

Chinese Netizens Vote "The Top 10 Male Web Se...

Chinese Netizens Vote "The Top 10 Male Web Sensations of 2010"

Chinese netizens have recently published a list of what they think constitute the hottest online male sensations of the year 2010. Referring to them as “Brother xxx”, here are the people who netizens gave a big thumbs up to this year!

1)  Brother Sharp 犀利哥
Former life: On February 4th, 2010, media reported that a beggar had suddenly become an online sensation. The mystery man got so much attention, that netizens began calling him a “top class, gorgeous beggar.”
A classic online description of the Brother Sharp is as follows: “The fantastic combination of those depressed eyes and that rugged goatee, as well as his unkempt hair, utterly and deeply fascinate me.”
After a quest to verifying his identity, media found out that the handsome man was a beggar suffering from a mental disorder, who browses the busy streets of Ningbo. His name is Cheng Guorong and was born on October 10th, 1976.
Current life: In May this year, “Brother Sharp” was hired to become the manager of the fashion and performance department of a Guangdong property company. During the May holidays, Cheng Guorong made his first official appearance in a fashion show. Later, he was flown off to Beijing to become a “volunteer dispatcher.”
On November 23rd, 2010, a journalist found out that Brother Sharp quit his job at the property company and has returned to his hometown in Jiangxi.

2)  Brother Anxious
Former life: “Brother Anxious” was an 82 year old grandpa from Xi’an.
He pasted six Chinese characters on the back of his three-wheel ride which read: “If you drink and drive, grandpa will be worried.” After a netizen posted his picture online, the man became a hugely popular subject in online forums, which is where his name “Brother Anxious” was coined. It is said that the tail of his three wheel electric car was once hit by a drunk driver, which is why he wanted to remind people not to drink and drive.
Current life: The 82 year-old “superman” from Xi’an was never spotted again, even after several searches by the media. So to this day, “Brother Anxious” is still a big legend in the online world.

3)  Brother Mathematics
Former life: his real name is Huang Xuran and is an electrical engineering graduate from the Jilin Teacher’s Institute of Engineering.
One day a netizen went to Tongren Bookshop on Xikang Lu in Changchun to buy books, and spotted a bum earnestly reading a book in the math book section. He was even holding a pen and writing things down on a piece of paper. The netizen walked towards him to get a closer look, only to discover that he was reading a book about mathematical economics. Moreover, his answers were written out careful and neatly. As the netizen said, “Some of the math problems I wouldn’t have been able to figure out myself. It’s so surprising!”
Current life: Huang Xuran went on to get psychological help. According to the shrink, Huang Xuran suffers from anomie, a condition caused by the absence of social norms and values. Because he didn’t get help to cure the condition in time, he has become a social recluse, with a “distorted mind-set” and odd behavioural patterns.

4)  Brother Enchanting 妖娆哥
Former life: His name is Dong Deyuan and lives in Xiahaidi, Hexi District, Tianjin.
Dong received widespread attention on the web because of his hair and clothing style, which instigated lots of discussions online. As one netizen noted: “His ass sways just the right way and the in his eyes is very mysterious; he’s more elegant than a woman and his confidence makes me feel ashamed...”

5)  Brother Sprinter 奔跑哥
Former life: “Brother Sprinter” was captured in an extraordinary picture that saw him missing death by a brush stroke. Sprinting across the street as a black bus crashed into the back of a passenger car right in front of him, “Brother Sprinter” was seen accelerating just at the moment the car was about to strike him. Averting a disaster by a split second, his unscathed survival was seen as a true miracle.

6)  Brother Laid-Off 下岗哥
Former life: Wasn’t a local worker and so, didn’t enjoy the benefits of a petty loan when laid off.
“Brother Laid-Off” isn’t just one person, but represents a big group of people. They encounter lots of similar problems, such as how to resolve employment issues after being laid off. Therefore, “Mr. Laid-Off” is a subject that has been receiving widespread attention by netizens.

7)  Brother Octopus章鱼哥
Former life: Paul the Octopus: born in England, raised in Germany. Paul received worldwide attention because of his extraordinary psychic abilities during the 2010 World Cup. On August 23, 2010, Paul’s fate as a psychic was extended when he was honoured to become the official bid ambassador of the 2018 World Cup. Unfortunately, on the evening of October 25th, 2010, local time, Paul passed away at the Oberhausen Sea Life Centre in Germany. He was two and a half years old.
Current life: On November 3rd, 2010, the Oberhausen Sea Life Centre officially unveiled Paul the Octopus II. Born in a coastal area in southern France, Paul II is a very young octopus. According to insiders, under the careful training of Oberhausen staff, Paul II is already gearing up to start “work” during the next European Championships.

8)  Brother Black Coal 煤黑子哥
Former Life: In July this year, the State Council ordered mine leaders to go up and down the shaft together with the miners. Within just eight short hours of being announced, the internet got flooded with tens of thousands of replies to the controversial new rule: “This new policy of going down major mines has come at the right time; it is an effective move and humanizes the conditions of mines. This deserves applause!” As a result, the men who risk their lives going down into these extremely dangerous shafts have been honoured with the name “Brother Black Coal” and have become a main focal point of Chinese netizens.

9)  Brother Property 房产哥
Former life: A man in Shanghai held 20 property ownership certificates in his hands. After showing off the picture on the internet, the man was condemned by netizens and sparked a heated online debate about the difficulties of buying property in China. The man in question covered up his identity and specific location, which prompted netizens to speculate that he probably just makes fakes certificates.

10)  Brother Wife Killer妻哥
Former life: In a street in Changchun, a man was wearing a big sign that said: “Looking for my wife, Ma Yanchun. If she doesn’t come back in three days, I’ll start killing.”As a result, netizens started calling the man “Wife Killer Emperor” or “Brother Wife Killer.”
Current life: After being popularized on the web, media went on a mission to verify his identity. It was revealed that the man is Wang Lijiang, a villager from Dapo Township in Yushu, who came to Changchun five years ago. After receiving advice from a journalist, Wang said that he would come to his senses. According to netizens, the reason for being honoured as “Brother Wife Killer” is because of the huge online interest in the case, as well as the online traffic it caused.
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