

PS:翻译由@灰空间  整理发布于日新建筑APP(5月14日)
Gilmosery is a seven-storey (one underground and six floors above ground level) reinforced concrete structure,which sits on a 383m2 site. The building consists of 1028.97m2 of office spacethat is dedicated to an e-banking software development company; SettlebankCorporation.
Gilmosery是一个七层(地下一层,地上六层)的钢筋混凝土结构建筑,坐落在383㎡的地块上。这座建筑拥有1028.97㎡的办公空间,属于Settlebank Corporation,一个电子银行软件开放公司。

Planning a commercial building at a residential zone is comparable to applying the standards of casual clothingto formal attire. Instead of applying the rules in relationship to area and height, the architect approached the design by relating it to the site condition. 在住宅区规划一座商业大楼,相当于把休闲服的标准应用在晚礼服上。相比于运用面积和高度关系的规则,建筑师更倾向于运用场地条件的设计。

The regulations, to control the density of a city, conflict with the architectural theory of maximising the useful space. To meet the guidelines of the lot-coverage ratio and floor-arearatio, the idea of utilising a typical form hadto be eliminated. A typical form can be complicated; however it could be an architectural suggestion to stimulate the ordinary alley. 控制城市密度的规定和使有效空间最大化利用的建筑理念是相冲突的。为了满足大量的覆盖率和容积率的规定,利用典型形式的想法必须被摒弃。一个典型的形式可以是复杂的,然而它也可以作为一种建筑建议来刺激传统街道。

Instead of enclosing a space and creating a confined area, a space has to be open. An open space expands the senses and can obliterate the spatial standards; since narrow, wide and low,high are relative to one's senses. 相比于封闭一个空间和制造一个有限的场所,(建筑师)更希望创造一个开放的空间。既然宽窄、高低是相对于我们自己的感官而言的,那么一个开放的空间就应该能够括展这些感官并打破空间的桎梏。

The skeletal structure creates the space and frames of the form and hid the boundaries of the contents to inside.It forms a gap between the structure and the space. As the planters and chairs act as the rail, this surplus space is neither classified as inside nor outside. 建筑的骨骼结构创造了空间和框架的形式并隐藏了内部空间的边界。它在外部结构和内部空间之间形成了一个空隙。由于盆栽和长椅构成了建筑的围栏,这部分剩余空间的性质既不是分门别类的内部空间也不是完全敞开的外部空间。

The role of architecture is to set the framework of a space. If the structure that sustains a space can form its own shape, then there is no reason for the presence of exaggeration and ornamentation. 建筑的作用是设置一个空间框架。如果一个支撑空间的结构可以形成自身的形状,那么就没有理由再进行多余的夸张和装饰。

Perforated metal balconies project through the bowed concrete facades of this office building in Seoul, which were designed by local studio Archium to maximise floorspace on the middle levels. 这座建在汉城的办公大楼有着穿孔金属板阳台和弯曲的混凝土立面,它是由当地的工作室Archium设计的,目的是使中部楼层的空间利用最大化。

The Gilmosery building wasdeveloped by architect Kim In-Cheurl ofArchium to provide office space for an online banking softwaredevelopment firm. It comprises six overground storeys and one basement floor. 该建筑是由Archium建筑设计事务所的建筑师KimIn-Cheurl设计建造的,为一个在线银行软件开发公司提供办公空间。它包括地上六层和地下一层。

Located in Seoul's affluentresidential Seocho district, the building was given an irregular curved shape in response to strict planning regulations governing the permittedground floor footprint. As the facades slope outwards,the floor space inside could be increased. 坐落于汉城的富裕居住区瑞草区,这座建筑被赋予了不规则的弧形表面,以回应当地对用地范围严格的规划控制。因为外立面的弧度是向外的,所以内部楼层的面积是增大的。

All four facades are punctuated by an irregular grid of narrow openings that occupy the full height of each storey. These are infilled with planters and benches made from perforated sheet metal. 建筑的四个立面都被作为狭长开口的不规则网格所分割,这些开口的高度占据了整个楼层。它们被由穿孔金属板制成的盆栽槽和长椅所填充。

The space between the facades and the glass-walled offices creates colonnade-like corridors and breakout spaces for office staff that overlook the surrounding streets. 介于外立面和内部办公室玻璃幕墙之间的空间创造了柱廊一般的场所,打破了空间的封闭,使得职员们可以俯瞰周围的街道。

The rear of the site abuts an existing building and the facade on this side risesin a far straighter vertical line than the other curving walls. 该场地的后方紧邻着现有建筑,所以相对于其他几个弯曲的立面,这个面是沿着直线垂直上升的。

The main entrance is located on the east-facing facade. Here, stairs curve around the corner of the building to lead down to a decked terrace in the basement, as well as to an adjoining a meeting room with full-height windows and sliding doors. 主入口位于建筑外立面的东临。在这里,一个楼梯沿着建筑角落的曲线把人引向地下室的露台,以及邻近的一个有落地窗和推拉门的会议室。

Another corner of the building is left open at street level to provide a parking area, where staff can access the building via a private entrance. 另一个建筑的角落是面向街道层开放着的停车场,职员可以从这里的私人入口进入建筑。

Interior finishes are left raw and simple, with cast concrete walls and polished concrete floors that extend to the outdoor terraces. 室内设计最后呈现出粗犷简约的风格,贯彻始终的是浇注混凝土墙板和抛光混凝土楼面,一直延伸到室外露台。

A central core ascends the full height of the building, accommodating the staircases, lifts, bathrooms andkitchen facilities. 一个中央核心筒贯穿建筑的整个高度,其中容纳了步梯、电梯、卫生间和厨房设备。

The uppermost floor boasts a double-height space that wraps around this core. A mezzanine level sits aboveand can be accessed using metal steps that cantilever out from the concrete wall. 顶层拥有一个围绕着核心筒的两层通高的空间。其中设立有一个夹层,通过混凝土墙面上的悬臂金属踏板可以方便的出入夹层。

Architect: Kim in-cheurl + Archium
Designer: Jo joonyoung
Site area: 383 sqm
Total floor area: 1028.97 sqm
Client: Settlebank Co. Ltd.
Location: Seocho-daero 46-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea
建筑师:Kim in-cheurl + Archium
设计师:Jo joonyoung
客户:Settlebank Co. Ltd.

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