

Xfinity has server problem but we paied more for it

Xfinity has server problem won't admit but we paied more for their problem.

unknown psycho stole our credit card so got a replace new card, the banker told us no more grace period time that we have to update all auto-paied type because some companines wont allow bank update clients replacement credit card information.
when we received Xfinity about Feb 1 auto pay amount, my spouse updated Xfinity on line, but kept failed, his last try seemed succeed(accepted).
but Feb 4 we received "Your automatic payment of $46.00 was declined by your bank for the card ending in xxxx." xxxx still was old credit card number not the new one my spouse updated.
Feb 6 my spouse tried again still cant. he was afraid the service would be cut off as received Xfinity warning email. so he cant but called to pay one-time payment by replacement credit card.
the weird is we received as:
Feb 6 at 12:13 PM
one-time payment of $46.00 is scheduled to process on 02/06/2021.
Account Number:Ending in ****   Card Type: **** Card Number: Ending in **** which still is our old credit card.  same as Feb 4 which was  declined.
i immediately check bank which did pay, but was charged $46 in stead of $43 (because earlier the payment $43 we only need to pay $40.11 because paperless, discount or else)
we also worry Xfinity didnt update our credir card number.
so spouse called them and request refund. but the lady insist my spouse didnt put correct update information so i wanted to talk her super visor. He knew better their system problem so agreed we will pay $43 in the future but not this time.
i was upset because it is not our fault why should we suffered.
my spouse also told me Xfinity on line chat didnt work.
so i visited Xfinity to get contact email or complaint dept. phone number. then got many "500 Internal Server Error openresty/"
what does it mean? our bank should offer grace period as before because other companies cant immediately fix or update or else.
Xfinity should refund to their clients because it is their system problem not clients fault at all, not mention spent clients lots time.
in usa my temper became bad with less and less patience. i can think of why so many upset americans tried to kill innoncent to vent their anger.
my spouse would just pay whatever charged, so usa companies became more and more greedy and wont fix their problem, mistakes...
i did mention i thought my spouse was abused all time because he always run away problems, suffer unfaired charges.... not even disputed been charged twice medicare one motnh pre-paied fee when he applied Social security benefit at 70 (which he already paied at 65).
He told me live with it and dont think about it, it is the way usa is, nothing can be changed.
we decide switch to another company soon, because there is no other way, just same as one of our bank didnt give $200 bonus to my spouse we pull all money out and switch to another one (ps this time i almost cant get bonus but at least they fixed their mistakes.)

ps 3/8/21 i tried to close and pay the final bill on 3/6/21 but was told the price jump up $4x.xx if i close on 3/6/21 but if i pay on 3/8/21 would be $36.52(earlier we thought $39.xx). He also told me their system would update the price on 3/8 but it didn't and tried to talk to agent which i tried to call at least 4 times. finally put me on waiting list (call back 34 min. later). it declared can't pay thru agent but the on line  and phone final bill is incorrect amount. it is really pain in ass and can't but show my middle finger.

ps7/1/2021 Xfinity finally came and replaced outdoor new box which we reported on Feb/2021 that neighbour's snow shovel guy truck hit our 2 internet outdoor boxes and damaged aluminum siding. i called xfinity many times in the end i gave up. i told the man it happened when we still was xfinity client and your people told me would replace new without charge. And we might switch back to xfinity. did xfinity too busy or too many snow shovel guys hit victims houses?

ps 5/22/2021 i disputed with current internet service company, we supposed to pay $29.99/mon with autopay required. the 1st mon replaced box charged $10 so paied $39.99, then Apri-June we were charged $34.99. earlier i didn't dispute because they told me $29.99+taxes. in the end the lady declared would refund $15. later i found we just charged $34.99 for June so contacted again but another lady refused and declared 1st month didn't count as autopay (from bank it showed auto-paied). in the past those give clients autopay rewards always would refund the 1st month.

this is why  i insist xfinity guy replace new box. otherwise it might charge more than $10 in the future if back to xfinity. If we sell the house the buyer can have internet service options too. 

ps just got $5 refund for june. in usa victims like me suffered wrong charges must have patience and spent lot time to get money back. the following is how i got back thru chat with the company.

me:may i ask you the previous guy told me the autopay active on mar 22 and our bank proved it was autopay in mar but i only got $15 for april-june which was told by earlier days when i dispauted should pay $29.99 not $34.99. the (autopay) due date is each month 25th.

i talked about mar bill statement. when the lady issued $15 should be for mar-may. then i found june was charged $34.99 so informed the 2nd lady to refund another $5 then she declared $15 is april to june. refused to refund $5 for june wrong charge.

the company: So how much do you expect for refund?
me: $5 x4(mar-june)=$20

the company:Okay I will take care of that . Just to make you feel(not fell) better today . I will help you. ....Please wait ... 

me:thanks and appreciated. take time.

the company: still working on it.
me:no problem. i have patience.
the company: Hello IM back . Done
me:great. have nice weekend and bye now.

ps i spent lot time with previous guy because can't see or download the past statments.

me:i try to download mar bill statement but it's not work.
the company: How can I help you today?

me:can i download mar bill statement?
the company:yes you may if you are enrolled into paperless and if the bill is already available for download.

me:we are autopay since mar. and we never receive mails so should be paperless. but i can't see mar bill statement

the company: kindly click on billing and look for pdf for the bill to be downloaded. make sure you have a pdf application.
me:when i click 03/07/2021 i didn't see same as i click 04/07/2021  
the company: What do you mean?
me: i saw screen changed then jump back that screen only show "the current june bill information and marked autopay"

the company:That's correct. You are enrolled into autopay.  
me:so i can't see mar statement?

the company: Can you try it from your mobile phone. I can request to sent it to your email.

the company:I was able to open the March bill. It was for March 7,2021 for $44.99 .

me:in statement(on line my account screen) it declared if "do not have Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer, please click here to install the latest version..." in fact it didn't allow "click here to install"   ps since MS didn't embeded adobe acrobat we suffered lots .pdf files problems and some my HD many years *.pdf files suddenly can't open any more.

the company: Can you try it from your mobile phone. I can request to sent it to your email.
me: i use notebook because cell phone is too small and very hard for me to type. can you email my mar bill statement?

the company:I can request but we need to deactivate the paperless and I will send link to your email to activate it again.
me:in this case will i be charged more? will i lose paperless rewards? ps i am freaky afraid the company employees didn't know their bills dept. rules well. earlier when my spouse credit card was stolen by the psycho thief i changed my account autopay credit card information. and when disputed the wrong charges the company insist mar, april is not autopay. it is their on line app problem,  disputed with differnt people in the end the lady issued $15 because she admitted to update another credit card information shouldn't wipe off previous months autopay information.

the company: We will activate it again. I will send you a link.
me:can you see my mar statement is autopay or not ?
the company: You autopay was activated Mat 22 , 2021.

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