

1. 冒号
1) St. Petersburg was in ruins: __________ fires burned everywhere.
A. that             B. which               C. where               D. /
2) She left and on the table is her message: _________ I’ve gone shopping now and will be back at 10: 30.
A. that            B. where               C. which              D. /
3) This morning he bought a novel. ________ was written by Mao Dun.
A. It               B. Which               C. As                    D. That
4) It was Monday morning. _________ Li Lei’s grandfather was ill.
A. That          B. When                C. Since                D. /
5) It was his words and action, but not his appearance, ________ moved us deeply.
A. that            B. which               C. who                  D. as
6) ________ is reported, the project was completed yesterday.
A. It               B. As                     C. This                  D. What
7) The purpose of the new technologies is to make life easier, ________ it more difficult.
A. not make    B. not to make              C. not making        D. do not make
8) My idea is to visit the museum, __________ to the park.
A. not go        B. not going           C. not to go           D. do not go
9) My dream is not to live on the earth but _________ on the moon.
A. live            B. living                 C. to live               D. being living
10) If a book is in English, _________ means slow progress for you.
A. as              B. which               C. what                 D. that
11) If he is only interested in your books, ________ just shows how shallow he is.
A. as              B. which               C. what                 D. that
12) If you want to go, _________ is quite all right with me.
A. that            B. which               C. and it                D. so
13) When I say two hours, _________ includes time for eating.
A. as              B. which               C. what                 D. that
14) If you want a double room, _______ will cost another $ 15.
A. as              B. which               C. what                 D. that
15) If you have the money, _________ will be OK.
              A. that            B. which               C. and it                D. so
16) Unless I’m very much mistaken, ______ is my watch you are wearing.
A. as              B. which               C. what                 D. that
17) Not far from the school there was a garden, _______ owner seated in it playing chess with his grandson every afternoon.
A. its              B. whose               C. which               D. that
18) He wrote a lot of novels, many of ________ translated into foreign languages.
A. it               B. them                 C. which               D. that
19) He wrote a lot of novels, many of _________ were translated into foreign languages.
A. it               B. them                 C. which              D. that
20) He wrote a lot of novels, and many of _________ were translated into foreign languages.
21) It is his dog, according to Li Lei, _________ saved him from the trap.
A. who           B. which               C. that                   D. what
22) The children are having a good time, __________ with sand, others with toys.
A. some of them playing                     B. who playing
C. some of whom are playing              D. some of them
23) We can be sure of this: __________ no little green men are living on Pulsar.
A. /                B. that                   C. which               D. what
24) The young are after all human beings— ________ people just like their elders.
A. that            B. which               C. who                  D. /
25) If there is a problem of youth— _________ I take leave to doubt — _______ it is older people who create it, not the young themselves.
A. which; then              B. which; that        C. /; which            D. that; which
26) There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: _______ the young man has a beautiful future before him and the old one has a splendid future behind him.
A. which               B. that                   C. /                       D. who
27) People in the Shark’s front office earlier told members of the press that “it ______ not proper for Yao to attend that draft this year.”
A. be                     B. is                      C. was                  D. were
28) There is no ambiguity (模糊) if we can see the setting of a switch: ________ we can say with confidence that some possible futures will not become real and others will.
A. that                   B. which               C. where               D. /
29) There are more than three thousand students in our school, three fifths of _____ boys.
A. them                 B. whom               C. which               D. it
30) Not far from the stop there was a bus. ________ driver was repairing it.
A. That                 B. Which               C. Whose                     D. /
31) Everything goes as usual: ________ workers are working hard in the workshop.
A. that                   B. which               C. where               D. /
32) The next morning came word: ________ the thief has been caught.
A. that                   B. which               C. where               D. /
33)Tom,______ sure to come tomorrow.
A. is                   B. be               C. was               D. would be
34) The women carrying babies, come in first, ______________?
A. will you             B. will they               C. do you              D. don't they
35) ________ some of the juice –– perhaps you will take it.
A. Trying                     B. Try                   C. To try               D. Having tried
36) ________ down the radio –– the baby is sleeping in the next room.
A. Turning             B. Turn                 C. Turned              D. To turn
37) Everyone was on time for the meeting –– ________ Chris, who’s usually ten minutes late for everything.
A. but                   B. only                  C. even             D. yet
38)What have you said ______ her so unhappy?
A. makes               B. to make                C. has made           D. made
39) Who do you think _______ ask to help him with his lesson?
A. he will               B. will he             C. is he going to       D. does he
40)It is “I” that _______ left out in the sentence.
A. be              B. is            C. am              D. are
41) He said yesterday, “I _______ go there with you.”
A. didn’t                B. don’t               C. won’t            D. wouldn’t
42) “Summer Nights” which we read yesterday afternoon ______ really interesting.
A. were                 B. was                 C. is                 D. are
43) She got there very late; ______felt very sorry.
A. and                   B. so she             C. she         D. therefore
44) His brother is rude; ______ sister is polite.
A. while                B. whose          C. his              D. though his
答案:1-5DDADA 6-10BBCCD 11-15DADDA 16-20DABCB 21-25CAADA 26-30CBDAA 31-35DDBAB 36-40BCBAB
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