

Here's Why You Really Should Warm Up Before Your Workout(锻炼前的热身指引)
By Elizabeth Quinn
Updated July 12, 2016

Most athletes perform some type of regular warm up and cool down during training and racing. A proper warm up has some very real benefits for all athletes but is even more important for athletes who perform intensity exercise and for older athletes. The most obvious benefit is the increase in blood flow to the working muscle, which results in decreased muscle stiffness, less risk of injury and possibly improved performance.(绝大多数锻炼者都会在训练和比赛中,采用一些合理有规律地方式来热身和冷却。正确而恰当的热身,对所有锻炼者都是真的有益的,特别是对要进行高强度训练和年纪较大的锻炼者。热身最明显的好处是会加速动作部位肌肉的血液流动,缓解了肌肉僵硬,这样就能减少受伤的风险,并提升运动表现。)

Additional benefits of warming up include a wide variety of physiological and psychological changes that prepare the body for exercise.(热身的其它好处还包括身体物理机能的活跃,以便使身体做好锻炼的准备)

Benefits of a Proper Warm Up:
1、Increased Muscle Temperature - The temperature increases within muscles that are used during a warm up routine. A warmed muscle both contracts more forcefully and relaxes more quickly. In this way, both speed and strength can be enhanced. Also, the probability of overstretching a muscle and causing injury is far less.(提升肌肉温度:所锻炼部位的肌肉温度在热身过程中会逐渐提升。暖和的肌肉能够爆发更多的力量,并放松得更快。所以这样,速度和体力都会有所提高。而且由于过度拉伸肌肉而导致的受伤几率也就更小)

2、Increased Body Temperature - This improves muscle elasticity, also reducing the risk of strains and pulls.(提升身体体温:这能够提高肌肉弹性,并降低肌肉在负荷拉紧时受伤的风险)

3、Blood Vessels Dilate - This reduces the resistance to blood flow and lower stress on the heart.(血管扩张(膨胀):这能够降低血流阻力,并降低心脏压力)

4、Improve Efficient Cooling - By activating the heat-dissipation mechanisms in the body (efficient sweating) an athlete can cool efficiently and help prevent overheating early in the event or race.

5、Increased Blood Temperature - The temperature of blood increases as it travels through the muscles, and as blood temperature rises, the amount of oxygen it can hold becomes reduced. This means a slightly greater volume of oxygen is made available to the working muscles, enhancing endurance and performance.

6、Improved Range of Motion - The range of motion around a joint is increased.

7、Hormonal Changes - Your body increases its production of various hormones responsible for regulating energy production. During warm up this balance of hormones makes more carbohydrates and fatty acids available for energy production.

8、Mental Preparation - The warm up is also a good time to mentally prepare for an event by clearing the mind, increasing focus, reviewing skills and strategy. Positive imagery can also relax the athlete and build concentration.

Typical Warm up Exercises include:
Gradually increasing the intensity of your specific sport. This uses the specific skills of a sport and is sometimes called a related warm up. For runners, the idea is to jog a while and add a few sprints into the routine to engage all the muscle fibers.

Adding movements not related to your sport in a slow steady manner: calisthenics or flexibility exercises for example. Ball players often use unrelated exercise for their warm up.

Which to choose? The best time to stretch a muscle is after it has an increased blood flow and has increased temperature to avoid injury. Stretching a cold muscle can increase the risk of injury from pulls and tears. So you are better off doing gradual aerobic exercise before stretching. Keep in mind that the best time to stretch is after exercise because your muscles are warm and pliable with the increase of blood in them. Make sure your warm up begins gradually and uses the muscles that will be stressed during exercise.

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