

读读 | 有五个孩子缠着,哪个妈不崩溃?《Five Little Monkeys Go Shoppi...

Five Little Monkeys Go Shopping》五只小猴子去购物。里面充满满旺盛的猴子和情节,同时可以从这部绘本中学到数数和简单的加减概念。




《Five Little Monkeys Go Shopping 》 | 05'57''


Part 2

Part 3



FIve Little Monkeys Go Shopping》五只小猴子去购物

The day before school starts, Mama takes her five little monkeys shopping for clothes.' Stick with me.' she says,' and don't go wandering off!“


“We need dresses,pants, shirts, hats, and backpacks for my five little monkeys,'says Mama.

“But I see only four little monkeys,' says the saleslady. '1 2 3 4'



“Only four little monkeys?' says Mama. ' How can that be ? Are we missing one little monkeys?'

“You four little monkeys try on these clothes while I go find her. But stay right here, and DON'T GO WANDERING OFF!'



So one little monkey tries on pants. Two little monkeys try on shirts. One little monkey tries on a dress.

Then two of those monkeys are so thirsty! They want to find a water fountain.



Off they go… just as Mama comes back with the one missing monkey. 'Now I have my five little monkeys!' Mama says. 'But I see only three little monkeys,' says the saleslady. ' I,2,3'


“Only three little monkeys?” gasps Mama. 'Am I missing more monkey? How can that be?'

'I need to find those two little monkeys!' says Mama. “ You three little monkeys can try on more clothes, but STAY RIGHT HERE, AND DON'T GO WANDERING OFF!'



So those three little monkeys are looking for more clothes when they see three monkey friends. Then one of the little monkeys needs to find a bathroom.


Off he  goes…just as Mama hurries back with her two missing monkeys. ' Now I have my five little monkeys,' she says. 'But I see seven little monkeys,' says the saleslady.”1 2 3 4 5  6 7.“


“ Seven little monkeys?' gasps Mama. ' How can that be?' ' We found three friends!' two of her little monkeys explain.' Their papa has gone to look for their two little sisters!'

“Oh, no!' says Mama. ' I'm so confused! Am I STILL missing a monkey?”



“I need to find my one little monkeys,' says Mama. ' You seven little monkeys try on more clothes. STAY RIGHT HERE, AND DON'T GO WANDERING OFF !'

But the four little monkeys and their three monkeys friends get tired of trying on clothes. ' Let's go help Mama!' they say.



Off they go… just as Mama hurries back with her one missing monkey, the monkey friends' papa, and their two little sister monkeys.

'Now we have ten little monkeys,' says Mama. 'But I see only three little monkeys,' says the saleslady,'1,2,3”


“现在我们有十个小猴子,”妈妈说。“但是我只看到了三只小猴子,”售货员说,“1.2 3”

'Oh, no!' wails Mama.' Am I still missing some monkeys? How can that be?'

'STAY RIGHT HERE!' says the saleslady. 'AND DON'T GO WANDERING OFF!' 

Then the saleslady makes an announcement. ' Will all the little monkeys who are missing their mamas, papas, little sisters or brothers please come to the children's clothing department RIGHT NOW!“



Lots of little monkeys hurry to the children's clothing department.


'Now I have my five little monkeys,' says Mama. ' And I have my five little monkeys,' says the monkey friends' papa. 'So we have ten little monkeys!'

'No,' says the saleslady. ' You have fourteen little monkeys. 1,2…14. You have four extra little monkeys.'

'Those four belong to me!' cries a grandma monkey.




'Now that everyone has found everybody, would anyone like to buy anything?' asks the saleslady.

The five little monkeys and Mama buy dresses, pants, hats, shorts, backpacks, and sunglasses, and then they head for the car.



” At last, we're finished our shopping,' says Mama. 'And at least, I have all of my five little monkeys!' ' No, you have six, ' says one little monkey.'1,2,3,4,5,6.' How can THAT be?



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