

2009冠词高考题 - 风之恋的日志 - 网易博客


高考试题 2009-08-10 14:28:28 阅读247 评论0 字号:


1.(09全国1)Let’s go to ____cinema ----that’ll take your mind off the problem for ____while.

A.the; the         B.the ; a        C.a; the           D.a; a

2(09全国2)What I need is ______book that contain _____ABC of oil painting.

A.a; /            B.the; /           C. the ; an        D. a; the

3(北京)The biggest whale is_____blue whale ,which grows to be about 29 meters long ----

the height of ______9-story building.

A.the; the       B.a; a          C.a; the        D.the; a

4(09陕西)What ______pity that you couldn’t be there to receive_______prize!

A.a; a         B.the ; a          C.a; the        D.the ; the

5(09重庆)Washing machines made by China have won _____worldwide attention and

Haier has become _____ popular name.

A.a; the     B./ ; a               C. / ; the        D.the; a

6(09安徽)We can never expect_____bluer sky unless we create _____-less polluted world.

A. a; a       B.a ; the      C.the; a        D.the; the

7(09辽宁)This area experienced ______heaviest fainfall in _____month of May.

A./; a         B.a; the      C.the ; the       D.the ; a

8(09浙江)I don’t understand what the engineer means, but I’ve got _____rough idea

of _____project plan.

A.the; a     B./ ; the       C.the; /         D.a ; the

9(09四川)In order to find _____better job ,he decided to study ____second foreign language.

A.the; a    B.a; a         C.the; the            D.a ; the

10(09江CB西)Some people fear that _____air pollution may bring about changes in ____

weather aroud the world.

A./; the     B.the ; /      C.an ; the       D.the; a


1-5BDD CB   6-10ACDBA

※※※   ※※※   ※※※   ※※※   ※※※   ※※※   ※※※

1.Alexander Graham Bell invented_____ telephone in 1876. (91)

A. /       B.a        C.the       D.one

2.After watching ____TV,she played ____violin for an hour.(91)

A./; /      B.the ; the       C.the ; /             D./; the

3.---Where's Jack?    ----I think he's still in ____bed, but he might just be in _____bathroom.(92)

A./; /      B.the ; the       C.the ; /             D./; the

4.Many people are still in ___ habit of writing silly things in _____ public places.(93)

A.the; the     B. / ; /       C.the ; /           D. / ; the

5.She is _____ newcomer to _____ chemistry but she has already made some important discoveries.(94)

A.the; the         B.the ; /     C.a ; /           D.a ; the

6.Wouldn't it be ____ wonderful world if all nations lived in ___peace with one another?(94)

A.a ; /         B.the ; /          C.a ; the         D.the ; the

7.Many people agree that ____ knowledge of English is a must in _____ international trade today.(96)

A. a ; /     B.the ; an         C.the ; the         D./ ; the

8. Paper money was in ____ use in China  when Marco Polo visited the country in ____ thirteenth century. (99)         A.the; /        B.the ; the      C./ ; the        D./ ; /

9.It is not rare in ____ that people in ____ fifties are going to university for further education.(99上海)

A. 90s ; their       B.the 90s ; /          C.90s ; /           D.the 90s ; their

10---Have you seen ___ pen ?  I left it here this morning .  

    ---- Is it ____ black one ? I think I saw it somewhere.(97)

A. a ; the       B.the ; the        C.the ; a         D. a ; a

11.Most animals have little connection with ____ animals of ____ differend kind unless they kill them for food.(00)    A. the; a        B. / ; a           C.the ; the       D./ ; the

12.The warmth of ___ sweater will of course be determined by the sort of ____ wool used.(01)

A. the ; the        B.the ; /         C./ ; the         D./ ; /

13.Jumping out of _____ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite ___ exciting experience.(02)

A. / ; the            B. / ; an           C.an ; an          D. the ; the

14.The sign reads "In case of _____ fire , break the glass and push ____ red button."(03)

A. / ; a          B./ ; the     C.the ; the       D.a ; a

15. When you come here for your holiday next time , don't go to ____ hotel ; I can find you ____ bed in my flat.(04)

A.the ; a         B.the ; /           C.a ; the           D.a ; /

16.If you go by ___ train , you can have quite a comfortable journey , but make sure you get ___ fast one .(05)    Athe ; the          B. /; a           C.the ; a            D./ ;   /

17.I know you don't like ___ music very much . But what do you think of ____ music in the film we saw yesterday ? (06)     A. /   ;  /     B.the ; the       C.the ; /          D. / ; the

18. ---- Hello , could I speak to Mr. Smith ?   --- Sorry , wrong number. There isn't ____ Mr. Smith here .(06)

A./           B.a             C.the             D.one

19.--- Could you tell me the way to ____ Johnsons, please ?  

    ---- Sorry , we don't have _____ Johnson here in the village. (07)

A.the ; the       B. the ; a      C. / ; the         D.the ; /

20.It's not _____ good idea to drive for four hours without ____ break .(08)

A. a ; a          B.the ; a        C.the ; the       D. a ; the

※※※           ※※※             ※※※※          ※※※           ※※※※           ※※※

1-5CDDCC   6-10AACDD   11-15BBCBA   16-20BDBBA


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