

[Ariel Garten][Know thyself, with a brain scanner]ArielGarten_2011X
1.The maxim, "Know thyself"
2.has been around since the ancient Greeks.
3.Some attribute this golden world knowledge to Plato, others to Pythagoras.
   有人将这句永恒的真理归功于柏拉图 有人认为是毕达哥拉斯提出来的
4.But the truth is it doesn't really matter which sage said it first, because it's still sage advice, even today.
   但其实这究竟是哪位圣人提出来的并不重要 因为在当今,这仍然是圣人的建议
5."Know thyself."
6.It's pithy almost to the point of being meaningless, but it rings familiar and true, doesn't it?
   这句话十分精炼 几乎精炼到没有意义的地步 但是这听起来却很熟悉又有道理,不是么?
7."Know thyself."
8.I understand this timeless dictum as a statement about the problems, or more exactly the confusions, of consciousness.
   我认为这个永恒不变的格言 是对意识相关的问题,或者更确切的说,是对意识的混乱性 的宣言
9.I've always been fascinated with knowing the self.
10.This fascination led me to submerge myself in art, study neuroscience and later to become a psychotherapist.
   这种迷恋让我沉浸在艺术的海洋里 然后学习了神经系统科学 后来成为了一名精神治疗师
11.Today I combine all my passions as the CEO of InteraXon, a thought-controlled computing company.
   今天我将所有的热情 投入到InteraXon公司CEO的工作中 这是一个思维控制计算公司
12.My goal, quite simply, is to help people become more in tune with themselves.
   我的目标很简单 就是帮助人们更了解 他们自己
13.I take it from this little dictum, "Know thyself."
   我这个理念来自于这个精炼的名言 “了解你自己”
14.If you think about it, this imperative is kind of the defining characteristic of our species, isn't it?
   仔细想想, 这句话有点像是对我们人类特点的解释, 不是么?
15.I mean, it's self-awareness that separates Homo sapiens from earlier instances of our mankind.
   我是说,自我意识 使我们现代人类 区别与早期人类。
16.Today we're often too busy tending to our iPhones and iPods to really stop and get to know ourselves.
   今天我们过分沉溺于 iPhone和iPod这些东西, 所以没办法真正了解自己。
17.Under the deluge of minute-to-minute text conversations, emails, relentless exchange of media channels and passwords and apps and reminders and Tweets and tags,
   我们生活中充斥着大量短信 电子邮件、持续不断的媒体信息、 密码、apps、事件提醒、推特、标签,
18.we lose sight of what all this fuss is supposed to be about in the first place: ourselves.
   于是我们就没办法看清这些东西最初究竟是为了做什么: 为我们自己服务。
19.Much of the time we're transfixed by all of the ways we can reflect ourselves into the world.
   很多时候我们都被这些 自己在外部世界的表现所困,
20.And we can barely find the time to reflect deeply back in on our own selves.
   却几乎没有时间再去 回头思考我们自己。
21.We've cluttered ourselves up with all this.
22.And we feel like we have to get far, far away to a secluded retreat, leaving it all behind.
   于是觉得应该走远一点, 逃到一个安静的地方,把这些都留在身后。
23.So we go far away to the top of a mountain, assuming that perching ourselves on a piece is bound to give us the respite we need to sort the clutter, the chaotic everyday,
   于是我们逃得远远的 逃到了山顶 想象着躺在山顶休息 一定可以让我们有空 来整理一下之前的混乱,那些日常生活的嘈杂,
24.and find ourselves again.
25.But on that mountain where we gain that beautiful peace of mind, what are we really achieving?
   但是虽然我们在山上 得到了美妙的安静时光, 我们真正获得了什么?
26.It's really only a successful escape.
27.Think of the term we use, "Retreat."
28.This is the term that armies use when they've lost a battle.
29.It means we've got to get out of here.
30.Is this how we feel about the pressures of our world, that in order to get inside ourselves, you have to run for the hills?
   难道这就是我们应对压力的方法么? 为了更了解自己的内心, 就不得不爬到山上么?

31.And the problem with escaping your day-to-day life is that you have to come home eventually.
   但是问题是,虽然你逃离了日常生活, 你总有一天是要回家的。
32.So when you think about it, we're almost like a tourist visiting ourselves over there.
   所以如果你仔细想想, 我们在山上不过 像个观光客。
33.And eventually that vacation's got to come to an end.
34.So my question to you is, can we find ways to know ourselves without the escape?
   所以我的问题是, 我们能找到一种不用逃离 却能了解我们自己的方法么?
35.Can we redefine our relationship with the technologized world in order to have the heightened sense of self-awareness that we seek?
   我们如何重新定义 自己和这个高科技世界的关系 以深入了解 我们自己?
36.Can we live here and now in our wired web and still follow those ancient instructions, "Know thyself?"
   我们能住在一个充满网络的世界, 却还遵循着那些古代的指示—— “了解你自己”么?
37.I say the answer is yes.
38.And I'm here today to share a new way that we're working with technology to this end to get familiar with our inner self like never before --
   今天我就来跟你分享一下 我们利用高科技来进行的一个新研究, 这可以让我们更加了解自己内心, 这件事情史无前例。
39.humanizing technology and furthering that age-old quest of ours to more fully know the self.
   我们努力使科技更人性化, 进一步研究“更了解自己” 这个古老的问题。
40.It's called thought-controlled computing.
41.You may or may not have noticed that I'm wearing a tiny electrode on my forehead.
   你或许注意到 我额头上带了一个小小的电导条,
42.This is actually a brainwave sensor that's reading the electrical activity of my brain as I give this talk.
   这其实是一个脑电波感应器。 在我做演讲的时候它可以读出 我大脑中的电波活动。
43.These brainwaves are being analyzed and we can see them as a graph.
44.Let me show you what it looks like.
45.That blue line there is my brainwave.
46.It's the direct signal being recorded from my head, rendered in real time.
   它是对我大脑进行记录的直接信号, 随时提供大脑的变化趋势。
47.The green and red bars show that same signal displayed by frequency, with lower frequencies here and higher frequencies up here.
   绿色和红色的柱形图显示的是同样的信号,不过它们计算的是频率, 这边是低频率, 那边是高频率。
48.You're actually looking inside my head as I speak.
49.These graphs are compelling, they're undulating, but from a human's perspective, they're actually not very useful.
   这些图是很有说服力的,它们呈波状。 但是从一个人的角度看, 他们其实并不是特别有用。
50.That's why we've spent a lot of time thinking about how to make this data meaningful to the people who use it.
   这也是我们花许多时间 来研究 如何使它更有效的原因。
51.For instance, what if I could use this data to find out how relaxed I am at any moment?
   比如,我用这个数据来分析 我现在的放松程度是怎样的?
52.Or what if I can take that information and put it into an organic shape up on the screen?
   或者如果我把这些信息 变成一个有机的体系展示在屏幕上呢?
53.The shape on the right over here has become an indicator of what's going on in my head.
   右边的那个形状 就是我大脑活动的指示器。
54.The more relaxed I am, the more the energy's going to fall through it.
   我越放松, 耗费能量的数量越低。
55.I may also be interested in knowing how focused I am, so I can put my level of attention into the circuit board on the other side.
   我还想知道 我有多集中精力, 所以我就把注意力程度放进电路板的另一边。
56.And the more focused my brain is, the more the circuit board is going to surge with energy.
   这时我越集中精力, 电路板上的能量值就会不断攀升。
57.Ordinarily, I would have no way of knowing how focused or relaxed I was in any tangible way.
   一般来说,我不可能以一种可视的方式来看到 我究竟多么集中精力或者放松。
58.As we know, our feelings about how we're feeling are notoriously unreliable.
   我们都知道,我们对于自己内心想法的感觉 通常都是很不靠谱的。
59.We've all had stress creep up on us without even noticing it until we lost it on someone who didn't deserve it, and then we realize that we probably should have checked in with ourselves
   我们通常会被压力缠身自己却意识不到, 最后发现自己把它浪费在一些不值得的人身上。 然后我们才意识到或许应该早一点
60.a little earlier.

61.This new awareness opens up vast possibilities for applications that help improve our lives and ourselves.
   这种新的观点 为我们打开了更多的可能, 可以帮助我们提高生活质量和自身。
62.We're trying to create technology that uses the insights to make our work more efficient, our breaks more relaxing and our connections deeper and more fulfilling than ever.
   我们正在努力创造一种技术, 可以用洞察力使我们的工作更有效,休息时间更放松, 联系更紧密,生活更充实。
63.I'm going to share some of these visions with you in a bit, but first I want to take a look at how we got here.
   待会我会跟你们稍微分享一个这些内容, 但是首先我想带你们看看我们如何做到这些。
64.By the way, feel free to check in on my head at any time.
65.(Laughter) My team at InteraXon and I have been developing throught-controlled application for almost a decade now.
   (笑声) 我们InteraXon团队 十年以来一直致力于发明这个思想控制装置。
66.In the first phase of development we were really enthused by all the things we could control with our mind.
   第一个阶段 我们被这些可以控制意识的东西深深吸引。
67.We were making things activate, light up and work just by thinking.
   我们仅仅通过思考来使事情 更有意思。
68.We were transcending the space between the mind and the device.
   我们超越了思维和设备 之间的空间,
69.We brought to life a vast array of prototypes and products that you could control with your mind, like thought-controlled home appliances
   并把大量可以控制意识的设计和产品 带到日常生活中, 比如思想控制家庭装置、
70.or slot car games or video games or a levitating chair.
   插槽汽车游戏、电脑游戏、 飘浮椅。
71.We created technology and applications that engaged people's imaginations, and it was really exciting.
   我们创造了 加入人们想象力的科技和产品, 这真的很令人激动。
72.And then we were asked to do something really big for the Olympics.
   然后我们被邀请为奥林匹克比赛 做点大项目。
73.We were invited to create a massive installation at the Vancouver 2010 winter Olympics, were used in Vancouver, got to control the lighting on the C.N. Tower,
   我们被邀请为2010年 温哥华冬奥会 安装一个大设备, 来用意识控制
74.the Canadian Parliament buildings and Niagara Falls from all the way across the country using their minds.
   整个国家的C.N.塔、加拿大议会大楼、 尼亚加拉大瀑布上 的灯光。
75.Over 17 days at the Olympics 7,000 visitors from all over the world actually got to individually control the light from the C.N. Tower, parliament and Niagara in real time
   冬奥会举办的17天里, 有来自世界各地的7000多名游客, 每个人都用他们的意识
76.with their minds from across the country, 3,000 km away.
   参与控制了C.N.塔、加拿大议会大楼、尼亚加拉大瀑布上的灯光, 这些地方跨度有3000千米。
77.So controlling stuff with your mind is pretty cool.
   用你的意识来控制东西 真的很有意思。
78.But we're always interested in multi-tiered levels of human interaction.
79.And so we began looking into inventing thought-controlled applications in a more complex frame than just control.
   所以我们开始尝试发明 一种比仅仅控制意识 更复杂的大脑控制装置,
80.And that was responsiveness.
81.We realized that we had a system that allowed technology to know something about you.
   我们明白现在已经有 一个让科技了解人类的体系了,
82.And it could join into the relationship with you.
83.We created the responsive room where the lights music and blinds adjusted to your state.
   我们建立了一个反应室, 这里灯光、音乐和窗帘都可以根据你的状态进行调整。
84.They followed these little shifts in your mental activity.
85.So as you settled into relaxation at the end of a hard day, on the couch in our office, the music would mellow with you.
   所以当你经过劳累的一天坐下休息的时候, 在办公室的沙发上, 音乐会使你缓和。
86.When you read, the desk lamp would get brighter.
87.If you nod off, the system would know, dimming to darkness as you do.
   如果你点头示意,系统也会了解, 然后就会像你通常做的那样将光线调暗。
88.We then realized that if technology could know something about you and use it to help you, there's an even more valuable application than that.
   我们于是明白了如果科技产品知道你的相关信息, 并且利用这些信息来帮助你, 那么它们就会更有价值。
89.That you could know something about yourself.
90.We could know sides of ourselves that were all but invisible and come to see things that were previously hidden.
   我们可以知道自己一些 隐形的侧面, 然后看到之前隐藏的东西。
91.Let me show you an example of what I'm talking about here.
92.Here's an application that I created for the iPad.
   这是我为iPad制作的 一个应用
93.So the goal of the original game Zen Bound is to wrap a rope around a wooden form.
   早期终极缠绕的游戏目标 是把绳子绕在一个木雕上。
94.So you use it with your headset.
95.The headset connects wirelessly to an iPad or a smartphone.
96.In that headset you have fabric sensors on your forehead and above the ear.
   耳机上 装有布制的感应器,位于你的额头和耳朵上。
97.In the original Zen Bound game, you play it by scrolling your fingers over the pad.
   玩终极缠绕的时候, 你在Pad上滑动手指。
98.In the game that we created, of course, you control the wooden form that's on the screen there with your mind.
   在我们设计的游戏里, 你用意识控制屏幕上 的木雕。
99.As you focus on the wooden form, it rotates.
   当你集中注意在木雕上时, 它就开始旋转。
100.The more you focus, the faster the rotation.
101.This is for real.
102.This is not a fake.
103.What's really interesting to me though is at the end of the game you get stats and feedback about how you did.
   对我来说比较有趣的是 游戏结束时你就可以得到一个 刚才那些行为的数据和反馈。
104.You have graphs and charts that tell you how your brain was doing -- not just how much rope you used or what your high score is, but what was going on
   你会看到一些展示大脑变化情况的图表, 不是关于你用了多少绳子 或者得了多高的分, 是关于你大脑刚才的
105.inside of your mind.
106.And this is valuable feedback that we can use to understand what's going on inside of ourselves.
   我们可以利用这个反馈 来了解大脑的 变化情况。
107.I like to call this "intra-active."
   我想称之为 “人人交互”。
108.Normally we think about technology as interactive.
   一般我们都认为科技 是人机交互式的。
109.This technology is intra-active.
   这个技术是 人人交互式的。
110.It understands what's inside of you and builds a sort of responsive relationship between you and your technology so that you can use this information
   这个技术可以了解你的 内在然后在你和科技之前建立 一种反应关系, 这样你就可以运用这个信息
111.to move you forward.
112.So you can use this information to understand you in a responsive loop.
   你可以利用这个信息 在这个反应环里了解你自己。
113.At InteraXon, intra-active technology is one of our really defining mandates.
   在InteraXon, 人人互动的技术 是我们真正的任务之一。
114.It's how we understand the world inside and reflect it outside into this tight loop.
   它告诉我们如何理解内部世界, 并且通过这个紧密的环 反映出来。
115.For example, thought-controlled computing can teach children with ADD how to improve their focus.
   比如,思想控制计算 可以帮助有多动症的孩子 提高他们的注意力。
116.With ADD, children have a low proportion of beta waves for focus states and a high proportion of theta states.
   患有多动症的孩子注意力的beta波都很低, theta波很高。
117.So you can create applications that reward focused brain states.
118.So you can imagine kids playing video games with their brain waves and improving their ADD symptoms as they do it.
   想象一下孩子们玩游戏的时候, 可以通过脑电波的变化来提高他们的注意力,改变多动症的症状。
119.This can be as effective as Ritalin.
120.Perhaps even more importantly, thought-controlled computing can give children with ADD insights into their own fluctuating mental states,
   或许更重要的是, 思想控制计算可以让患有多动症的儿童 了解他们变化着的思想状态,
121.so they can better understand themselves and their learning needs.
   这样他们就更了解自己和 他们的学习需求。
122.The way these children will be able to use their new awareness to improve themselves will upend many of the damaging and widespread social stigmas
   孩子们利用新的意识来提高自己的这种方式 会颠覆许多具有破坏力和广泛传播的社会不良现象,
123.that people who are diagnosed as different are challenged with.
   那就是被认为是不同的人总会 遭受各种挑衅。
124.We can peer inside our heads and interact with what was once locked away from us, what once mystified and separated us.
   我们可以看一下大脑内部, 看看那些过去我们看不到的东西, 这些东西曾经使我们感到迷惑不解。
125.Brainwave technology can understand us, anticipate our emotions and find the best solutions for our needs.
   大脑电波的技术可以了解我们自己,预测我们的感觉, 然后找到满足我们需要的最佳方式。
126.Imagine this collected awareness of the individual computed and reflected across an entire lifespan.
   想象一下这些整个人生中积累和反映出来 的个人感觉集合吧。
127.Imagine the insights that you can gain from this kind of second sight.
   想象你能从这第二层视觉中 得到的感悟吧。
128.It would be like plugging into your own personal Google.
129.On the subject of Google, today you can search and tag images based on the thoughts and feelings you had while you watched them.
   说到谷歌, 现在你可以进行搜索, 并且对你看到的东西标上标签,写出你的感受和想法。
130.You can tag pictures of baby animals as happy, or whatever baby animals are to you, and then you can search that database, navigating with your feelings,
   你还可以给动物的幼仔贴上“快乐”标签, 或者你觉得它们是什么样的就贴上什么标签。 然后你就可以搜索这个数据库, 根据你的感受来进行查询,
131.rather than the keywords that just hint at them.
132.Or you could tag Facebook photos with the emotions that you had associated with those memories and then instantly prioritize the streams that catch your attention,
   或者你可以 根据你记忆上的那些感觉 来对Facebook贴标签, 然后马上对你脑中出现的东西 进行排序,
133.just like this.
134.Humanizing technology is about taking what's already natural about the human-tech experience and building technology seamlessly in tandem with it.
   科技智能化 主要是将一些自然存在的人机感受进行记录, 然后用串联的方式将他们建立起来。
135.As it aligns with our human behaviors, it can allow us to make better sense of what we do and, more importantly, why, creating a big picture
   它与人类行为相联系, 因此可以使我们更了解我们做的是什么, 而且更重要的是, 为什么将那些
136.out of all the important little details that make up who we are.
   影响我们的重要细节 都展示出来。
137.With humanized technology we can monitor the quality of your sleep cycles.
   我们还可以通过智能化的科技 来监控睡眠周期的质量。
138.When our productivity starts to slacken, we can go back to that data and see how we can make more effective balance between work and play.
   当我们的工作效率降低时, 我们可以去看这些数据, 然后想办法让工作休息之间的平衡更有效率。 更有效率。
139.Do you know what causes fatigue in you or what brings out your energetic self, what triggers cause you to be depressed or what fun things are going to bring you out of that funk?
   你知道自己为什么会感到疲倦呢, 或者说什么让你充满活力, 什么使你感到沮丧, 或者什么让你走出恐惧呢?
140.Imagine if you had access to data that allowed you to rank on a scale of overall happiness which people in your life made you the happiest,
   想象一下你可以看到一些数据, 这些数据让你能对一大堆,使你快乐的事情进行排序, 找出最能使你快乐的人,
141.or what activities brought you joy.
142.Would you make more time for those people? Would you prioritize?
143.Would you get a divorce?
144.What thought-controlled computing can allow you to do is build colorful layered pictures of our lives.
   思想控制计算可以让你建立一个生活的多层次图像。 建立一个生活的多层次图像。
145.And with this, we can get the skinny on our psychological happenings and build a story of our behaviors over time.
   这样,我们就可以大概了解内心的想法, 然后形成日积月累形成对我们行为的认识。
146.We can begin to see the underlying narratives that propel us forward and tell us about what's going on.
   我们可以看到那些促使我们前进的 深层因素, 并且了解周围发生了什么。
147.And from this, we can learn how to change the plot, the outcome and the character of our personal stories.
   这样我们还可以学到 如何改变生命的情节、 结果以及 自己的性格特点。
148.Two millennia ago, those Greeks had some powerful insights.
   两千年前, 希腊人有很多睿智的想法。
149.They knew that a fundamental piece falls into place when you start to live out their little phrase, when you come into contact with yourself.
   他们知道当你开始如果你度过儿童时期后, 并且开始了解你自己, 你就会理解一些基本的东西。
150.They understood the power of human narrative and the value that we place on humans as changing, evolving and growing.
   他们把对人类的描述和价值看作 是变化的,演进的 以及不断增长的。
151.But they understood something more fundamental -- the sheer joy in discovery, the delight and fascination that we get from the world
   但是他们把一些更基础的东西, 比如发现的乐趣, 在这个世界里
152.and being ourselves in it, the richness that we get from seeing, feeling and knowing the lives that we are.
   做自己的快乐和愉悦, 以及我们看到、感觉到和了解到的 生活中得到的乐趣。
153.My mom's an artist, and as a child I'd often see her bring things to life with the stroke of a brush.
   我妈妈是艺术家, 童年时期我经常看到她用笔刷使一些东西充满生命力。
154.One moment it was all white space, pure possibility.
155.The next, it was alive with her colorful ideas and expressions.
   有时候,又因为 她彩色的想象力和表达而有生命。
156.As I sat easel-side, watching her transform canvas after canvas, I learned that you could create your own world.
   我坐在画板旁边, 看她在画布之间来回穿梭, 于是明白了人们可以创造属于自己的世界。
157.I learned that our own inner worlds -- our ideas, emotions and imaginations -- were, in fact, not bound by our brains and bodies.
   我明白了我们的内心世界—— 想法、感情和想象力, 实际上都没有被大脑和身体限制。
158.If you could think it, if you could discover it, you could bring it to life.
   如果你考虑一下,你就可以发现, 你可以把它们变成事实。
159.To me, thought-controlled computing is as simple and powerful as a paintbrush -- one more tool to unlock and enliven the hidden worlds within us.
   对我来说,思想控制计算 就和画笔一样简单有力, 也是一个可以解锁和激活 我们内心世界的工具。
160.I look forward to the day that I can sit beside you, easel-side, watching the world that we can create with our new toolboxes and the discoveries that we can make
   我希望看到有一天, 我坐在你旁边,在你的画板旁边, 看到我们用新工具 创造的世界, 以及我们对自己
161.about ourselves.
162.Thank you.

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