

Can you explain the terms, “sharp dog,” “hard dog” and “soft dog?”
This is a very, very common question that is asked by people buying dogs. Especially dogs that they want some form of personal protection from.
A 'SHARP DOG' is a dog that is very quick to bark at someone. An example of this is a dog that hits the fence and acts like he wants to kill you when you walk by his kennel. I don't mean that every dog that barks at you when you walk by a kennel is sharp. The sharp ones are those that charge the fence, they probably get the hair up on their back and they probably are showing a lot of teeth in the form of a snarl. A sharp dog is not a tough dog. The fact is that sharp dogs have weak nerves and are usually not tough. In its worse form a fear biter would be called a sharp dog.
On the other hand a 'HARD DOG' does not necessarily mean that a dog is a tough dog. A hard dog has a temperament that can take a correction and not act like you just killed him or hurt his feelings. A hard dog is often a good choice for a person who is big and gruff and not the best of dog trainers. A hard dog is a forgiving dog in terms of a bad trainer because a hard dog is not going to hold a grudge against a trainer that makes a mistake and gives inappropriate corrections.硬狗也不是说它是利害的狗,硬狗是指它的性格,当它受到惩罚不会表现出你简直要杀了它,或伤害了它的感情,对那些孔武有力训狗水平一般的人来说硬狗适合他们,硬狗是一种宽容的狗,它不会因为受到不公正对待而念念不忘
On the same hand a hard dog can be a difficult dog to train because as adults these dogs need a level of correction that most people are not willing to give to make them mind.另外,硬狗可能比较难训,当它成年时它们需要超过一定量的纠正力度,很多人心理上还没准备好给于这样的力度去应付。
A 'SOFT DOG' is a dog that is sensitive to a correction. If a soft dog is corrected too hard it acts like you hurt its feeling. In some cases after a hard correction a really soft dog will lay down on the ground and quit working all together. Its like they give up.软狗是指狗对纠正很敏感,如你出手太重,它们会表现出受到伤害,有时一条很软的狗会趴在地上,方弃一切,拒绝合作。
Soft dogs need to be trained with this in mind. These dogs require motivation and very controlled corrections. Just because a dog is soft does not mean that it can not become a good personal protection dog. Many, many soft temperament dogs are excellent protection dogs. A friend of mine is a K9 officer in a very large city. He had an East German police dog (many DDR dogs are soft) that had over 450 street bites when it died at 10 years of age. He was truly a great police service dog. It's just that when my friend raised his voice to the dog he became very sensitive. Soft dogs are easy to control with voice commands at a distance.训软狗时你要记住充分调动它的兴奋度,控制出手力度。因为此狗是软狗千万别以为它不会是一条好的护卫犬,很多很多软狗是优秀的护卫犬,我有一个朋友在一个大城市从事警犬工作,他有一条东德狗(大多数东德狗是软狗),它死时是10岁,它有咬人450次的实战记录,它是一条真正的好警犬,每当我朋友喉咙响一点,它就很敏感,软狗容易控制用声音可长距离摇控它。
I often recommend a softer dog for a woman who is just getting involved with dogs. Many times a female is a little more sensitive and listens better. Don't get confused here though - not all females are soft. I have some bitches that a lot of experienced handlers would be challenged to work with.我经常向女人推荐使用软狗,母狗一般比较听话,比较敏感,但不是所有母狗都是软狗,我有几条母狗对很有经验的训练师也构成挑战。
Many people confuse these terms and the term 'FIGHT DRIVE' . In reality fight drive has very little to do with sharpness other than most sharp dogs have little or no fight drive. Certainly hardness and softness have nothing to do with fight drive. I would challenge someone to try and fight my friend's old police dog (who had a soft temperament). This dog knew how to fight humans. When he approached a suspect he did so with a talented eye - you could see him size up the man before he hit him. He always looked for the opening as he approached the suspect. He would hit the man with an explosive amount of energy and make his first bite as hard as he could. He wanted to subdue the suspect as quickly as possible without getting hurt. Usually after a police dog is hurt in a fight a few times during an apprehension they get smart. My friends dog fought with maximum force and it always worked and remember that this was a soft dog who could play with my friends baby and small children.很多人把上面说的这些和战斗欲望(好斗)混消,战斗欲望和锐利关联非常小,非常锐利的狗可能只有一点点斗性,狗的软硬和好斗一点关系也没有。我敢打赌有谁敢和我朋友的老警犬打(这条狗是软性狗),此犬深谙与人搏斗之道,当它发现靠近一个可疑分子时2眼露出狡婕的目光,他会挑选各种方法拿住你,它会发出爆炸性的能量来冲击你,会用尽全力来咬第一口,因为它要以最快的速度来控制你,防止自己受到伤害,通常一条警犬在实战中受伤,不用几次它们会变聪敏,我朋友的狗战斗时不遗余力效果总是很好,请记住它是一条软狗,它与朋友的小孩相处很好。
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