

1 The flowers must _________ (water) every day.
2 Take off your shoes before_______ (enter) the room.
3 Katina asked me to leave the door______ (open).
4 As a Chinese,I'm________ (pride) of my motherland.
5 My little brother with my parents________ (be) used to living in the countryside already.
6 The old man planned to give away all he had_________ (help) the people in need.
7 It's nine o'clock.My sister_________ (work) on the computer.
8 Many of Jay Chou's songs were written by_________ (he)
9 Don't speak to the disabled people________ (polite) or laugh at them.
10 His car_________ (break) down half way once more,so it needed repairing indeed.
11 My father is so_________ (energy) that he never appears tired.
12 The house is kind of small for us now,I want________ (sale) it.
13 Nobody likes a person who is________ (honest).
14 Please show me the photos_______ (take) in Tibet.
15 The US is one of the________ (develop) countries in the world.
16 We can use MSN_________ (talk) with each other on the Internet.
17 Never give up_______ (learn) English and one day you will achieve it.
18 Don't forget to read the_________ (instruct) before taking the medicine.
19 _________ (thousand) of volunteers tried to help the people who lost their homes in Wenchuan earthquake.
20 Who is the________ (shy) of the twin sisters?
21 It's raining hard.Let's drive_________ (care).
22 Are you allowed to study at a_________ (friend) house?
23 Take more exercise,and you'll be stronger and________ (health).
24 You can learn English better by________ (study) with friends.
25 Did you enjoy_________ (you) in the party,kids?
26 The students__________ (discuss) a problem,when the teacher came in.
27 Judy studies so hard and is one of_________ (good) students in her class.
28 He doesn't know what_______ (wear) to the party.
29 Chinese_________ (teach) in many schools abroad.
30 Both of the girls________ (succeed) in passing the exam last term,
31 There_________ (be) robots in our house in 100 years.
32 I hope these books are________ (help) to you.
33 Tom seems_________ (worry) and he is really quiet this morning.
34 Young people need________ (spend) some time on sports.
35 He often listens to the tapes to improve his________ (pronounce).
36 More vegetables and less meat can keep you________ (health).
37 Everyone needs to have at least eight________ (hour) sleep a night.
38 Plastic bags shouldn't_________ (use) any more in supermarkets.
39 I________ (read) the storybook twice,it's really interesting.
40 Can you speak a little _________ (slow)? I can't follow you.
41 It isn't hard_________ (say) things but it's hard to do them.
42 The question is too________ (hard) for the middle school students.
43 They are_____ (leave) only at 7 o'clock.
44 He is proud of_________ (know) him.
45 He was reading his book when I_______ (go) to visit them.
46 There is only one sure way to________ (success).
47 This medicine is to be________ (take) four times a day.
48 The little girl doesn't know the_____ (valuable) of fresh air and sunlight.
49 We'll be away for two weeks because we'll have a_________ (two weeks) holiday.
50 The more you practice,the________ (easy) it becomes.
51 I couldn't understand why he was so________ (interest) in the invitation.
52 I wonder why the________ (leaf) on the tree have become yellow recently.
53 Thanks for your_________ (value) suggestions.
54 Nancy is too young to look after_________ (she) .
55 After the terrible earthquake,hundreds of people were________ (home).
56 Chocolate is usually the_________ (child) favorite food.
57 Thank you very much for your_________ (invite).But I'm so sorry that I can't come to your party tomorrow.
58 When I got there yesterday,they_________ (go) to park.
59 At weekends,Nancy enjoys_________ (read) comic books at home.
60 The mother looked________ (angry) at her naughty daughter.
61 Tree-planting Day is on the________ (twelve) of March every year.
62 People in the west often think that the number thirteen is_________ (luck).
63 She likes_________ (comedy) very much.
64 Lily usually________ (study) at home on weekends.
65 Nobody can help us.We must help________ (we).
66 Tim is good at physics,but his math is________ (bad) of all.
67 ________ (read) novels is one of my sister's hobby.
68 Nothing can live on the earth________ (with) air or water.
69 Mr Li asked his students not_________ (play) computer games too late.
70 Anne fell down but she stood up very_________ (quick).
71 The time is too short.It's________ (possible) for David to catch the train.
72 My daughter practices_________ (play) the piano at the weekend.
73 There_________ (be) lots of milk in these bowls.You'd better drink more.
74 Hurry up! Your parents_________ (wait) for you at the school gate.
75 Computers and printers are now________ (wide) used in many companies,
76 Sally dances much_________ (good) than Helen does.
77 When sleeping,Steven always keeps the window________ (close) .
78 It's time for us_________ (have) supper.
79 This school is far from________ (we).
80 Who taught him English? Nobody.He learnt it all by________ (he) .
81 Don't argue with me.My________ (decide) is final.
82 Today is John's birthday,he is the________ (glad) at the party.
83 Chinese is also one of the most important________ (language) in the world.
84 There isn't any cloud in the sky.What a_________(sun) day!
85 Our teachers often encourage us________ (study) hard.

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