

48 Essential Drupal Development Tips From Lullabot

48 Essential Drupal Development Tips From Lullabot

Published by  at 8:34 am under Drupal,Programming,Security

(See end of post for updates.)

Your correspondent was fortunate enough to recently partake in a four day, hands-on, in-depth Drupal training (agenda: theming, forms API, menu API, module development, jQuery, best practices) conducted by the firm that literally wrote the book on Drupal: Lullabot.

Our excellent instructors were Nate Haug and Karen Stevenson. The training was tremendously helpful and Nate and Karen really know Drupal through to the core. It was a blast getting a deeper look at Drupal and being able to have all of our questions answered.

These tips were collected during training and every effort was made to capture them accurately, but do point out any errors or feedback in the comments (any errors were mine in capture, not Lullabot’s in training).

  1. Output the $body_classes variable in the class attribute of your body tag on your page.tpl.php files to have access to handy classes like “front”, “not_front”, “logged-in”, etc.
  2. The /admin/build/block page is the only admin page that doesn’t use an admin theme so that the block location helper overlays make sense.
  3. The two most common elements left out of your page.tpl.php files are $closure and $tabs.
  4. The basic convention for theming is to copy the file you want to create from the code module folder (like node.tpl.php) and then edit it as needed.
  5. Use placeholder tokens to handle languages that order words differently. Example:
    1$variables['submitted'] = t('On @date',array('@date'=>format_date($variables['created'],'custom','F jS')));
  6. Best practice: For major Drupal upgrades the best practice is to remove and recreate any theme functions you overrode, so that you can include any code changes that you haven’t captured.
  7. If you don’t want to use $content in node.tpl.php files, then don’t. Just output each field individually.
  8. Performance: Use the row style “Fields” rather than “Nodes” on views. The “Nodes” mode does a node_load() call on each node in your view which costs more than 50 queries per node. “Fields” mode just grabs the data you need.
  9. The dsm() dpm() function is like the insanely helpful pr() function in CakePHP, offering nice output of complex data for debugging. You need devel installed and enabled to use it.
  10. Group all custom modules under the same “package” name in the module list to make it clear to future developers where all of the custom modules are.
  11. Use the coder module to identify Drupal 6 to 7 api changes.
  12. Best practice/convention: The variable name user means the logged in user to the site at the moment of code execution; the variable name account means information about some user on the site, unrelated to the logged in user.
  13. Performance: The entire variable table is loaded on every page load, so limit what you store in variables.
  14. Performance: The variable_get() function is free (no hit to the database) as all variable information is stored in memory.
  15. Don’t call t() on menu title and descriptions as they are stored in the cache on build, meaning that the language used at the point of cache creation gets set for everyone.
  16. Use the MENU_LOCAL_TASK in the hook_menu array to add a tab to a page, like node or user.
  17. Performance: Move large menu item callback functions to inc files, using the ‘file’ attribute of the menu array. This results in more efficient memory management as the entire .module file is loaded on every page load, but inc files are only loaded when specifically needed.
  18. Using %user and %node in your hook_menu array will cause Drupal to automatically call node_load or user_load on the passed in IDs. Nate called these magic handlers. (Clarification: these are load functions in menu.inc)
  19. You can use your own magic handler by using “%” in the hook_menu array. Example: %yourown will cause Drupal to run yourown_load(). These functions must reside in main .module file, not in inc files.
  20. In your module, you can use $GLOBALS['conf']['cache'] = false to turn off caching for a page. (Note: If your page is currently cached you won’t see caching disabled until you clear the cache or it expires.) This appears to stop your entire site cache, not just the page.
  21. A handy way to determine if a site is Drupal is to look for a page expire date in the headers of 11/19/1978 (the birth date of the creator of Drupal).
  22. Doing routes in Drupal: custom_url_rewrite_inbound() and custom_url_rewrite_outbound().
  23. Choosing the right date field type in CCK: Date (iso date), good for historical and imprecise dates , like year only; Datestamp (Unix epoch), same format as Drupal core, better to use Datetime as it offers the same precision; Datetime stores in native format of a date at database tier (you can then do date manipulation functions on it at the database level which is fast).
  24. Best practice: Split your sites/all/modules folder into contrib and custom.
  25. Best practice: If you have to modify a contributed module for a project, track the change in a patch file and create a folder in your site to store all of you individual patch files. Each time you update a contributed module with a newer release verify the issue still needs to be patched manually (reapply the patch you have) or that the patch is now part of the official module (delete your patch file). This way your patches can be stored in version control, easily submitted to the module maintainer and reapplied in the future when you apply important Drupal security patches to your site.
  26. Best practice: hook_menu() should be the first function in your custom module because it serves as an index for the module, describing what it does and where.
  27. The reason the keys in form arrays start with a pound sign is to allow the nesting of formelements in the array.
  28. The “clicked_button” attribute is added to the form state by Drupal to handle images used as submit buttons because Internet Explorer doesn’t use the submit button’s name like other browsers (and like a regular submit button is handled by all browsers).
  29. You set the error on a nested field by using the format parent][child. Example: "home][street", where home is the parent form, and street is the field.
  30. form_error() is cleaner and more logically formatted than form_set_error(), but they do the same thing.
    1form_set_error('home][street','You must enter the street address.');
    1form_error($form['home']['city'], ‘You must enter the street address.’);
  31. If anything is placed in $form_state['storage'] Drupal will ignore any redirects specified and rebuild the form on the submit. To avoid this you must unset $form_storage.
  32. Best practice: You can use any HTML you want in a theme function because a theme is empowered to override the HTML in it's own theme function.
  33. Drupal will render any remaining parts of $form that you haven't rendered already, so it's not necessary to manually render every part, only the ones you want to handle individually.
  34. Use db_set_active() to switch between the database connections you have specified in your settings file on-the-fly in a routine to easily go outside of the core Drupal database for external content or data. (Switch back quickly as later parts of the page will need access to the core Drupal database.)
  35. The Table Wizard module lets you expose any database table to Drupal views (you can even define keys to allow for joins).
  36. If you specify a set value ("#value") on a form element (like hidden), the Drupal handler will set the form element back to that value regardless of what comes in from the user.
  37. A form type ("#type") of "value" is never sent to the user but kept in the form data so you can access the data in other functions in your module. This appears to be deprecated in Drupal 6. Use $form['#foo'] instead.
  38. HTML tip: Inline JavaScript stops the browser from loading anything after it (HTML, JavaScript, etc) until the browser finishes loading the code.
  39. JQuery tipVisualjQuery.com is a handy visual API reference for JQuery
  40. Firebug tip: The ">>>" at the bottom of the console tab in Firebug lets you run JavaScript you type in.
  41. HTML tip: Some browsers will strip out A tags if they don't have an href attribute specified.
  42. JQuery performance: Specifying a tag name when looking for a class is much faster than just looking for the class as browsers have built-in support for getElementysByTagName().
    1Fast: $('.content');
    1Faster: $('div.content');
  43. JQuery performance: Using $(this) inside of selector functions is faster than using the selector again.
  44. An easy way to manage your views is to export them and install them in a custom module. This way you can keep the code in version control, protect them from user (you don't need to even install the Views UI) and you can always revert in the Views UI if changes are applied by a user accidentally to the view.
  45. Managing major patches: Create an empty module and use hook_update() to push major site configuration changes (settings, etc). This way you can update the module code then run update.php and install the patch in Drupal.
  46. When to sanitize: Generally speaking data at the template layer tends to be safe, anywhere else (or higher) isn't. Use check_plain (no tags) or check_markup (runs through default input filter of site).
  47. You can create a Drush profile drush_make script that you can feed into a drush command to build a clean install of Drupal with all of the current versions of modules downloaded live from Drupal.org.
  48. Use cache_get() and cache_set() as much as possible as serving data from the cache does not require a reduces database hits.

Thanks again to Nate and Karen for the great training!

Thanks to the commentators that helped with these refinements:

  • Refined #47. Thanks Boris!
  • Refined #48. Thanks zzolo!
  • Refined #9. Thanks abaddon!
  • Refined #31. Thanks zserno!
  • Refined #18, 20, 34, 37 and 27. Thanks chx!
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