

转帖 | 简单易行的全身脂肪燃烧运动


Han Shengjun 2012-07-21 1581
Peter Carvell from sixpackfactory.com shares a simple yet effective full body fat burning workout you can do at home.

    sixpackfactory.com 的彼特·卡维尔(Peter Carvell)分享了一套可以在家做的全身脂肪燃烧运动,既简单又有效。

It was designed to help you burn the most amount of calories in a very short time by incorporate a lot of large muscle groups that will sky rocket your metabolism and so help you burn more fat.


Combine that with an abs exercise that tones your upper and lower abs and what you have is the perfect workout for when you don’t have a lot of time, but still want to stay in shape.I know you are going to enjoy this workout and don’t let its simplicity fool you, this workout is very intense and help you work up a sweat in no time!


Let’s look at the workout structure so that you know exactly what to do and then after that I will take you through each exercise so you can perform the technique 100% correctly. Workout Structure

    让我们先大概了解一下这套运动,这样你就知道要做什么,然后我将会给你介绍每个动作,这样你就能确保动作100%正确了。   运动简述

This workout consists of 4 exercises and you should do each exercise for 30 seconds, then move straight onto the next exercise without rest until you have complete all 4 exercises.


Once you have completed the full circuit you can rest of 30 to 60 seconds before repeating the full circuit 3 to 7 times depending on how fit you are and how much time you have. Exercises Push-Ups

    全套运动做完后,你可以休息30到60秒,然后根据你的身体情况和时间情况再重复3到7次。   俯卧撑

To perform the push-up start face down on the floor with your hands shoulder width apart. Now contract your chest and push yourself up until your arms are straight. Without rest bend your arms again and lower yourself back to the starting position. Before touching the floor with your chest push yourself back up. Lunges

    俯卧撑预备动作:以脸贴地,双手与肩同宽。收缩胸部,推起身体,至双臂伸直。立即再次弯曲双臂,身体降低至开始位置。在胸部触及地板前,将身体再次推起。   弓步

To perform the lunge, stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart and your hands on your hips. Take a big step straight forward in front of you. Bend both knees and lower your body down towards the floor. Don’t let the back knee touch the floor. Contract your muscles and push back with your front leg to the starting position. Make sure that when you take the stride forward your front knee does not move past your toes. Once you move back to the starting position, switch legs. Dumbbell Swing

    弓步预备动作:身体站直,双脚与肩同宽,双手叉腰。向正前方跨大步。双膝弯曲,降低身体,前膝着地,后膝离地。收缩肌肉,带动背部和前蹬腿至预备动作。在向前跨步时,前蹬腿不要超过脚趾。还原至开始位置后,换腿继续。   哑铃摆动

To perm the dumbbell swing you will need a medium weight dumbbell or kettlebell. Stand with your feet shoulder with apart and toes point slightly outwards. Now move down as if you are doing a normal squat and also lower the dumbbell. Keep your back straight and chin up. Once in the bottom position explode upwards. Straighten your legs and swing the dumbbell upwards to shoulder high. Now lower it back down to the starting position. Make sure you are always in control of the dumbbell and the exercise. Double Crunch

    做哑铃摆动,你需要有一个中等重量的哑铃或壶铃。预备动作:双脚与肩同宽站立,脚趾稍向外。像正常下蹲一样降低身体,哑铃同时下降。保持背部挺直,下巴向上。到达低位后,迅速起立。伸直双腿,哑铃向上摆动至与肩同高。身体下降,至开始位置。要确保哑铃和动作始终在你的控制中。   双向屈体

To perform a double crunch, lie on your back with your hands behind your head and knees bent with your feet on the floor. Curl your upper body by lifting your head and shoulders off the floor towards the legs. At the same time lift your knees up and curl them towards your chest. Return to the start by slowly uncurling.


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