. Mr Li had a __________ (quickly) breakfast and went to work.

24. You’d better take part in some __________ (organize) activities.  25. The kids need time and ___________ (free) to play.


26. There ______ any poor people in China in fifty years, I think. A. aren’t            B. don’t have         C. won’t be            D. won’t have

27. ---- When ______ the teacher _________ back from Beijing?    ---- Next Sunday afternoon.    A. will, come         B. dose, come        C. did, come           D. will, coming 

28. You ________ return the book now. You can keep it till next month. A. can’t              B. mustn’t          C. needn’t             D. may not

 29. ---- Could I see your dictionary?     ---- ______________. Here you are. A. Yes, you could.      B. Sure.            C.Sorry.             D. It doesn’t matter 

30. ---- May I put my bike here?     ---- No, you ______________. You should put it over there. A. couldn’t            B. needn’t          C. mustn’t           D. won’t

 31. What ____________ at nine o’clock last Sunday morning.? A. was you doing       B. were you doing     C. are they doing      D. does we do 

32. What were you doing when the UFO ____________? A. arrived             B. arrives            C. gets              D.reached 

33. All the students were sweeping the floor _________ they heard a man ________ “help”. A. when, shouting      B. while, to shout     C. when, to shout      D.while, shouting 

34. ---- Excuse me, may I speak to Mr. Smith?     ---- Sorry. He ________ work here __________. A. didn’t, any more    B. didn’t, either      C. doesn’t, rither     D. doesn’t, any more 

35. The teacher told him __________ again. A. not late            B. no be late for      C. to be not late       D. not to be late 

36. No one knows ____________ in fifty years. A. what will our life be like               B. what is our life like C. what our life will be like               D. what our life is like 

37. ---- I don’t know if he ____________ . ---- He will come if it _____________. A. comes; won’t rain                    B. will come; doesn’t rain C. comes; doesn’t rain                   D. will come; won’t rain 

38. He ____________ better in English if he works harder. A. do               B. does            C.will do            D. is doing

 39. Henry went to the beach last weekend, and ______________ . A. so was I          B. so I did          C. so I was           D. so did I 

40. If you eat ________ sugar, you will get fat.     A. much too         B. too much         C. too many          D. more 

41. You don’t like the picture. I don’t like it, ________ . A. too              B. also             C. either             D. still 

42. Maybe you should ___________. A. call up him        B.call him up        C. call on him        D. call him in 

43. These movies are suitable for ________ only. We kids should not go to. A. adults            B.children           C. adult             D. girls 

44. He could do nothing except __________ TV. A. watch            B. watches           C. watching          D. will watch 

45. How __________ I was at that time!     A. surprised          B. surprise           C. surprising         D. surprises


Mr Smith had a nice, brown coat. He __46__ it very much, __47__ his wife didn’t like it, because it was _ 48__ . She often said, “Give it to a __49__ man.” But Mr Smith always said, “No, I like it.” One day a cigarette fell on it and made a hole in it, __50__ Mrs Smith said, “Please don’t __51__ it again.” Mr Smith took it to a small tailor’s and said to the tailor, “Please manke another coat __52__ this one.” The tailor made the coat very __53__ . Then he hit a cigarette and made a __54__ in the __55 _ place.

46. A. wore           B. had            C. put           D. loved

47. A. but             B. so             C. and          D. for

48. A. new            B. big            C. small         D. old

49. A. rich            B. kind            C. poor         D. friend

50. A. so              B. and            C. but          D. or

51. A. had             B. wear           C. wore         D. take

52. A. about           B. with            C. like          D. of

53. A. happily          B. hard           C. sad           D. carefully

54. A. picture          B. hole            C. map          D. flower

55. A. same           B. different         C. great         D. important



One rainy day a woman with a dog got on the bus. It was a big dog and its feet were very dirty. The woman sat down and the dog stood near her. When the conductor came up to her, she said, “Oh, conductor, I pay for my dog, can he have a seat like the other passengers? ” The conductor looked at the dog and its dirty feet and then he said, “Of course, madam. He can have a seat like all the other passengers, but like all the other passengers, he must not put his feet on it.”


(     ) 56. One day a woman with her dog got on a bus.

(     ) 57. It wasn’t a small dog and its feet were very dirty.

(     ) 58. The woman wanted to buy a ticket for the dog to sit away from her.

 (     ) 59. The woman must put her feet on the seat.

 (     ) 60. The dog can sit like all the other passengers.



Mr Hill arrived at London Airport, at the end of a three-week holiday in France. Usually he wore a beard. Since it was hot there, he took it off. But his passport photo showed him with his beard. An officer looked at the photo for a moment, and said, “Will you excuse me? Please sit down. I won’t keep you long.” With this, he walked away, showed the photo to a second officer, and said, “I know that face.” The second officer looked at the passport and asked where Mr Hill came from. When he heard that Mr Hill arrived back from Paris, the second officer smiled and said, “An Englishman with a beard stole a painting in Paris on Friday, and that man looked just the kind of man.” Suddenly it came to the first officer. He returned the passport to him and asked, “Did you teach at the No.2 High School?” When Mr Hill answered, in surprise, that he did, the first officer smiled and said, “I thought so. I’m Jack Smith. You tayght me French. You haven’t changed a bit.”


 (     ) 61. Mr Hill _________ .          A. came back from the airport   B. was on his way to Paris          C. spent three weeks in Paris before he went to France   D. has been in France for three weeks

 (     ) 62. Mr Hill ___________ .          A. had a beard on his face but not in his photo          B. grew a beard while he was on holiday          C. had a beard in his photo but not on his face          D. took his beard off long before he went on holiday

 (     ) 63. The first officer was sure _________.          A. Mr Hill stole the painting          B. he saw the face in the photo before          C. he knew the second officer’s face          D. a man without a beard stole the painting

 (     ) 64. The second officer said that __________ .          A. Mr Hill stole the painting          B. a man with a beard, from France, stole a painting in English          C. an Englishman took his beard off and stole a painting          D. a man with a beard, from England, stole a painting in Paris

 (     ) 65. Mr Hill taught _________ .          A. Jack Smith French at the No.2 High School          B. Jack Smith to be a first officer          C. at the No.2 High School in France          D. French some years ago and is name was Smith, not Hill


Education in the USA Most Americans start to school at the age of five when they enter kindergarten. Children do not really study at this time. They only attend for half the day and learn what school school is like. Children attend elementary school for the next six years. They learn to read and write and work with numbers. They also study the world and its people. After they leave elementary school, children go to junior high school for three years and senior high school for another three years. This is called secondary education. In some places, the children go to elementary school for eight years and high school for four. In all, elementary and secondary education together take twelve years to complete excluding kindergarten.


(     )66. The elementary and secondary education together take the children _______ to complete in the USA.           A. thirteen years     B. fourteen years     C. twelve years     D. eleven years

(     ) 67. Most American children enter kindergarton _________ .           A. at the age of five years old              B. to study two years           C. to learn science                       D. about two years old

(     ) 68. In elementary school they should stay there ________ .           A. for six years    B. for three years  C. for another three years    D.to study hard

 (     ) 69. Children should study how to __________ .           A. act                B. become an astronaut     C. read and write       D.read, write and work with numbers

(     ) 70. Some American children have their elementary school education for ________ .           A. five years       B. four years        C. eight years        D. seven years


71. Tom said, “I’m older than you.”   _________________________________________________ 72. My brother said to me, “I will join the music club.”   _________________________________________________ 73. The teacher told me, “Finish your homework.”   _________________________________________________ 74. Tina asked us, “Where are you going on vacation?”   _________________________________________________ 75. Jean asked me, “Do you know Tom’s address?”   _________________________________________________


76. A: _________________________________________________?   B: I was sleeping at 9:00 last Sunday morning. 77. A: _________________________________________________?   B: No, there won’t. There will be more pollution. 78. A: _________________________________________________?   B: My mother said she was very angry. 79. A: _________________________________________________?   B: If we have the party today, half the class won’t come. 80. A: _________________________________________________?   B: If I join the Greenpeace, I will call on people to care for “Mother Earth.”


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 could do better
math teacher
English teacher
 speaking is good
physics teacher

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