


3/26/2024 found the company over charged that already disputed many times since last year. today i pointed out their problems:
the interbet provider (company)on line website shows:
Billing Current Statement $31.19 Total Amount Due by 4/11/2024 $31.19

Bill statements   ( -$5 paperless )            Autopay $32.99 which should be $31.19
March 16, 2024             $36.19     $41.52    should be $31.19
February 15, 2024     $54.19    $32.99     should be $31.19
January 05, 2024     $41.19     $32.99     should be $31.19
December 07, 2023       $37.99     $32.99     should be $31.19
....and so on
Finally the 2nd chat man told me Refund $41.52-$31.19= $10.33* (*should be $10.39 see below ps 4/4/2024 11:48pm) for March 16, 2024
but refused $32.99-$32.19=$1.8 x 6mm $10.8
the 3rd chat lady would refudnd $1.08x6 = $6.48 in stead $10.8
so our conversation:
me: isnt should be ($32.99-$31.19=$1.8)x6months=$10.8
SHE:$1.08x6 = 6.48
me: $32.99-$31.19=$1.8 not $1.08
SHE:It is 1 dollar and 8 cents. The calculator does not give you 0 as a place holder. This is calculated as dollars. $32.99-$31.19=$1.08. Which is 1 dollar and 8 cents. This is the available adjustment and this was applied to your account. Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
me:i dont understand how you get  $32.99-$31.19=$1.08? 0.99-0.19=0.8
SHE:We are calculating dollars so with cents there is a place holder before the 8 and after the decimal point that the calculator does not give when you enter it. It is $1.08x6 = 6.48
It is calculated by the system in dollars.它是由系统以美元计算的
This is the amount that we are able to credit you and this was submited.
You will see this reflected on your next billing statement.
me:did you use your company calculator or else? would you please notify your company?
i am not agree but redund to me.你用公司的计算器吗?请通知贵公司好吗?
--i chat with the 1st man as:(3/25/2024)
me:...your Bill Statements screwed up which your people told me to ignore and the autopay fee is $31.19
HE:I do not understand that last response..
me:obviously your autopay, bill statements and your people told us all are not consist. last night when i found my updated credit card was charged $41.19(corrected $41.52 same as below my wrong memory or the company changed by earlier lady?) in Apirl(corrected 3/14/2024 but pay in Apr to credit card company) i bin searched to verify whether Axxx(your company) is a scam and BBB showed many complaints. ...
He:How would you like to proceed after being informed that this was caused by a rate increase?
me:i wont accept because you can review my conversation with your people since i thru your people updated my another credit card then lots incorrect happened and never made it correct.
i did inform and called your company the lady did fix $41.19 earlier charged and promised wont happen again but $31.19. i dont think she know your auto-pay system also should correct it.
me:you need correct autopay wrong charge $41.xx and refund ($32.99-$31.19)$1.80xmonths
then suddenly internet broken
ps we did try switch back another company but found data leak problem (we were client but didnt receive notice mail) and very bad experience when neighbours snow shovel handyman hit our outdoor box...they didnt come to fix and replace broken box(handyman had insurance company willing to pay the cost. we had very badly internet problem for couple months. so no choice.

this is usa today almost every company has this and that weird problems. spouse transfered AIG to Athene still pending even bank Notary paper signed, agent submit to Athene, AIG declared didnt receive from Athene. Cant believe whats wrong with usa companies. 3/29/2024 Athene declared submitted on 3/14 to AIG. AIG not available as holiday(4/5/2024 note:Good Friday or else some companies closed; 4/3 agent called and would dispute interest rate with Athene and AIG processing spouse Notary that he would monitor AIG status well).

ps 4/4/2024 11:48pm i called my credit card company informed the wrong charges for Jan,Feb, Mar(last year was another bank travelling credit card,not sure whether can help i would try daytime)  and explained on-line chat with internet provider promised refund but i cant trust them any more. he transfered me to another dept. man who submit dispute form for each month. when i inquired what amount should pay for Mar bill statement. he told me the minimum $27 that wont charge late penalty and interest fee. 7-10days receive mail and 90days dispute period. in the end i decided to pay $41.52 in case been charged extra fee which not worth to fight with credit card company.
the weird is the man also saying $41.52-$31.19= $10.33 that should be $10.39 not $10.33
i suspect even it is not client fault but internet provider and bank(credit card) charged dispute processing fee? i knew on line calculator did miscalculated for a while happened in the past. so companies on purpose use the eveil calculator?
just window search calculator (which from https://www.calculator.com/) and indeed $41.52-$31.19= $10.33 unbelivable happened. do i believe internet provider, bank, and their employees didnt pay attention? NO, they knew and use it on purpose.

白卡受益人死后 房产或被政府收走 纽约政府系追缴大户 一年追回1亿   时间: 2024-03-18 12:06:213
--白色斜顶房子是萨尔瓦托 买的? if it is then 麻州政府追讨17.7万美元 or  收走她父亲的房产 is legal that even me years ago heard the 遗产追缴 news too. however 非营利组织 maynot warn her same as other social benefits, even spouse applied house didnt remind join owner %
too many rules no one knew well. it can set deault "100%" by Black Oblique font style.
根据ABC NEWS、美联社报道,女儿桑迪·洛格兰德在父亲去世一年后,麻州政府向她追讨17.7万美元的白卡(Medicaid)医疗补助费用,并威胁说,如果她不尽快替她父亲还清这笔钱,政府就会起诉,要求收走她父亲的房产。她认为这里头肯定搞错了。
--i still would say if only social benefits died any under the dead names should pay back to government otherwise property, local, state taxes jump.  it can set deault "agree"  by Black Oblique font style.
ps our old house suddenly property jump quite high. why we always be sacrified by rotten politicians this and that waived to allure votters, and rotten war-lovers caused diaster.
--still i saw 白卡受益人 hide house, money under other realatives even divorced husband. ames. certainly whoever take care parents wont get any return happen too but same as  parents take care their kids no need complaints.    .
持有房产通常不符合白卡医疗补助的资格。但对于那些年龄超过55岁、使用白卡支付长期护理费用(如养老院住宿或家庭医疗保健)的人,则需要遵守"遗产追缴计划"(estate recovery programs)。
--as far as i knew those senior nurse-aid 养老院住宿 we cant offer but 白卡受益人 can for free and should sign "遗产追缴计划" right in the beginnig. so did 白卡受益人 or representative signed ? if not should find out whose fault and the related should make up not pity tax payers who suffering enough.
--how about 民主党 tell us who pay the 白卡受益人 长期护理费用 who owns a house? our old lady neighbour bought 长期护理 insurance many years till cant pay in 2022 2 mobths, later sold her house paied 2 mobths insurance fee and used it (5? years term) the son lived with her cant but buy $50,000 mobil house. she worked for ATT many years(40?) has pension, SSA and investments as the white pity middle class.
--usually 非营利组织 got "donations" workers put at least 30% into their pockets. shouldnt government investigate or they pay back. as far as i knew those organizations, companies protect themselves very well. clients sign lots documents without knowing well.
--the question is the house ower name is only his name or has joint owner name? if only his name why didnt add your name when he can? that means he has no willing give house to you. ps our house previous owner died i still receive their investment letters, our old lady told me the couple wont give any to their kids and forbid grandson come to their house then became auction....after we moved in, old lady still saw the boy came in our yards suspect drug related.
--i wonder whether her lawyer is free charge-type ie until win can get paied such as 50% of 17.7万美元 or else. most pity middle class cant offer lawyer fee nor qualified to get free lawyer. so i always encourgae people dont rely on social benefits and fight against rotten war-lover politicians who messed up usa a lot and always sacrified pity middle class.
代顿每日新闻(Dayton Daily News)的一项调查发现,纽约州和俄亥俄州在这方面的追缴额位居全国之首,一年的追缴总额超过1亿美元。
被诈骗到倾家荡产还要补税,美国的国税局到底有多狠? 公众号地平线AC 2小时前
--when she realized her 养老金被诈骗光, did she take actions? such as visited police station  ? police maynot chase money back but would do investigate and issued result report.
we suffered 4 fraud handymen cheated $2000, we visited police with one of handyman wrote receipt $1600, the 2nd another $400 ran away without receipt. the fraud handyman also gave me business card. we visited police station and told how it happened.
couple days later we were told to get a copy of result that police verified what the fraud handyman did and worth $0.
i also wrote down in my blog, called the business card person. im 100% prety sure it is a fraud team.
--obviously her 养老金 should be pension, IRA type; IRS assumed she withdrawed that needs to pay tax. which company managed her 养老金 account? that company also can prove something.
we suffered 5 companies data breach, she also should find out whether caused by companies data breach. unfortunately those companies hardly can pay your loss especially if she didnt receive NOTIFY letter. we only received 2 cases mails. others thru on line searched.
if she has kids and relatives then it is very difficult For IRS but police can investigate whether inner thief.
when i found some one used my credit card to pay Amazon Prime membership fee $16.xx the 1st came to my mind whether the psycho did, and i called Amazon also very honest told him my suspect and requested the man provide their system mailed to the suspects information
thats how i got Stamm & C inicial names, he also refund.
we visted police station due to Amazon refund so wont take the case.
later found the thief paied 2nd month membership fee $16.xx again; Amazon insist i called bank so i requested bank do the investigation in the end told me nothing to do spouse side related . and got refund.
--still i believe in china needs to prove and police investigation report. you cant expect IRS-type can identify whether it is crime or you transfer money to your kids or else.
--common sense is : if it happens to you, what you would take actions?
be honest usa is full with frauds worse and worse especially Baiden period.
i dont know when file IRS tax whether there is form to reduce or waive tax caused by fraud. that is another bad things no one knew.
again if 在白宫工作四十年 didnt know then very likely cant waive the taxes. i assume she consult with lawyer or tax advisor.

--this is what ithought in certain year was allowed 诈骗豁免税.

免责声明 以上内容为用户在观察者网风闻社区上传并发布,仅代表发帖用户观点。发表于湖南省
--so far all i heard is about mortguge/lenders companies sued him over exagerated his property value. but to me when we applied equity loan or house loan the banker must evaluate house value. so i would say its not Trump be responsible.
i also knew during Bush wars till economic crashed so called, banks were eagerly to allure clients borrow money and some didnt do jobs correctly caused diaster.
the lenders only wish Trump be their clients and pay interest rate charge. not because rate too low or they can turn down. unless Trump didnt pay off and owe their money.
波音被自杀工程师曾向朋友留言:“如果我发生了什么,肯定不是自杀”。 公众号地平线AC

--haaa i felt same thing and i did write in my blog i wont suicide at all if something happen to me. i dont feel safe in usa too since got unknown psycho thief and abused my body for many years.

--it is very possible especially after he was dead, 波音复飞 then stopped again.
if 他出席第三次法庭质询, who lose very important thing such as cant allow to 复飞 or some in the compabny would lose their jobs ?

--i believe 迫害 happened to him. my curious is who are those 波音的高管们以“精神和品德”问题将巴尼特开除? are they still work for 波音? could be possible they have chance to kill 巴尼特 to secure their jobs?
--usa 警方 only wish every case close asap.
事实上也没有几个网民相信巴尼特是自杀的,他们都说巴尼特是Be Clintoned(被克林顿了)。
美国的右翼有个说法,类似这种明显有被大人物谋杀嫌疑但是又被火速判定为自杀的都被叫做“Be Clintoned(被克林顿了)”。例如2019年莫名死于监狱的爱泼斯坦。这里说的克林顿就是美国前总统比尔·克林顿和前国务卿希拉里·克林顿夫妇,这两位名声并不好。
--very 不好 thats why usa 网民都说是Be Clintoned(被克林顿了). thats why in 2016 i prefer Trump not her.

事实上,面对这样的案例美国人早就麻木了,所谓Be Clintoned绝不只是调侃。
前年底,马斯克在收购推特之后,也公开对外表示“自己被暗杀的风险很大,且自己没有人自杀倾向,也不会参加任何露天的汽车游行活动”。连马斯克也害怕自己“Be Clintoned”。
--indeed. however 以色列集团 target at Tictok with same reason.             

ps 多次爆料波音客机问题的前员工死于自杀?美国警方仍在进一步调查 2024年03月17日 10:15 新京报
  据央视新闻客户端消息,波音(182.53, 1.38, 0.76%)客机事故频发之际,近日,曾多次爆料波音客机制造问题的波音前资深员工约翰·巴尼特本月9日被发现身中枪伤,死在自己的车中,引发全球舆论高度关注。有媒体报道称,尸检结果显示巴尼特死于“自杀”;而他的律师和朋友表示,巴尼特不可能自杀。更多细节警方还在调查中。
--2016年向美国联邦航空管理局举报 when did 波音的高管们以“精神和品德”问题将巴尼特开除, in 2017 not(but forced) 因身体原因退休? in usa 62岁(2024?) can apply earlier SSA but no medicare. 2017-2023(or 2024) he could get a lump sum 波音 pension or else. it is not easy i wonder how he paied lawyer fee. Even if he were suicided that also 波音 killed him.
ps my 2nd brother sued airplane company, himself cant offer lawyer but be himself as lawyer for 3 years. he didnt take sister advice that it was not worth to fight with airplane company hired lawyers team. in the end he didnt win nor loss but wasted 3 years without job. DOnt blicndly believe those usa myths if you believe you are fool.

  编辑 辛婧  责任编辑:欧阳名军

东航坠机事故调查进展公布:起飞前未发现飞机系统等存在故障    时间: 2024-03-20 07:02:59
    来源: 侨报网综合    编辑: 李明
--i keep waiting for the further information since airplane black box sent to usa but didnt hear any until today saw China reported. when china declared 波音复飞 i believe i wrote in mylib blog to warn china. And then bad things happened to 波音 one by one. but gladly didnt happen to china airplane yet. Must be very carefully.

ps what i tried to say, in usa if every thing no change and it was ok then it would continue ok but one changed and got problem then it will continue goes wrong never can be solved.
i just found yesterday our internet service provider charged me $41.52 when i called to complain their on line bill statements charged fee incorrect for many months since i updated credit card last year and then every month disputed this and that problem. after i called i was told ignored the statements if only if auto-pay amount is correctly.
the company bill system really sucks.
the same thing happened to our bank travelling credit card kept charge late fee and interest charge never fix so i stop using it.
i would say the seniors retired the new hand cant maintain their system well. it happens everywhere every field.  

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