

有关Zeiss Ikon
翻译了国外网站上一个人有关Zeiss Ikon 的评论,后面因为时间暂时仍贴上英文,翻译水平实在有限,大家随便看看。

Zeiss Ikon成立于1926年,是Contessa-Nettel, Goerz, Ernemann and Ica(其本身由Huttig, Krugener, Wunsche, Zulauf,Carl Zeiss Palmos 工厂合并而成)合并而成。 Zeiss Ikon包含了太多的历史。一个名叫August Nagel的Dr离开Zeiss Ikon后成立了自己的Nagel Camera工厂,后来被Eastman Kodak收购,成为Kodak A.G.,生产了所有的Retina,及许多其他高质量Kodar相机。
Zeiss Ikon生产价格与特性跨度很大的的相机种类,包括当时许多摄影师梦寐以求的Contax, Contarex and 双反 Contaflex 相机。所有Zeiss相机都有着Zeiss的高品质。
战争改变了一切,在Dresden的工厂在轰炸中被破坏,同样遭到破坏的还有他们的标志相机计划Contax。机器被运往基辅,Jena生产透镜的工厂被苏联占领,而许多主要的设计人员却在铁幕下的联邦德国一侧。Jena逐渐恢复Contax SLR的生产。随之即来的是东西蔡斯之间有关Zeiss商标的法律战,最终Jena放弃了Zeiss商标。
随后的岁月十分艰难,虽然借助剩下来的资产,Zeiss Ikon成功的生产了Contax、Contaflex,然而Zeiss Ikon却再也未盈利。在1956年他们拥有了Voigtlander20%的股份,却用了近10年的时间合并两家公司及生产线。直到1969年,联合体仍不完整,加之zeiss不同生产线之间的竞争,zeiss与Voigtlander之间的竞争,当然还有日本相机的巨大竞争,在1972年仅仅手工组装了有限的相机。
通常Zeiss所出售的每一件产品都有对应的产品型号目录号,一般以一个分数表示,分子表示型号,分母表示画幅。如生产折叠相机的Icarette生产线有4种机身型号:509, 500, 512 and 551,分别由5种画幅(包括卷状胶卷与干版),6X9的序号是2,509/2就表示509机身,画幅为6X9。画幅6.5 x 11, 4.5 x 6, 6 x 6 与 8 x 10.5 分别为509/15, 509, 509/16与 509/17 。他们没有为画幅4.5 x 6分配序号,他们仅仅称之为1号。
假想如果他们从一开始就看到自己在商业领域的困境,又将是什麽样子?Zeiaa Ikon的失败并非是因为他们的产品,相反,他们的产品相当优秀。他们的失败是由于经营与管理的失败,试图以太小的成本去赢得太大的市场,还包括对不同生产线的无理性的组织。
以下的目录为Zeiss Ikon 中画幅的简单描述
Zeiss Ikon Ikonta A, catalog number 520. Early 1930s, with Tessar 75/4.5 lens. 4.5 X 6 on 120. Extremely compact but hard to use with modern film as it has 2 red windows and one tends to allow light to strike the edges of the film.

Zeiss Ikon Ikonta B, catalog number 520/16. takes 6 X 6 exposures on 120 rollfilm. Prewar model with Carl ZeissJena Tessar in Compur. This one has a small brass plate on the backj that says "made for China" in Chinese characters.

Zeiss Ikon Ikonta B, catalog number 521/16. 6 X 6 on 120 film, with 75/3.5 uncoated Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar in Compur shutter. Double exposure prevention is a big advance over model 520. Probably made in 1937, the first year of production for this model.

Zeiss Ikon Ikonta B 524/16 (Mess-Ikonta). Uncoupled rangefinder, coated Zeiss-Opton Tessar 75/3.5 in Synchro-Compur shutter. Made in the early to mid 1950s by Zeiss Ikon, Stuttgart.

Zeiss Ikon Nettax 6 X 6 folder. Made in the mid to late 1950s by Zeiss Ikon, Stuttgart. Coated 75/3.5 Novar lens in Pronto shutter. Built-in uncoupled selenium light meter. There seems to be some confusion about the Zeiss catalog number for these; apparently it was officially 513/16, but mine, and at least one other I know of, say 534/16 on the back, which is the catalog number of the Super Ikonta IV.

Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta III, 531/16. Late 1950s, from Zeiss Ikon, Stuttgart. 6 X 6 on 120, with coupled rangefinder and 75/3.5 coated Zeiss-Opton tessar in Synchro-Compur shutter. Still a very nice picture taker.

Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta IV, 534/16. Late 1950s to very early 1960s. Coupled rangefinder, built-in uncoupled selenium light meter, 75/3.5 Zeiss Tessar lens in Synchro-Compur shutter. A beautiful, light, portable picture taker.

Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta A, catalog number 530. Early to mid 1930s. Coupled rotating-prism rangefinder, uncoated Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 75/3.5 in Compur shutter. fold-up optical, non-Albada, finder. Location of one red window makes using it with pan film difficult.

Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta A, catalog number 531. Prewar, with uncoated 75/3.5 Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar. Coupoled rangefinder, Albada finder. Note the Zeiss-Ikon nameplate, some have this, some have the more usual impression in the leather. Note also the polished aluminum edges; this was done after the camera left the factory, probably because the black enamel became chipped (very common problem). In this case, and a few others I have seen, the removal of enamel and polishing were done so nicely that it looks almost like it was meant to be that way.

Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta A, 531. Early-1950s postwar camera with 75/3.5 coated Zeiss Opton Tessar in X-synced Compur Rapid shutter. Coupled rangefinder, Albada finder. This one works but is not in very pretty cosmetic condition.

Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta C, 531/2. Early-1950s camera with coated Zeiss-Opton Tessar 105/3.5 in X-synced Compur Rapid. Coupled rotating-prism rangefinder. this is one of my favorite picture takers, folds up small, takes sharp 6 X 9 negatives.

Zeiss Ikon Ikoflex Ia. Early 1950s. This camera is equipped with the coated Zeiss Opton Tessar 75/3.5 taking lens and is capable of taking very nice pictures, despite being near the bottom of the Ikoflex line. This particular camera is in near-mint condition and was professionally CLAed recently, so it works very nicely.
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