

Did i catch investment company cheating or caught their bugs finally ?

Did i catch investment company cheating or caught their bugs finally ? 08/02/2023 10pm i tried to make on line copy which including from SINA 收盘:惠誉下调美国评级后美股收跌 纳指下跌...道指跌348.16点,跌幅为0.98%,报35282.52点;纳指跌310.47点,跌幅为2.17%,报13973.45点;标普500指数跌63.36点,跌幅为1.38%,报4513.37点。2.2%. then found our investment company NASDAQ14,346.02+29.36 Up +0.21%

the other two Dow35,282.52-348.16 Down -0.98%, S&P 500 4,513.39-63.34 Down -1.38%. so i pointed out to spouse then another weird thing happened that spouse in the beginning was same as mine but later he did some click then investment company corrected it but mine still no change (also did couple click actions). spouse got new window 11 mine still window 10. frequently 3 indexes were not precisely. this is why i always copy SINA daily 收盘 news. today i was lucky in time made copy. another need to be lucky to catch my copy data file would be 'auto' updated by usa company without permission or authorized. live in usa i became never trust anything and deeply suspect man made fraud or manipulated every where. i even suspect company website got different version caused by google search, window OS version and company itself updated but still keep differnt versions. when i called why login screen frequently changed the workers cant answear either. am i visited fraud bank/investment website so got different from spouse or window OS different version or different browser caused it? spouse always stays with MS email, Edge. i prefer ATT email and firefox. i hate MS any updates.

9/22/2023 I EXPECT China website can provide daily usa market mutual funds closing price history. frequently felt our investment company daily closing unit price were incorrect or manipulated.

Certainly those support Baiden news frequently sounds like all investors seemed make money this year but we are the only lost money increased my suspect our investment company deeper especially 3 indexes number frequently incorrect especially 标普500指数, most time 3 index up ours unit price down. few times 3 index down ours didnt.

the thing bothers me is daily closing unit price why our investment company some (not all of we bought) mutual funds didnt updated that our local time already after 8:00pm. the company added "Last updated at 08:00 PM ET" that is good feature can reduce suspicious/disputed but also easily find those didnt updated after daily closing, why?

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